Macbeth The decisions you make in life can lead you down a good or bad path, your life is in your own hands. Lady Macbeth creates a crazy personality in the first scene. She and Macbeth do all they can for the fame of being queen and king. Lady Macbeth is a huge insticator of Macbeth’s actions. “Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here”(Macbeth 1.5.38-39). The quote above shows the Lady Macbeth isn’t happy with her life, She wants to become a man. As reading the first scene, Lady Macbeth shows her true colors. “Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between th’ effect and it! Come to my woman’s breast and take my milk for gall”(Macbeth 1.5.44-46). Lady Macbeth wants a change in Scotland, even if it means no peace. Scotland is about to have a huge change, that …show more content…
Lady Macbeth tries to convince Macbeth to kill king Duncan, so she can live her dream life. “And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man”(Macbeth 1.7.50-51). This quote explains how Lady Macbeth is trying to persuade her husband in doing the death of king Duncan. One characteristic that sticks out about lady Macbeth, Is that she is a smooth talker to whom she knows she can convince in doing what she won’t do. She tells Macbeth what he wants to hear for her own fame. “And we’ll not fail. When Duncan is asleep”(Macbeth 1.7.61). While Macbeth is shocked and frightened about Lady Macbeth’s thoughts. She explains to him that king Duncan’s death will not be known of them, As why they do it while he is sleeping. Lady Macbeth tells him the future they will have if he does her plan. Now Scotland gets turned upside down. Macbeth kills king Duncan against his will. Lady Macbeth talked Macbeth into killing king Duncan so she would not have to live with the quilt of doing the murder. Lady Macbeth’s plan starts to unravel, As they hear a voice from another room. Macbeth is so out of sorts, that he has left the bloody dagger he use to kill king Duncan at the scene of
In the play Macbeth Macbeth is fueled by power and every decision he makes is to gain more power. When the witches prophesize that he will become king power is all he can think about. He begins to lose his sanity in order to gain power and control over everything. When Lady Macbeth hears of Macbeth’s meeting with the witches she begins plotting the death of Duncan in order to get her and Macbeth power. It’s easy to see power has made her think this way when she says, “ hie thee hither, that I may pour my spirits in thine ear and chastise with the valor of my tongue all that impedes thee from the golden round” (1.5.15-8). This quote shows that Lady Macbeth thinks Macbeth wants to be king, but isn’t willing to do what is necessary to get. Her
Although Macbeth commits the murder, Lady Macbeth shows that she has just as many dark and corrupt thoughts as him. The one who comes up with the murder plan is Lady Macbeth, directly after she learns about the prophecy. After Macbeth informs her of the king’s overnight stay, Lady Macbeth’s first words are “O, never/ Shall sun that morrow see!” (1. 5. 67-68) as her plan to kill the king is already being put into motion. If Lady Macbeth had not made the plans Macbeth may not have gone through with the murder. Lady macbeth becomes a driving, manipulative force to Macbeth. She justifies why killing Duncan is good and shames him into committing horrible deeds. When Macbeth tries to refuse she says “When you durst do it, then you were a man;/ And, to be more than what you were, you would/ Be so much more the man.” (1. 7. 54-56), challenging his masculinity. In the end, Lady Macbeth isn't the only one who’s mind becomes corrupted, she drags Macbeth down with her. Finally, Lady Macbeth pretends that the guilt doesn’t really bother her, she simply tells her husband that he is weak. She tries hide her corruption through lies and by putting Macbeth down, but in the end she falters, realises her guilt and drives herself insane.
She eventually succeeds in convincing her husband to assassinate King Duncan. The reason being why Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to kill King Duncan is because her ambition is to become a queen and her husband a king. She gained her ambition when she receives a letter from Macbeth about the Witches prophecy, the letter quoted, “who all-hailed me ‘Thane of Cawdor’…and referred me to the coming on of time with ‘Hail, king that shalt be!” , this denotes the impact of the letter which transformed Lady Macbeth to a negative figure. Coming to the near end of the tragedy play Lady Macbeth dies, she dies off stage this indicates how insignificant she has become to Macbeth.
Lady Macbeth gives Macbeth the first push to kill Duncan, and she wants to be ruthless, feel no remorse so that she and her husband will successfully kill Duncan. She desires to “stop up th’ access and passage to remorse” (Shakespeare 1.5.51) so that she will not feel bad about the murder. She persuades Macbeth to kill Duncan, but he struggles afterward when he does not follow the plan and forgets to put back the daggers he cannot face the evil act he has committed. Lady Macbeth is satisfied after Macbeth is king, but that is not enough for him any longer. Eventually the killings take a toll on Macbeth’s mental state, and the guilt he begins to feel is unbearable. Macbeth kills Duncan and then says “this is a sorry sight”
In scene 4 of act 2 Macduff reveals to the Thane of Ross that king Duncan’s death, during the middle of a crazy storm. Before knowing about the king’s death an old man says that “[h]ours dreadful and thing strange” (2.4.3-4). This quote allows the audience to understand that the world is acting crazy, where it is dark during the day and that animals’ behaviors are changing. This is why I have a picture of a storm in my slide. In addition,
Macbeth is confused as he is arguing with himself on what he should do. He states reasons not to kill Duncan, because Macbeth is his noble kinsmen and the act would bring dishonor. However, he also states reason why he should kill him, because Macbeth will then become king and fulfill the witches ' fortune. Lady Macbeth, who appears in the beginning as the driving force for the murder of King Duncan, also develops internal conflict. At first, Lady Macbeth seems to be a woman of extreme confidence and will. But, as situations become more and more unstable in the play, guilt develops inside her. For instance, she exclaims; "Wash your hands. Put on your nightgown. / Look not so pale. I tell you again, Banquo 's / Burried; he cannot come out on 's grave" (Shakespeare V, ii, 65-67). Lady Macbeth sleepwalks and frets about her evil wrongdoings because she is extremely guilty of her influence on Macbeth to commit the murder. Lady Macbeth reacts emotionally and dwells on her actions as guilt eats at her soul.
Soon after, a letter is sent by Macbeth to Lady Macbeth it begins to show Macbeth the reader learns Macbeth may not be as heroic as he is on the battlefield. The letter that Macbeth writes to Lady Macbeth explained what the witches prophesied to Macbeth. Lady Macbeth comments by saying “ Yet I do I fear thy nature: it is to full of th' milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way”(1.5.16-18). Lady Macbeth views Macbeth as a coward and therefore would not kill the king for the throne. In fact, Lady Macbeth is the person who pushes Macbeth to commit the murder of King Duncan in order for her to for her to become queen. Lady Macbeth is the one who plans King Duncan's murder. “When Lady Macbeth enters, though, she uses her cunning rhetoric and persuasive techniques to convince Macbeth of the murders.” (Macbeth-Attitude Changes). Lady Macbeth is strong and likes to get her way. Macbeth continues to demonstrate his lack of heroism because he is Lady Macbeth's follower and does whatever she makes him do. Lady Macbeth treats Macbeth as though he was a ring on her finger. Lady Macbeth at first is shown as ruthless and has complete control over Macbeth and makes him do what ever she wants “Had he not resembled my father as he slept I don it”(2.2.13). This states though she is ruthless she has a
Macbeth shows his desire for power, he was friendly to Banquo before he became the king, but after he became the king, he let three murderers to kill Banquo and his son. “So is he mine, and is such bloody distance That every minute of his being thrusts against my near ‘st of life”(3.1 line 116-118). Macbeth sent three murderers to kill Banquo and his son since they ran away. All he thinks about is to kill more people in order to gain more power. Macbeth didn’t just kill Banquo only, he also killed Macduff’s whole family. “Murderer. What your egg! Stabbing him. Young fry of treachery! Son. He has killed me, mother: Run away, I pray you”(4.3 line 84-87). He killed Macduff’s whole family, he just wanted to make sure he doesn’t lose his power, so he just killed anyone who against him, he’s obsessed with his power, he never cares about breaking other people’s family.
In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Lady Macbeth’s Soliloquy is a vital point in the tragedy as it gives the audience a description of one of the crucial characters. Lady Macbeth is serves as an important part of the plot, especially since she is the individual that makes sure that Macbeth goes through with the prophecy, created by the three witches, that he would be crowned King of Scotland, but at the cost of the current king’s life. Shakespeare uses this inner monologue to portray the dangers of excessive ambition, even depicting it as an illness. To accurately create her personality and capture her struggle as a woman in eleventh century Scotland, Shakespeare uses metaphor and symbolism to convey her true nature and reveal what she holds within.
Lady Macbeth continues to convince and persuade Macbeth into thinking her plan will pay off. Eventually Macbeth decides against the murder of his king but Lady Macbeth shames him for not being able to murder, threatening to take away her love from him if he does not. This threat shocks Macbeth into saying “yes”. Lady Macbeth outlines her plan to kill King Duncan while asleep as a guest in their castle.
Lady Macbeth is a very aspiring woman very determined to get what she wants and does not care how she gets it. Lady Macbeth is a very manipulative person who hungers for power and will do anything to get it and when she heard from Macbeth about the witches prophecy she knew she has to jump on the first chance there is to have the power she really wants. When Lady Macbeth was telling her husband about her plan for him to kill Duncan while he was staying at their home, and trying to convince Macbeth of the outcomes of killing Duncan Like Macbeth being king and Lady Macbeth being queen. Macbeth starts worrying about killing Duncan to the point he starts hallucinating and sees a dagger
As might be expected, when Lady Macbeth mention to kill Duncan, Macbeth consider over and over again. It Lady Macbeth’s view, it is the expression of lack of courage. She question his manhood and try to prodding Macbeth into action:Moreover, she helps him get everything ready for the murder. “Who dares receive it other, as we shall make our griefs and clamour roar upon his death?”(1.7 85-87) She is the one who driving Macbeth to kill Duncan and set up everything for him.
In the beginning, it is known that Lady Macbeth just lost her infant. Macbeth is away but soon returns. They both are going through a stage of grief but express it in two totally different ways. Lady Macbeth was upset and it is clear. Usually when families lose a loved one the parents turn against one another. But not these two, they are a bit strange. Macbeth considers killing King Duncan so that he can soon take his place as king but this thought was quickly dismissed. Lady Macbeth on the other hand wanted this thought to become a reality. Immediately Macbeth declined, he wanted no part in this intolerable act. This is when Lady Macbeth knows she has to change his mind. So she commence to antagonize him until she got her way. She makes him feel guilty about not being loyal to her, making him seem weak, and untrustworthy;
Macbeth’s ambitious ways takes over his whole inner self throughout his time of first wanting to be king. Macbeth was thought to be a great leader and war hero before he was king. Macbeth was hatched an idea by three suspicious witches in whom he had never come in contact with before. They told him that he would one day become King of Scotland. After the witches disappeared, he got to think a lot about what they told him and pondered the words they spoke. Macbeth sends a letter to his wife about his feelings of what he had heard. When Macbeth returned back to his castle his wife wanted to lead him down a dark path and feed his ambition. Macbeth decides he wants to go after the crown after consulting his wife. "I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself, and falls on th'other...." (Act I, scene vii) This shows that Macbeth’s only reason to kill Duncan is for his ambition. Macbeth ends up killing Duncan. The way Macbeth killed Duncan made it a great crime scene. Macbeth still
That night Macbeth ends up killing Duncan. Just before the murder Macbeth is walking down the hall when he has a vision of a dagger with a bloody tip, which is pointed for Duncan’s room. He thinks to himself, “Art tho not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight? Or art thou but a dagger of the mind, a false creation” (II.1.36-38). During the murder Macbeth makes a mistake that angers Lady Macbeth. He has forgotten to leave the daggers with Duncan’s guards, and she must now go and return them. Initially Macbeth is upset over the murder, but Lady Macbeth tells him it is as easy to forget about as washing the blood away with water. This first murder shows the strong character of Lady Macbeth and the influence she has over her husband.