1. Three of your friends, Anna, Blake, and Christine, run to you to settle a dispute. They were simplifying a radical expression into an exponential expression, but they reached different answers. Wisely, you decide to look at their work to see if you can spot the source of confusion.
Blake (26 - 3)x
Explain to Anna, Blake, and Christine who is correct, and identify any errors that you find. Provide the correct manner to fix those problems, and identify the correct answer. Use complete sentences. Anna’s work is correct. Blake made the mistake of subtracting 3, instead of multiplying 6 and X. Christine multiplied with 3; where as you are supposed to multiply with 1/3.
2. Create an exponential growth function, f(x), to model a population of frogs that is growing every year. Identify the principal amount, the growth rate, and the appropriate domain and range for your function. Explain how these key features would affect the graph of f(x).
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If B is greater than one, it would be exponential. If one is larger than B, it would bw exponential decay.
X being the amount of years, which could be anything.
Domain x > - 0 or [0, infinity].
Range: [>0]
3. Using your function f(x) from question 2, demonstrate and explain how to find the average rate of change between year 3 and 5, and between year 5 and 7. Explain what the average rate of change represents to the frog population.
Year Population
3 159.181
4 162.365
5 165.612
To get the average rate of change, we get the three years’ worth of population, and subtract them
MATH 533 WEEK 2 COURSE PROJECT: AJ DAVIS DEPARTMENT STORES (PART A) To purchase this, Click here http://www.activitymode.com/product/math-533-week-2-course-project-aj-davis-department-stores-part-a/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MATH 533 WEEK 2 COURSE PROJECT: AJ DAVIS DEPARTMENT STORES (PART A) MATH 533 Week 2 Course Project: AJ Davis Department Stores (Part A)
Overflow occurs when the two numbers of similar signs are added together and a result with an opposite sign is produced.
2. Predict: How do you think the amount of land available will affect the rabbit population?
Daniel added the exponents in the denominator instead of multiplying them like he was supposed to. Daniel misused the Power of Powers rule because the rules state you multiply the two exponents and he added them. If he multiplied the two exponents he would've gotten the correct answer which is 6 as the exponent. He then should've subtracted 6 from 8 and he would've gotten the correct answer which is
The cohort component approach has three main components: births, deaths, and migration. The cohort component model uses these three components to move age/sex cohorts forward through time, creating a new age/sex distribution at each five-year time point. The success of the model depends on identifying appropriate fertility, mortality, and migration rates to apply to different age
Welcome to the T1-84 calculator tutorial on how to store and evaluate functions. My name is Leah and I will show you the steps and process of solving any function. Once you memorize this video, you will be solving functions from left to right. You can pause this video at any time if you feel confused or you need time to feel comfortable with solving the function. So let’s get
Use the distributive property to remove the parentheses in the following expression. Then simplify your result if possible.
She will need to know that polynomial functions when graphed can vary; they can open up or down. They can also grow or shrink.
This post will be broken down into two parts due to the subcatigories of bees (Honeybees and bumblebees). This post is only about HONEYBEES. This list will include honeybees from Europe and other continents, so don’t expect to see all of these bees unless you travel a lot!
* Given linear and exponential data, interpret the rate of change within the given context.
9. Apply: Think about a small helium tank that can fill 50 balloons. What must be true about the helium in the tank compared to the helium in the balloons?
As you are learning about different adaptations and interactions among living things. You and your partner will choose one animal from the options below and investigate the animal’s habitat and explain how the animal’s physical and behavioral adaptations help it survive in its particular environment. You will also describe how the animal interacts with other organisms and discuss how an increase or decrease in your animal’s population can potentially affect other animals in a similar environment.
Population growth rates are important as they structure the population (and thus the community and ecosystem!). Different species will have different population growth factors, and respond differently to external conditions. (a) What are the two types of population growth? Give two examples of each. (b) Species exhibit two predominant reproduction and growth strategies- what are they? What are the differences between each? Give two examples of each. (c) Species also exhibit 3 types of survivorship curves. What are they, and how do they differ? Give two examples of each.
Even if you do the Math equation the same, the symbols can cause the answer to shift, and make it so the two aren’t the same.
Something to keep in mind is that linear functions and exponential functions are different. The first