When Pi is in life/death situations he takes extreme measures to survive. After weeks at sea Pi is forced to hunt because he is starving for food and he wants to survive. “By the end of my journey I was eating everything a turtle had to offer.” (Martel, 213). Pi had to go against his believes because he was a vegetarian and now he had to eat animals. He also ate everything he could find because his stock of food was empty.Pi changed from vegetarian to eating animals and he had to kill to survive. When Pi is in a situation where he isn’t hungry or thirsty he has to force himself to drink to stay alive. It rained all night and Pi was awake and cold and he wasn’t really hungry. “I wasn’t really thirsty, but I forced myself to drink.” (Martel,
Juan Williams was once a newsman for FOX News’s The O’Reilly Factor until he was fired for speaking his personal opinion about how he feels nervous about seeing Muslims on the same plane as him. In his book Defying The PC Police he introduced his topic with the bartender’s etiquette. The bartender’s etiquette is a rule for bartenders that essentially means that bartenders should not speak their personal opinions about religious or political beliefs to a customer out of fear of losing a tip, losing the customer or starting a fight in the bar. Bartenders are being told to speak a specific way and only say certain things.
Pi is alone with Richard Parker on the lifeboat and they both starve and suffer with dehydration. Pi starts catching fishes for both of them. He always gives the biggest share to Richard Parker as he is the strongest. One day, he decides to eat the largest part. He wants to calm his desire for hunger. He does not want to share anything with Richard Parker. Pi starts eating like an animal. Pi tells, “It came as an unmistakable indication to me of how I had sunk the day I noticed, with a pinching of the heart, that I ate like an animal” (Martel 183). The innocent boy is now as dangerous as an animal that can do anything for the food. His yearning for food makes him selfish. It is in pi’s hand not to sacrifices his integrity, but he chooses to sacrifice because he knows that at this critical situation it is right to do. Even though Pi loses his integrity, he gains the power of being the strongest one on the
While on the road to nowhere, Pi starts to acquire water from the rain and obtains food to stock up while he’s worrying about the 400 pound tiger that’s on the lifeboat while Pi is on a small raft. When Pi starts to tame Richard Parker he can finally call him a friend and now has a purpose. As a Hindu, Pi does not eat meat but that went out of the window when he catches a fish and eats it raw to stay alive. When it comes down to survival there is no preference in what to eat.
Religion helped Pi find inner peace and calmness, it also helped Pi recover from various experiences. At a young age, Pi was introduced to three of the world’s major religions. Pi gave equal importance to all three religions and practiced all of them with complete devotion. Pi’s gateway to religion was opened by his aunt, when he was taken to the nearby temple for the first time: the smell of flowers and chants of the priest, it was all meant to be. Pi was very religious and had so much faith in God that Pi refused to die.
¬¬When Piscine reaches a point where he must face death, he had to do what was necessary in order to live. Pi was a vegetarian; he has been one since the day he was born. He had to give that up when his life was on the line to be able to survive. Piscine on the Pacific Ocean, had to hunt and kill fishes to satisfy his hunger. “Lord, to think that I’m a strict vegetarian. (…) I descended to a level of savagery I never imagined possible” (Martel 112) Pi exclaimed. Even though Piscine was quite religious, he had to be smart when making vital
On his journey to North America, Pi experienced many unfortunate events that no one, especially a sixteen year old should ever have to face. The environment that surrounded Pi was unfamiliar and came with many obstacles. Accompanied by a sailor, taiwanese cook, and his mother, Pi had to face the gruesome truth; his acquaintances were all willing to go to any extent in order to survive. Since food is a necessity of life, these innocent humans were all forced to kill and eat their own kind to stop their hunger. To make this story tolerable, Pi retells it with animals instead of people by replacing: the cook for a hyena, the taiwanese man for a zebra, his mother for Orange Juice and himself for Richard Parker. By altering reality, Pi was able
Pi kills a fish for the first time and that experience has changed him. At first, Pi was upset about his actions but sees that one must do what they must to survive. Pi desperately will do whatever is needed in order to survive even if that means doing things he never imagined himself doing.
“The Real Story in Life of Pi The difference between fiction and reality is not always evident to those who are unable or unwilling to recognize the difference.”
He is most likely frighted by this idea because he lived with animals and woke up with them every single day throughout his childhood. However when he is put in a situation where he needs to fight for survival, he needs to change his eating habits. Pi tried for a very long time to stay away from consuming animals, but at one point he realized in order to stay alive, he needed to eat his first ever animal. When reminiscing about the event he said, “You may be astonished that in such a short period of time I could go from weeping over the muffled killing of a flying fish to gleefully bludgeoning to death a dorado. I could explain it by arguing that profiting from a pitiful flying fish's navigational mistake made me shy and sorrowful, while the excitement of actively capturing a great dorado made me sanguinary and self-assured. But in point of fact the explanation lies elsewhere. It is simple and brutal: a person can get used to anything, even to killing” (185). This line is so powerful because he truly does feel bad for the animal. Even through all of the tough times that he is enduring on the boat, he still feels really bad about
“It is true that those we meet can change us, sometimes so profoundly that we are not the same afterwards, even unto our names.” This mighty quote, plummets out of the novel Life of Pi. Its idea of the story that Yann Martel tells in this novel is of a journey that makes the story sound realistic. It’s undoubtful that only a master storyteller, like Yann Martel himself, could write such dominant and lifting quotes. Martel gives us the novel Life of Pi, which is a coming of age story about a young boy who reaches maturity through tragic, but uplifting loss and miraculous survival. The story, Life of Pi, is reflected apron on a wild journey that comes with many adventures, tragics, some laughs, and also survival.
Throughout his young life, Pi has been guided by a strong set of morals and values. A strict pacifist and vegetarian, Pi never dreamed of killing an animal, especially for food. Pi states, “…When I was a child I always shuddered when I snapped open a banana because it sounded to me like the breaking of an animal’s neck” (Martel 197). However, faced with starvation at sea, Pi must decide between adhering to his morals and satisfying his ravenous hunger when a school of flying fish descends upon the lifeboat. He chooses his own survival and decides he must butcher a fish to feed himself. Martel uses vivid details and language to convey Pi’s feelings about the necessity of violence and killing a living creature for survival. Martel conveys a sense of suspense to the reader as Pi raises his hatchet several times to
Another important part highlighting the motivation of Pi’s fear is when he is truly aware of his fear and what is going on. Martel shows that Pi has come to terms with this fear by saying “I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. It is a clever, treacherous adversary, how well I know. It has no decency, respects no law or convention, shows no mercy. It goes for your weakest spot, which it finds with unerring ease. It begins in your mind, always” (2.56.178) This passage shows Pi’s awareness of his fear and suffering, as well as, that he knows he must go through much more in order to survive.
Pi quits his vegetarian diet and also chooses to live on a raft next to a bengal tiger on a lifeboat, which are both unusual and unconventional choices for him. He satisfies his hunger by quitting being a vegetarian and eating fish. Pi knows that “A lifetime of peaceful vegetarianism [stands] between [him] and the willful beheading of a fish” (Martel 98). In other words, his body needs the fish because the beheading “had to be done” (Martel 98) in order to survive.
“You might think I lost hope at that point. I did. And as a result I perked up and felt much better.” At several points in my life, I have reached a point at which I lost all hope. I lost my energy and determination, but from that negative energy came a light to guide me in the right direction. When we realize we are in a dark place, it motivates us to try to escape it. This dark place can lead to the best creation and some of the greatest levels of accomplishment in life. When I lost the first art contest I entered, I thought I was a failure, unable to create anything worth looking at. However, some of my best work came after that instance. In friendship the same applies. My best friend had been using me all my life,
Pi contacted with animals when he was very young. Therefore, when he was in trouble and afraid to solve the problem, his savagery will help him. “We fight to the very end. It’s not a question of courage. Its something constitutional, and inability to let go. It maybe nothing more than life-hungry stupidity. Richard Parker started growing that very instant as if he had been waiting for me to become a worthy opponent. My chest became tight with fear”( Martel p.187). Pi finally chose to face the tiger, and save himself. He did not choose to stay until the tiger eats him. Even if he knows that it’s difficult to survive, he did not give up. Pi stayed with animals when he was a child. His curiosity made him have a great interest in animals. He might learn something from the wild animals. Moreover, if animals did something very cruel and their behavior will probably leave a deep impression about those things in Pi’s mind. Therefore, Pi’s savagery leads him to have the determination to against the tiger, Richard