
RCRA Compliance Agreement: Walmart Retail Facilities

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RCRA Compliance Agreement
Although a large part of Walmart retail facilities may be eligible to be considered Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQGs) during certain months, the hazardous waste management program applied by Walmart at their facilities, is generally constructed to fulfill requirements set for Small Quantity Generators (SQGs) by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Regardless, consumer products in the reverse distribution system remain subject to RCRA disposal stipulations of hazardous waste, and Walmart has agreed to perform the following practices. The following are all in accordance with Title 40 of The Code of Federal Regulations Part 262.

• Walmart will make certain that all facilities have …show more content…

Walmart shall provide an up-to-date list wholly consisting of all consumer products that are treated as hazardous waste (objects that cannot be utilized for their envisioned intention). Additionally, they must establish hazardous waste exactly for all solid wastes and enact a program that will constantly supervise the organization of hazardous waste. The complainant and respondent have also agreed that Walmart shall treat all created hazardous wastes as hazardous waste and will not be allowed to ship it from its retail facilities into the reverse distribution system. Furthermore, an up-to-date database involving all products that are judged as hazardous waste must be maintained in an orderly fashion. It must be made readily available during compliance inspections at retail facilities to any EPA or State …show more content…

has already begun a process of upgrading and refining their environmental compliance program. Adopted programs are where retail facilities have begun to apply a better hazardous waste management system, develop and implement enhanced training on hazardous waste products, develop SOPs relating to compliance with environmental laws, and have created a title held accountable for ensuring environmental compliance. The development and implementation of Environmental Management Systems, another requirement of this CAFO, will also aid with being in accordance at return and distribution center as well.

Certification, through supported documentation, by Walmart to the EPA must be submitted within ninety calendar days to ensure Walmart’s compliance with the requirements set forth above. Failing to obey the conditions of this CAFO, unless exempt by EPA under its own discretion, will result in stipulated penalties to the EPA.

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