
Racial Injustice In America

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The concept of liberty and justice in America can be traced back 200 years ago, when Thomas Jefferson famously wrote that all men were entitled to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” in the Declaration of Independence. 200 years ago in America slavery was alive and well, women were second class citizens, and the Native Americans had been successfully exiled from their home country; liberty and justice were most definitely overlooked then, and they continue to be overlooked now. Racism in America did not end with slavery, nor did it end with the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Injustice against people of color in America still remains and the epidemic of police brutality is one of the many ways America oppresses blacks, Latinos, …show more content…

He threatened absolutely no one, he was simply a black kid in a hoodie who never made it home because someone believed his outfit of choice and physical appearance was justification for murdering him in cold blood. Zimmerman who had been previously arrested three times is currently a free man and faced absolutely no consequence for taking the life of a young boy who would have been twenty-one today, a young boy, a student, a son, a brother, a human being who will never see the day of his high school graduation, his wedding, the birth of his children, and his entire life because being black in America is justification enough for being murdered. Native Americans are rarely ever the topic of injustice in America, which is ironic because they are the first and only true Americans who not only had their land stolen but their people assassinated due to European exploration and colonialism. "They came with a Bible and their religion. They stole our land and crushed our spirit and now tell us we should be thankful to the ‘Lord’ for being

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