
Quotes From 'The Seafarer'

Decent Essays

The Seafarer, by an unknown author, relates to certain passages from the Bible. Throughout the poem are several phrases where references to Christianity can be found. This includes religious teachings and moral advice that are similar to the words of Jesus. It would make sense to say that The Seafarer may have been inspired by the Christian religion. A passage from The Seafarer gives a religious teaching about how someone can not help another reach heaven. Even putting gold on one’s grave will not help because nothing materialistic matters to God. “A brother...pours down gold on his kinsman’s grave, strewing his coffin with treasures intended for heaven...nothing golden shakes the wrath of God...” (96-100). This passage relates to Psalm 49:7 where it says, “No one can …show more content…

The passage from the poem and the quote from the Bible have the same teaching; one can only get themselves to heaven, and nothing one has on earth matters in heaven. Later on in the poem the author makes another reference to Christianity where he says “death leaps at fools who forget their God. He who lives humbly has angels from Heaven to carry him courage and strength and belief...” (106-108). This is saying someone who is selfish and does not give any gratitude will not be blessed like someone who is always thankful to God. This is a reference to God’s “laws” which is taught in Psalm 19:9, “The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the LORD are firm, and all of them are righteous.” The Seafarer has another religious teaching when it says "And a song to celebrate a place with the angels, life eternally blessed in the hosts of heaven" (78-80). This phrase is saying that there is an eternal life with God in heaven after one dies. This could be referenced to

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