
Race Class And Religion Essay

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Race, class, and religion are sensitive subjects that most of us cannot speak freely about. When we are at work, the first thing they tell the person is to not discuss these topics, it seems like that this is something was embedded in our mentalities, something made talking about this is a like crossing a red line. Obviously, Looks like these topics create liabilities to certain extent. If we are going to discuss these topics, we have to cover all three of them, because they are interconnected. Discussions of race and class often ignore religion and forget that these subjects are not independent. Looking back at American history we can see that first settlers moved here looking for some form of freedom of religion. They did not want to follow …show more content…

So we can understand this we have to go back in history, we need to look for the eternal relationship between capitalism and religion. There are assumption that capitalist blossomed around the same time as enlightenment of the eighteenth century. In fact, the church of the middle ages was the main source for the first sign of capitalism. The church was the first to set the rule of law, a bureaucracy system and many more concepts that our modern society is following today. The church owned nearly a third of all land in Europe, so the church had to create a strong system to manage all of these holdings. These strong systems helped in achieving great result as the technological discoveries. Therefor, the growth of capitalism was a source of the improvement in our society today. But not a lot people like to be ruled by the church and because if something goes beyond the person mean it will just create chaos and interruption. Thus, all of this created segregation in classes, and definition of certain classes no longer fit. Therefor the first settlers ran away from all these rules and seek refuge in the new land. They were looking for a new meaning of life, beyond what church has instructed. Even after establishing a new society in the new land, the American still struggled and had conflict over class

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