
Racial Stereotypes And Stereotypes

Decent Essays

Many people of different races and cultures have their stereotypes and single stories, Asians are smart, Whites in the North Shore of Chicago are all wealthy, Blacks are all drug dealers,and Muslims are all terrorists. But have a choice on how they deal with the single stories and stereotypes. Hurston argues that instead of giving into a single story, people can define themselves by making empowering choices invalidating stereotypical behaviors. Hurston puts in “How it feels to be colored me” how Hurston is still treated like a slave even though slavery ended 60 years ago. She also explains how she is struggling because of her race but she does not give in even with the whole world on her shoulders she stands tall and holds her ground. Hurston portrays “Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the granddaughter of slaves. It fails to register depression with me. Slavery is sixty years in the past. The operation was successful and the patient is doing well, thank you. The terrible struggle that made me an American out of a potential slave said "On the line!" The Reconstruction said "Get set!" and the generation before said "Go!" I am off to a flying start and I must not halt in the stretch to look behind and weep. Slavery is the price I paid for civilization, and the choice was not with me. It is a bully adventure and worth all that I have paid through my ancestors for it. No one on earth ever had a greater chance for glory. The world to be won and nothing to be

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