After reviewing a study titled, A Multi-Level Bayesian Analysis of Racial Bias in Police Shootings at the County-Level in the United States, 2011–2014, I gather some facts comparing unarmed African Americans being shot as to others. Ross (2015) found that across almost every county, people who were unarmed and shot by police officers had a much higher probability of being African American or Hispanic as to being white. The purpose of this study was to estimate the county-level risk ratios of being shot by a police officer as a target because of the race or ethnicity of a suspect and their status, whether armed or unarmed.
I am interested in excessive force used by police officers towards African Americans. We have seen or heard of protest such as, “Black Lives Matter” and “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”. These were based on African Americans being injured or killed due to police officers. In the past few years we have heard of many case where
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First, based on my findings there are scholars that examined police brutality against blacks which has increased quite a bit over the years ( In other words, there is a chance we may run into one of these problems now that these incidents are occurring more frequently. I believe we should all become educated on what is going on around us. Another reason for this study is the fact that according to Turner and Richardson (2016) police brutality appears more frequent minority groups. This may have a psychological effect, including racial trauma, on a person of this race. The last reason for why this study is important is because I would like to display how the public views police officers’ actions towards African Americans. Dost (2104 ) mentioned that there are significant differences in the confidence that African Americans and whites have in their local police
A national problem that is affecting me personally is the issue of police brutality. I am an African American female living in a society where there is an overlooked where between my community and the police task force. Before I delve into this topic, I need the reader to understand that I know all policeman are not bad and that all African Americans are not innocent. The problem I am addressing is the apparent discrepancy of police officers assuming that just because someone has a darker complexion that means that they are doing something illegal.
Police related shootings deemed ethical or unethical show a greater prevalence in low-income black communities’ statewide more often than white communities. Usually, the outcome of civil
Thesis: Racial bias is the reason police officers interact differently with whites and people of color and is crucial to address why racism exist throughout America's law enforcement communities to restore trust between police and communities in which they serve.
Many researchers have conducted numerous studies analyzing the police interactions and arrest records of African Americans to see if there is a discernible disparity between the number of African Americans and Caucasians arrested. Studies conducted by researchers has led to the disclosure of many out of important stats including on which states that African Americans believe police do a poor job of handling their fellow officers accountable for misconduct and treatment of racial and ethnic groups equally (CQ Researcher,373). Addition research has shown that 57 percent of African Americans believe police use excessive force when detaining suspects while only 25 percent of white
The use of racially bias policing isn’t a new phenomenon, however, there is very little data on its use and practice. A lot of that accounts for the fact that determining that a law enforcement officer used racial bias as a method to stop, question and frisk a person is substantially hard. Furthermore, racially bias policing has been an issue facing police since the creation of the first police agencies in the country and since the civil rights movement; however, the public has now become more aware of the phenomenon because of various accounts portrayed in the media; such as the death of Amadou Diallo in 1999.
Racial profiling, stereotyping, and different styles of policing has led to the disproportionate targeting of minorities by law enforcement agencies. Warren et al. (2006) notes that law enforcement often use two forms of racial profiling. One is defined by Warren et al. (2006) as out of place profiling. This particular form of racial profiling targets an individual if they do not match the general make up of a certain community. Another method of racial profiling Warren et al. (2006) explains is drug interdiction profiles, which encourage officers to target drug traffickers using their racial background to make traffic stops and search their vehicles for contraband. Furthermore, Terrill and Reisig (2003) findings
There is a major issue with police brutality within the confinements of the United States of America, within society in general. The problem of police brutality is not just a problem with African American, it is spread throughout all the races. “Mr. Castellani who is 20 years old, yelling and pointing at officers, who are posted down the street, after his ejection from an Atlantic City casino for being underage. Four officers rush him, take him down and begin beating him -- a fifth officer soon joins in.”(The Baltimore,Leonard Pitts Jr.). It just so happened that this man was black and had been brutally attacked by police because he said something they didn't like it. It isn't always African Americans that are attacked thought, in 2014 Donovan Duran, a Colorado MMA fighter, was beat and dragged to the hospital by police men claiming Duran was intoxicated and hallucinating. He was brutally attacked because of what he believed in, it didn't have anything to do with his skin color, as he was attacked by white police man and Duran turned out to be a Caucasian man with a family and a job. All of that was taken away from him the moment the cops dragged him into the hospital claiming he wasn't right in the head and the cops found him like that. In 2014 Donovan Duran, a Colorado MMA fighter, was beat and dragged to the
a few years now, police brutality has become an extremely controversial topic and has raised many debates and questions about law enforcement and civilians. Police brutality has been common for decades. However after the death of African Americans such as Michael Brown, Alton Sterling, and Philando Castile, many other African Americans have rose up in protest and anger. The anger stems from these men dying at the hands of police which the civilians believe they died from situation that should have been handled differently. Cases like these have caused a major divide with African Americans and law enforcement. Many people wonder where the relationship between the two went wrong and how police brutality became such a big issue that seems impossible
In the previous year, the amount of people killed by the police department has increased, and even worse African Americans are three times more likely than Caucasians to be killed by the hands of a police. In 2015, the percent of unarmed African Americans killed was 30 percent compared to 19 percent of Caucasians. Although, 2016 is not over yet already 793 people have been killed by policemen. Mike Luckovich drew this cartoon representing the fear of African Americans, and to point out that recently the shootings are reoccurring. The number has made it so difficult for African Americans to live peacefully, they are in constant fear that their life could be taken away by the police. The cartoonist drew a black man in the car conversing with
What is racism? Racism is defined as discrimination toward someone’s race or religion etc. As we know today, this is a big issue, especially in United State. This is important to me because it does not matter what skin color you have or what religion you believe in. All that matters are that a person follows the law. Police officers, for example, they are supposed to use the power that they have for the bad people, people that do crimes and our threat to our society. Using violence against people that haven't done any threat to our society is wrong. In Sweden there is some racism, but not to the extent that black people will get harassed because of their skin color. In Sweden, the law is for everyone and whoever breaks the law will get the punishment they deserve. We all know that it is always two side of a story for example what happened to Michael Brown on August 9, 2014. Michael Brown was robbing a grocery store. The police officer stated that “He shot Brown after the teen attacked him”, While brown’s family said, “Brown was surrendering when he was shot dead.” You are always going to hear two different sides but the justice will find out who is the guilty one and who is the victim.
Racism and police brutality in America” by Cassandra Chaney and Ray V. Robertson touch upon racism and brutality in America. Their article talks about respecting the cops but they also mention police brutality through stories from people that experienced this. Although Satzewich and Shaffir reached out to people to cops to write about their personal experiences and thoughts about racial profiling, Chaney and Robertson’s article is a stronger source because they used several sources and focus on both sides of the situation.
The brutality of the police force has been a long worldwide problem, but especially between the years of 2012-2016. Black people are being unjustly beaten and shot in plain sight for doing nothing while being unarmed. Journal of African American Studies “Blacks are viewed as deserving of harsh treatment in the criminal justice system” (482). “Black males with more “Afrocentric” features may receive longer sentences than blacks with less Afrocentric features like lighter skin and straighter hair”(482). Nowadays it is important to know about the police force. It’s important to know our rights as citizens and be careful around cops. Not everybody is good, but not everybody is bad also. In The New York Amsterdam News 21 people were killed by Chicago police in 2008. Entire families were being attacked. They believe it’s because of their skin color and how they are different. The year of racism started off with the world seeing the police murder of Oscar Grant. “The media have pushed people away from hearing the issue of police brutality, and it has fallen off of the radar screen.”(2) “You can’t give in. They will try to make an example out of you, try to break your spirit!”(2) African Americans say do not trust the cops with anything. “They will ruin you.”(2)
As I was conducting research about police brutality I came up with three questions I wanted to find out. I wanted to know what race group is affected by police brutality the most, why they were affected by this the most and what to do to stop police brutality involving shooting civilian. This Paper talk about how police brutality is a major issue in America right now. There’s many different types of police brutality but police officers killing civilians is something that is issue in our nation currently. After doing reaching this topic I was able to find out that African Americans have been affected by this the most out of any race. African Americans are affected by this the most because in some cases African Americans are usually stereotyped and this causes them to be treated different by police. Ways we can help this issue is by supporting these organizations that are against police brutality and encouraging police officers around the nation to always have a body camera on them at all times.
Police brutality is not a new subject. It has been around for numerous years, and like most issues, has resurfaced to the public’s eyes. The recent events brought up the question: Does there need to be a reform in the system in the police system? In this year alone, there have been countless cases of individuals being harmed or even killed by police officers for reasons that continuously are not explained. What has people more attentive to this injustice are statistics showing that most victims in these police attacks happen to be African Americans and other minorities.
A geographically resolved, multi-level Bayesian model is used to analyze the data presented in the U.S. Police-Shooting Database (USPSD) in order to investigate the extent of racial