Racial Events and Election At the wake of the events that happened last week, it is important to analyze how these event can affect the election this year. Note that last week, two black males were killed by the police. The same week, 12 police officer were shot in a protest in Dallas. Everyone is outraged by these events. While we all are asking when they will stop, we have to consider the possibility that they can also affect the coming election in November. As the event were still unfolding last week, a lot of people, mostly republican blamed President Obama of these killings. For instance, according to the Huffington Post, Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas) stated: “The spread of misinformation and constant instigation by prominent leaders, including our president, have contributed to the modern day hostility we are witnessing between the police and those they serve.” …show more content…
That statement will later be rejected by Trump campaign spokeswoman. Despite the statement is not supported by the candidate, officially, the effect of such declaration can huge on the general public. Wrong or not, it can create a lasting reputation for the candidate and this later might have a hard time to clear it. For instance, many time during the primaries season, Sanders’ campaign has accused Hilary of corrupt. She has been accused of receiving money from Wall Street banker. This is part of the reasons why the young voters from the Democratic Party swear not to vote for
The Michale Brown shooting has forever changed policing in the United States much like the Rodney King beating by the LAPD in 1991. History will show that the death of Michael Brown will prove to have longer and more dramatic influence on how law enforcement officers do their job than the Rodney King incident. The reasons for this are many, to mention a few, society has become more sensitive and less tolerant of police misconduct weather the misconduct is real or perceived. The public is also better informed because of the speed that the modern news media, and social media, are able to disseminate pictures, video and other information. Facebook has probably had a greater affect on the way law enforcement agencies operate that any high profile
"Five police officers died and seven were injured," because of the protest of Black Lives Matter. The United States is becoming a divided country because of racial issues. This country has been dealing with racism ever since 1776; when America became a country.
This article is explaining how the misconduct of police is different big cities like New York City and Los Angeles. It also brought up when a police shooting happens, what do other races think of the police, with that being said, this is also talking about 2 shootings of Patrick dorismond in New York and Amadou Diall, the author tracks public attitudes toward the police before and after each incident, and they also examine the similarities and the opinions of whites, blacks, and Mexican. For example, they were a few police shootings that happened in the 90s, first was the Rodney King beating which was caught on video tape, but no convictions also numerous police scandal that was reported from 1999 to 2000 in the Los Angeles police department. After each incident the most impactful one was the Rodney King beating of African Americans, which after that the trust in police went down drastically because of that image that was seen worldwide. This article is relevant to my research because it talks about police brutality and cases that has happened over the years, this also gives actual statatics about how many African Americans and Mexicans are more likely to be encountered a police brutality.
The current incident I would like to talk about is the shooting of Michael Brown story in Ferguson, Missouri that was occurred on august 9, 2014. Michael Brown was unarmed Black man who was shot to death by a white policer officer, Darren Wilson on Missouri street. The uncertain situations of the shooting, and resulting objections and civil conflict have caused significant argument in the United States. Eyewitness says that Brown was killed while he was trying to surrender himself from the police, but they say Brown attacked Wilson past to the shooting. In addition, they also say that Brown was in robbery before that day, but Wilson did not stop him for robbery, he stopped him for jaywalking.
Seeing these events people conclude that these shootings are the result of law enforcements being bias to black or white people. But in“Paper finding no racial bias in shootings by police criticized” by Samantha nelson shares about the reality of the bias. Here she writes about a new study confirming that “black women and men are treated differently in the hands of law enforcements.. They are likely to be touched, handcuffed, and pushed to the ground…but when it comes to the most lethal form of force-police shootings- the study finds no racial bias”. She shares about Mr. Fryer a Black economic Harvard professor who studied the data of 1,000 shootings in major cities in America. In result, Fryer found that the results contradict to the image
July 7, 2016 was already an unusual day and night for the officers of the Dallas Police Department in Texas. Dallas, like more than a dozen other major cities in the U.S., was home to a massive Black Lives Matter protest to denounce the shooting of two unarmed black men by police. Officers were having to deal with enormous crowds, heckling, and mid-summer heat. They had no way of knowing what was to come next. A lone wolf, with an extreme hatred of police officers, was about to inflict the worst casualty rate on a police force since the September 11th terrorist
The shooting of sparked a nation-wide movement not only demanding justice for Mike Brown, but also protesting the racial discrimination deeply embedded in the criminal justice system as well as various institutions in the larger American society. Furthermore, jfdkjfjdakljk something about international recognition. Similar protests and riots have been springing up in other cities since 1960s, and police killings of unarmed black men happen once every 28 hours (Kahle, 2014). However, Michael Brown’s killing has led to the most sustained uprising against police violence in at least two decades, centered among the African American residents of Ferguson, and has rallied significant nationwide support as well as international attention (Kahle, 2014; Taylor, 2014). The killing of Michael Brown is by no means an isolated event, and presence of racial tensions, especially in the St. Louis area, was already present long before. The large-scale pushback that the killing of Michael Brown has set in motion, then, seems to have been the last straw, prompting the eruption of decades of pent up frustration at a racist and oppressive system. That being said, what are the previous straws that have slowly pushed the black community in Ferguson to the breaking point? What are the factors that have caused these tensions to boil over and erupt into such a large-scale upheaval? This paper will explore some of the
All across the nation, in the news the black community has been making their voice heard, in regards to white police brutality, and murder against the unarmed black community. Many of these brutal attacks and flat out murders of unarmed black people haven’t been largely prosecuted, some officers have even been acquitted of any wrong doing or murder. This has led to outrage in the African American community at large. The shooting of an unarmed black teen named Michael Brown caused the racial strain in this country to break.
For instance, the shooting of the unarmed Michael Brown and the death of Eric Garner promoted the unrest and protests all over the country (Ariel et al., 2014). The grand jury failed to charge the police officers involved. In the case of Garner, the court made a decision despite the witness had recorded the incidence using the cell phone video recorder (Ariel et al., 2014). The use of excessive force by the police officers has a lasting impact on the public views of the police officer and community relationship. In responding to these occurrences, the former president Barrack Obama in December 2014 proposed an allocation of $ 263million to assist in community policing.
Racial injustice against people of colour is an immense, ongoing issue that has not only targeted lives but has also taken many innocent lives. In America, these racial divisions date back to the days of slavery, where black people were denied of their basic human rights because of discrimination. In present day, some individuals view America as a post-racial environment, due to such victories as electing a black president; but the brutal, fatal and unjust events in Ferguson, Missouri prove that these divisions are still present. On August 9th, 2014, an unarmed, 18 year old black teen was shot and killed by Darren Wilson, a white police officer. The events that led to the death of Michael Brown occurred on an early morning where Mr. Wilson stopped Michael Brown and a friend after leaving a convenience store. An altercation occurred which prompted Mr. Brown to flee and officer Wilson to begin shooting. The death of Mr. Brown caused the city to stand up against police brutality through peaceful protest, looting, and even violence, to gain justice for Mr. Brown and his family. As the protests grew, the police used military tactics such as, tear gas, to “maintain order” during the unrest of the city. In recent, news the grand jury decided that Officer Darren Wilson was not responsible for the death of Michael Brown, which led to a larger public outrage not only in America, but also across the
Throughout history, racial conflict and segregation have impacted African Americans in many ways. The end of the civil war led to African Americans gaining their freedom. Unfortunately, racial conflict and discrimination continued long after the Civil War. What was the difference in treatment between the South and West in regards to racial conflict and segregation? People in the South were firm believers in African Americans having little to no freedom. Many efforts were made to fight racial conflict and discrimination. Looking at racial conflict, let’s compare and contrast the South versus the North’s treatment of African Americans.
Police brutality and police militarization have become a hot topic in the United States of America. There are many cases where police officers motives are being questioned, leading the public into an uproar. Just to name a few of these cases, we have Micheal Brown from Fegurson, Missouri, that started it all, which took place on Augest 19th, 2014. We also have Eric Garner from New York, taking place July of 2014. July of 2016, Alton Sterling of Baton Rouge and Walter Scott from South Carolina in April of 2015.
The topic of media bias has been the focus of many conversations in our society recently. I believe that this is a very important topic to discuss because most of the information we are receiving comes from one media outlet or another. More often than not, people will only hear one side of the story because they believe that the news being told to them is the most accurate. In reality, most news stations have their own agendas, resulting in the omission of some truths. These days, media bias can be observed almost everywhere we look. Today, there are many people who immerse themselves in the news that they are being told, so much so, that they believe nothing else. People are often so entrenched in their beliefs, it keeps people from being open
demographic transition theory is a widespread explanation of the changing mold of humanity, fertility and increase rates as civilizations move from one demographic system to another. “The term was first coined by the American demographer Frank W. Notestein in the mid-twentieth century, but it has since been elaborated and expanded upon by many others” (The Demographic Transition, 2012). There are four stages of demographic transition.
From Workbook, pg 121: “…should be a short, high-level report in its own right, in which you should communicate concisely the key opportunities and challenges, the recommendations you wish to make, together with a statement which sets out the benefits and advantages the case study organisation are likely to gain in the future as a consequence of your