
Racial Inequality In Langston Hughes Theme For English B

Decent Essays

Poetry Essay
“Theme for English B,” a well-written poem by Langston HUghes, explains a student’s assignment and his thoughts on how he is treated in society. Langston Hughes wrote this poem in 1949. During this era, racial inequality was a significant and major problem that affected mostly colored people. The poem discuss about how a young, African-American adult must write a page that’s true for his assignment that night. He would explain the routes he took to get home and that would be where his page began. The speaker first explained the things he likes and enjoy that don’t make him any different from Caucasians. This then transitions to a deeper perspective of racial inequality where he compared himself to his white, free, and older instructor, …show more content…

For example, in lines 25 and 26, “I guess being colored doesn’t make me not like/the same thing s other folks who are other races,” is a negative tone connotation that support the theme. This emphasizes on how shocking or out of the ordinary it was for another race to like the same things as Caucasians, during this trim and era, in society. Race was a major deal on how people would be seen as sinc e a few similarities between two different colored races were seeenas abnorma during the time this poem took place. In addition, “I feel and see and hear Harlem, I hear you:/ hear you, hear me--we too--you, me, talk on this page,” in lines 18-19, furtheres support that connotwations helped dvelop the theme. Based on the speaker;s residence in New York, he felt a deeper connection with his city, which, therefore, has a significance in his life. In fact, the relationshi[p of how the speazker can hear the city, Harlem, “hear him” is a personification that symbolizes hisx deep bond and where he is at in society. In conclusion, the speaker is able to grasp his raw emotions and analyze hiw it has made him to who he is

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