
Race In The Justice System Essay

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Race in the justice system isn’t something that is new to the modern worlds talks on how race deals with justice system have surfaced multiple times from many scholars throughout America.
Scholars have made a clear firm stance that race is something that does effect the justice in modern times and dating back for centuries. Scholars may have different supporting information for their arguments but the scholars arugement seems to remain the same. Due to an on going of racial issues throughout the history of African Americans scholars continue to push forward the thought that racism still seems to be very prevalent in the united states justice system.Despite the different methodology towards the authors findings they all seemed to come to the …show more content…

the author believes that the justice system uses the war on drugs in order to to target a large cultural group in america. research on the 4th ademedemt find it to be the culprit for incarceration of african american males. the author concludes that racism is very much still primitive .
Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta. “From #BlackLivesMatter to Black liberation.” Chicago, IL:
Haymarket , 2016. Print. Even tho resulting in the same conclusion that race plays a very strong role in the justice system taylor uses the basis of race within the person using black lives matter to show the study of how police interact with the black community. the author states these mass protest have not stopped the racism in the system but it simply has awaken a new generation of activist. not only black incarceration but mass unemployment plays a role in the struggle. new push for black liberation.
Dacas 2
Case, P. F. "The Relationship of Race and Criminal Behavior: Challenging Cultural
Explanations for a Structural Problem." Critical Sociology 34.2 (2008): 213-38. Web.
“Public attitudes towards blacks (and other racial minorities) may lead to a self- fulfilling prophecy of greater arrests in the black community and stronger laws to prose- cute

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