
Rabbit Proof Fence Sociology

Decent Essays

Rabbit proof fence directed by Phillip Noyce is a film about a true story involving three half-cast Aboriginal young girls from a school they were obliged to attend, far away from their hometown under the laws made by A.O.Neville - a government official. In 1931, they were taken away from their mothers and were forcibly moved to the Moore River Settlement School in Perth, Western Australia. They were educated in the British ways eventually to become servants and compulsorily had to adapt to a new culture, while forgetting about their native traditions and morals. The government considered half-casts as children which they felt responsible for taking them to established schools where they were to be educated one of the schools being the Moore River Settlement. Molly, a 14 year old girl …show more content…

Molly’s father was a British inspector of the Rabbit Proof Fence which came to her advantage as she had knowledge of where the fence extended from – she knew that if she followed the fence it would lead her hometown; Jigalong. With Molly as a natural leader was determined that she and her relatives would control their own destiny. With only breadcrumbs and determination they walked barefoot through harsh lands with the intensity of the sun and under the constant threat that they would be recaptured and tortured. The white officials had taken advantage of an Aboriginal tracker using his skills to follow the girls. Through all attempts, the girls were able to outsmart the tracker. Along the way, they encountered with various people, offering them food and with various animals which they captured and ate. Gracie was told along the way that her mother would be at the train station and made her way there where she was captured and taken away by British authorities back to the education

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