
Rabbit Proof Fence: Aboriginal Spirituality

Decent Essays

RE Assignment Term 3 Aboriginal Spirituality

Jacob Con Borg 9BU

Due Friday the 4th of September 2015

Part 1: Introduction
In this presentation, you will learn about the different ways of Aboriginal beliefs & spirituality and the Early Catholic Church in Australia. You will learn and understand about Aboriginal Spirituality both before and after evangelisation, the Early Catholic Church & Education in Australia and a perspective to the movie, Rabbit Proof Fence which indicates how the Christian way of life changed the lives of the Aboriginal people for both better and for worse.

Part 2) Before Evangelisation

1. Belief of Aboriginal Culture
A belief thats Aboriginals believed before evangelisation is Dreaming. Dreaming is a major part …show more content…

Spiritual experience
A spiritual experience that Aboriginal people what have experienced is immediate. The Aboriginals didn’t expect to physical have contact with someone it was something spiritual that they felt they had a connection with. An example that Aboriginal people might have had an spiritual experience with is with an eagle or a tree.

3. Rite of Passage
The rite of passage of an Aboriginal person is there whole life. There have four rites, these are birth, puberty, marriage and death rites which are very similar to our normal lives. Birth is when another human is born onto Earth. Puberty is a young female/male growing into a young adult. Marriage is a man and woman committing there lives together and lastly death and when your live is over on Earth.

4. Spiritual ethics
Spiritual ethics are law/guidelines how to live with nature and the land. Aboriginal people have a different spiritual ethics compared to everyone. Aboriginals people in one person but believe that then everyone is connect so any effects that happen to one person effects many others. An example of this if someone sins the rest of the group has to choose a consequence.

Part 3: After …show more content…

Many Aboriginal still believe in there Ancestor Beings faith but many have now changed to Catholicism. Spiritual experience to them was a lot different due to worshiping nature or land to a spiritual man named God, and the main way to have a connection between each other was though pray.

3. Rite of Passage
The Rites and Passage for Aboriginal people is there progress of life. In our Catholic religion, rites of passage are sacraments. but in the Aboriginal beliefs undergo is there sacraments, like Baptism in the Catholic religion after Evangelisation.

4. Spiritual ethics
Spiritual ethics of Aboriginals is if somebody in the grouped sinned the rest of the group will decide a punishment, however Catholics believe in the ten commands which are the ways we have to live our lives to be with God in the after live.

Part 4: The Early Catholic Church in Australia
The mission of the Church
The mission of the Catholic Church in Australia is to preach the word about Jesus, God and how faith which is called evangelisation. An example of this is how catholics have to begin prayer with the sign of the cross. That is a main way and example to preach for catholics and for other to know and understand our Religion.

2. Any significant

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