
Racism In Today's Society

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Racism is one of the most colossal problems in today’s society and it impacts EVERYONE in the World whether directly or indirectly. This problem drives everyone apart because of things they couldn’t control or facts that society made up that were never true. Having the color of your skin determine everything ahead of your life and getting disadvantages just because of your race are just a few consequences of racism. But what most people don’t really put their thoughts to is what causes this kind of discrimination. With the knowledge can we then pursue to annihilate it completely. Racism can affect anywhere from a small scale like a personal life to nationwide and all the way to the large scale, the World; but how it could affect us at each …show more content…

It leaves a gigantic toll on top of our country. As we have stated before, between different races, the average hourly wages are drastically different. With unfairness comes the want for change. But if the change doesn’t come or meet the needs or wants, riots begin. The wealth of the average Black person is considerably lower than almost every other group, fueling the rage in riots against the economy. Eventually, the destruction and carnage leads to more money needed to be spent by the country to fix various things leading to an even larger money deficit thus making deflation more prominent. Another area in where we can see racism is a discrepancy is the education system. In higher levels of learning, for example universities and college, the minority is almost always black people. Usually they are looked down upon as unworthy of an academic standpoint. Throughout history, multiple people had been rejected when applying to schools just because of their skin color. Contrary to the universities and colleges comes elementary and preschools. You may be surprised but during these times, even as early as preschool, kids start realizing there are racial differences. As they continue to grow, this can eventually start racism as early as elementary. As we all know, bullying can affect the learning and personal life of it’s victims pulling them down. These things are all formed through our ignorance, not …show more content…

It draws lines and separates the human race into being feared by each other, ending with awfully destructive consequences. War is a perfect example that has many terrifying outcomes. Many wars were the result of racist ambitions. The most dominant instance where this developed was during World War 2. Adolf Hitler wanted to kill all Jews because during the times before he was born, they were regarded as “bad” people of the world. Now that Hitler is here and had also blamed them for the first World War, it strengthened the idea even further. The Jews had nothing to do with anything but were stereotyped as bad and were blamed through false news. These actions created fear towards the Jews and towards Adolf and his commencement of World War 2. With the start of a new World War, there were many countries feeling hate towards Nazi Germany for declaring wars just for their own selfish purposes because they thought they were racially the best. Since this is a war, it caused multiple millions of deaths as well as cause lots of destruction and funds to be spent for military equipment meaning it leads back into our economical problems from earlier before. This was one of the times in history where the entire human race was the most divided into friends and enemies that had sprouted from a small racial problem. With so many causes of racism creating so many more problems on such big scales, it may seem inevitable but nothing is

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