
RTII/MTSS Meeting Report

Decent Essays

Just a quick follow up to our 1st RTII/MTSS meeting: 1) I am attempting to set up at least 2 more meetings for this school year. There is some training that comes along with this process and I believe that will be the focus when we meet next. We are shooting for February 9th or 10th, and then again on April 11th or 12th. Let me know if you foresee any problems with these dates and/or if you have any preferences.
2) Michael Kurtz and Nick Morrissey will put the student survey together and administer it. They will also organize that data and share out to the team. Gentlemen, let me know if you need any assistance with that. I did share the survey sample you sent out with Mr. Althouse. He did not have any problem with it, so you can …show more content…

I believe that you got most of the power point completed. Melissa, please share the power point with the team when it is completed and prior to the staff presentation. Thanks!
5) I will try to have some discipline reports for you to look over by the next time we meet.
6) Mr. Althouse does not want us to coordinate anything with Wyomissing HS. He feels that there school is very different than our school and that we should connect with a school that is similar in size and demographics. We will work with Sherry Milchick to identify that school.
7) I am asking Sue Heck, Beth Jones, Angela Dennis, and Ralph Voit to coordinate a field trip to whatever school we choose to go to . We can’t take everyone, but John is willing to take a small group from the team. That being said, we CAN NOT use the January in-service day to do this. Talk amongst yourselves and try to establish a date that works best for everyone. I cc’d Sherry Milchick on this email so you have her contact information. Work with her to identify 1 or 2 schools that make sense to visit. We will likely have to get you subs for the day you choose to

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