The “R” word, or retarded, is not a new word and has been used widely to describe someone who is mentally disabled. Yet, in today’s society it has been popularized as a slang way to describe how stupid something is. This is now used as a derogatory term and can really hurt someone. One simple way of letting someone know that you aren’t comfortable with someone using it is just starting a conversation. “Hey. I heard you say the “R” word earlier today. I just wanted to tell you that I would like if you didn’t say either at all or at least around me. I find it offensive.” Just simply talking about it can be the best thing to help end your friend(s) using it around you. The best part about this is that it can be applied any word that you think is offensive or rude. I.e. Gay, “N” word, and any other that can be …show more content…
You can’t say that.” “Why can’t I?” “Because that isn’t something kind and can be taken as rude. They are more than what you are saying about them.” Simply providing them with why its not acceptable is all you need to do and can really diffuse a situation. Gender Stereotypes In today’s world gender is something that has been a black and white topic. You are either you are a boy or a girl. Years worth of norms have been made for both genders. Yet when we see someone deviate from them we tend to get confused and concerned. One good example is a little boy playing dress up and wearing dresses. This freaks out some parents. As either the instructor or the parent you need to be able to help talk to the parents and explain to them what is happening. “Why is my son wearing a dress?” “He is just playing around. He wanted to dress up and play a character. Don’t worry he will be fine and can take the dress off. It is just for fun. No harm in play.” If needed you can explain in more depth and try to help the parent understand. But for the most part just mention that their son is playing and this is apart of growing
Walking down the hallway you may hear someone say something a little outlandish followed with an exasperated, “That’s retarded!” This mundane use of the word “retarded” to replace the word “stupid” or “weird” has become too widely accepted and often not given a second thought. The word retard has transformed from a clinical word used solely by doctors to a word used to describe any and almost everything. Using “retarded” is disrespectful and hurtful in ways those who don’t have any mental disabilities can’t even imagine. The second nature, “slang” use of the word ‘retard’ to express disapproval, or distaste and describe a situation or person (with or without and intellectual disability) is unacceptable, hurtful and needs to be more carefully
“Next time you should shut your mouth until you know some actual information,” the mother said from across the street obviously mad by what I said.
In the article “The Most Outrageous Ways School Are Trying To Enforce Gender Stereotypes” explains several cases where schools enforce boy and girls how to behave. The editor Tara Culp-Ressler explains that a senior girl went to prom dressed in jeans and got kicked out because she was not wearing a dress. Another case was a fourteen-year-old boy was forced to get rid of his makeup, which made his mother outraged and complained to the school. Tara also demonstrates that an eight-year-old girl was kicked out of a Christian school because she was not acting to feminine. She was dressing in sneakers and with short hair and the people in that school did not appreciate the girl being less feminine. Even more Tara writes of another incident where
never let it define you as if you let them get to you and start letting
"Man, I hate hearing that word" I say, as we are sitting in a courtyard at the college.
An expecting couple awaits to discover the gender of their baby. The nurse announces that it’s a girl. The couple is extremely excited, but do they truly grasp the weight of what this implies? Gender is not simply a physical trait, as it affects nearly every aspect of a person’s life. Stereotypes repress the potential in all men and women. The same stereotypes are found throughout literature such as Medea by Euripides, Chaucer’s “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”, “Sonnets” by Shakespeare, “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Frederick Waterman’s “The Best Man Wins”. A common thread between these pieces is that power can be gained by those who are suppressed by defying gender stereotypes and social hierarchies.
2. If someone refuses to stop, request that the person expressing the intolerance to avoid doing it in front of you.
Stereotypes are often found in society. Stereotypes are defined as an oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing (The American Heritage). The most conventional stereotypes found in society are in regards to men and women. The meme I have created refers to a commonly acknowledged stereotype in cultures around the world. The meme states, “One does not simply, start an argument with a woman.” However, this is not always the case. For example, not all women need to argue for no apparent reason, nor should men be intimidated by quarrelling with a woman.
There is no doubt that certain books children read are made especially for boys or for girls. Like any developmental form of entertainment, from toys to movies, children's books are often littered with hints that dictate whether they were originally meant for male or female enjoyment. Sometimes these hints can be as simple as the specific gender of the main characters, for example Carolyn Keene's Nancy Drew series calls for a female audience while the extremely similar yet sexually opposite Hardy Boys mysteries fall into the hands of boys, yet other times more important factors decide who the book will best be suited for. Gary Paulsen's Hatchet and Katherine Patersons's The Great Gilly Hopkins are books for a boy and a
Turn right, walk in a circle, turn left and keep going until you reach a dead end. The walk was random and I am sure that we all look quite silly to those we pass. I have already walked the campus many times so I don’t see anything out of the ordinary when I look at the buildings or the landscape. I decide to focus more on the people we pass.
At a young age, we are taught to adhere to norms and are restricted to conform to society’s given rules. We are taught that straying away from stereotypes is anything but good and encouraged to build our lives upon only these social rules. Recently, stereotypes based on genders have been put into the limelight and have become of high interest to a generation that is infamously known for deviating from the established way of life. Millennials have put gender roles under fire, deeming it a form of segregation and discrimination by gender. Researchers have followed suit. Mimicking millennial interests, numerous studies have been published that detail the relationship between gender, stereotypes, and the effects of the relationship between the two. Furthermore, gender roles have been used as a lens to study socialization; tremendous amounts of interest have prompted studies on the inheritance and dissemination of norms, culture, and ideologies based on the stereotypes that cloud gender. For sociologists, determining the extent of the impact of gender stereotypes on socializing our population has become a paramount discussion. Amidst many articles, the work of Karniol, Freeman, and Adler & Kless were standouts and between the three pieces, childhood served as a common thread; more specifically, these researchers studied how gender roles impact socialization from such a young age.
Since the beginning of time, gender has played a big role in how one acts and how one is looked upon in society. From a young age children are taught to be either feminine or masculine. Why is it that gender plays a big role in the characteristics that one beholds? For centuries in many countries it has been installed in individual’s heads that they have to live by certain stereotypes. Women have been taught to be feeble to men and depend on them for social and economical happiness. While men have been taught to be mucho characters that have take care of their homes and be the superior individual to a woman. For the individuals who dare to be different and choose to form their own identity whether man or woman, they are out casted and
Gender affects every aspect of our life, from how we feel about ourselves and set our goals in educational, recreational and work opportunities as well as the the nature and extent of our participation in social and civic life. It has a strong impact on the way we practice our religion, the way we dress, the way we express our feelings and the nature of all of our relationships with others.
When we think about, race, class, or gender we think of numerous groups that all have stereotypes that go along with them. Countless of individuals in these groups focus on living life based on the way the world views the correlating stereotype. Stereotypes exist between Race, Class, and Gender; in society, blacks are stereotyped as “ghetto.” While the upper class are seen as white males. The groups can have linked stereotypes. Though stereotypes can be applied during many instances, they usually occur when in an interaction with customer service. In order to receive responses that differentiate when observing these groups, I wanted to be in a place where everyone is comfortable. I chose Hopper Dinning Hall; most groups, in my opinion, are
As I walked out of my nine-story apartment complex, I saw an interesting array of faces. Mixed genders, some male, some female, all very different deep down inside. I study their faces, wondering what it'd be like to walk a day in their shoes. Some people are like open books, you can look at their facial expression and instantly guess what their emotions are, yet others are like locked diaries. You can't tell what they're thinking and you'll probably never know. I shake the thought out of my head as I rummage through my pathetic excuse of a handbag, pulling out my most recent bank statement. Thirty-two cents to my name. How do I live like this? My train of thought is lost as my mind ponders elsewhere. Do you think people can tell I'm a broke