
Race Is Socially Constructed Essay

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Racism is a concept that has been around for centuries of human history: The act of a privileged party oppressing, demeaning, and committing genocide of another race. However, scientifically, humanity is only made up of a single species: homosapiens. The idea of race as it is known (groups based on skin pigment and cultural descent) is a social construct created and ingrained into society. Just because race is socially constructed does not mean racism is not real. Social constructs are not physical entities, but are certainly “real” to humans of a society. One concept that has been created along with the idea of race is the inequality of said races. Caucasian people in many societies (including North American and European) have become the “norm”, meaning they are the standard and expected. Because of this, Caucasian people receive benefits, often known as white privilege, which is “A collective, implicit acceptance of whiteness as virtuous, normal, unremarkable, and expected.” (Jeffries, 2013). Because race is socially constructed in culture, it has created white privilege and white normativity. This privilege can be seen in the media created and consumed by North Americans, and in the justice system and law upheld in North American countries.
White privilege in …show more content…

Though not a physical entity itself, the consequences of white privilege are quite severe. Being underrepresented in media as a person of colour (all forms of art, news, and creative expression shared) can go unseen because whiteness is the norm. The assumption from white people that the law is infallible is one they can make because the courts were built by them and for them. One could say there are no unbiased reasons to explain why white privilege should stay in place, proving its imbalance of opportunity towards white

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