1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 RADAR: Radar is an electromagnetic system for the detection and location of reflecting objects such as aircraft, ships, space craft, vehicles, people, and the natural environment. It operates by radiating energy into space and detecting the echo signal reflected from an object, or target. The reflected energy that is returned to the radar not only indicates the presence of a target, but by comparing the received echo signal that was transmitted, its location can be determined along with the target-related information. In RADAR the transmitter generates an electromagnetic signal that is radiated into space by an antenna. A portion of the transmitted energy is intercepted by the target and
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1.1.2 ESM Systems:
Sanket is an Electronic Support Measures (ESM) system is used to intercepts, analyses and identifies radar signals operating in the frequency range and displays the radar parameters along with Direction of arrival on the display. The information displayed includes Frequency, Pulse Width, Pulse Repetition Frequency, Direction of Arrival, Antenna Scan Period, Amplitude etc, The system is configured to suit the different Indian Ships. The main function of Sanket system is to measure bearing accuracy with the highest accuracy which is very critical. The system uses amplitude comparison technique to measure bearing accuracy at any frequency in the operating frequency range. DF receiver subsystem is used to measure bearing of the received signal.
The DF measurement is based on amplitude comparison technique. The intercepted pulse amplitude is compared among the adjacent DF channels after the channel mismatch is computed and corrected and the DOA is computed. The technique essentially consists of finding the first and second maximums over the channels and the ratio of these two provides the required DF value. The pattern difference between the two adjacent channels is computed at the bore-sight and the crossover angles from which the DOA values are computed. The antenna pattern and channel matching is key parameters for calculating the final DOA. The DF accuracy depends on the channel mismatch and antenna patterns.
The channel mismatch can be reduced
Activities associated to the Spectrum Efficient National Surveillance RADAR – Joint Program Office (SENSR JPO)
ASDIC gave no advance warning of a U-boat and thus there was no opportunity to reroute a convoy away from the danger. However, advances in technology meant that by 1942 the escorts would have several more means of detection. One such method was radar. By May 1942, 236 ships carried centimetric radar, an accurate radar using a wavelength of 10cm and able to detect a U-boat at a distance of several miles. This was important because it allowed convoys to make a course away the U-boat but more significantly it enabled escorts to home in and attack.
Electromagnetic Radiation – A form of energy composed of waves of electric and magnetic changes (from electrically charged particles). It deals with
While forward deployed the soldiers experienced major challenges with the equipment and its internal systems. Their radar system which was considered the best short range ballistic
The Sonar system Currently allows us to map out what is underwater and coming towards us in the water. From this Naval Personnel can identify any ships that are ahead, or even submarines below them. most ships and submarines today use Sonar to navigate through the water. Another invention was made specifically for exploring underwater, first hand.
Pick an example of radar and explain how it works using at least one diagram or picture. [5 marks]
The selection of satellites bands with wider frequencies allows a variety of information to travel and decreases the limitation of usage by the users. The Ka-Band (26-40GHz) the communication satellites provides high resolution, close ranges targeting radar on military crafts(TIA,2013). The current suggestion of band would be the Ka-Band (26-40GHz) the communication satellites allows high resolution, close ranges that support strong military functions(TIA,2013). advancements to the developing concept, identify leverage over the other choices, utilizing Ka-bands do propose substantiated risks however, it is still operable (Lewis, 2014). Users offering themselves a band with wider frequency means information can transfer swiftly whereas, a smaller frequency could offer more accuracy but limits the user capability. All forums offer positive attribute and consequential attributes but overall the assessment has to be made by the operation leader. As technology develops engineers are developing ideal that are properly modified to support the needs of the community and excel in
For over forty years, the Aegis weapon system has been the main form of defense for the U.S. Navy’s surface ship fleet. Created by Lockheed Martin, this defense system has separated itself from any other since being created in 1983. In a world where defensive threats can come in many forms the Aegis system has adjusted and overcome all possible threats truly making it the most elite and necessary onboard ship system to have. With the use of SPY-1 radar, the Aegis display system, the weapons control system, and the command and decision system, Aegis is able to attack land targets, submarines, and surface ships simultaneously making it the most dominant system for the US Navy to use today. Along with surface and subsurface combatants, Aegis can defend against aircraft and their
Today, radar is one of the most prevalent equipment devices used in the military, especially on naval ships. Radar is so detrimental to the navy because it detects invisible or distant objects by means of reflected radio waves and is capable of locating them accurately in space . Using this method, radars are able to scan for and, or track targets that, again, are too far for the human eye to see. With the AN/SPQ-9B, a ship is able to do both; in fact it can track while scanning. The track while
The invention of radar, known as Radio Direction Finding (RDF) at the time, by the Department of Scientific and Industrial research in 1934 initially allowed aircraft to be detected at a distance of thirty-eight miles. By 1937, improvements to RDF had enabled it to see aircraft at a range of one hundred miles, complete with the bearing of enemy aircraft4. The British recognized the potential of RDF to be used simultaneously with other electronic and communication aids to provide an early-detecting system. The development of an early-warning system was essential to the British war effort due to the length of the coastline being so close to enemy-occupied territory, with important commercial, industrial and military centres well within the range of enemy aircraft5. An early-warning system also had two distinct advantages over traditional aircraft patrolling of the British coastline. It
Radar (Radio Detection and Ranging) is a method of detection that works by sending out radio waves and detecting any reflections from distant objects. Created by Christian Hülsmeyer, a German scientist, in 1904, the invention first became useful in World War 1, where it was used to determine the location of enemy planes.. Once World War 2 began and U-boats were once again roaming the Atlantic, the Allies knew that they needed a means of detecting the location of these deadly submarines. Radar could essentially “see” things as dots using radio waves, and although it was not created to specifically detect U-boats, it became a technological weapon that the allies could use for their benefit. Additionally, Sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging) was built specifically to counteract the threat of underwater enemies such as the U-boats. Sonar uses sound waves to detect distant objects. Similar to radar, the use of sonar allowed the British surface fleet to detect the direction and depth of these submarines and destroy many of them. What makes these two technologies similar is that they both locate enemy ships using waves that could not be seen and they could do it at such a distance that the Germans would have no way of interfering and stopping them. This advanced technology was a detriment to the U-boats because the German Navy could no longer surprise the Allied forces.
With the increased communications, radar findings could be announced to the whole fleet and its commanders. Increasing the pre-battle intelligence by increasing communication, commanders could use the radar finding and direct ships and aircraft
predict and track weather system. It was soon developed for military for anti aircraft air
The third element is called the In-flight Interceptor Communications System. This is the strategically located ground system that links to the GBI for in-flight targeting. Up to seven pairs of these stations would be created. The next part, X-band/Ground-Based Radar, performs tracking, discrimination, and kill assessments of incoming missiles, providing real-time continuous tracking data to the BMC2. The final part of the missile defense system is the Upgraded Early Warning Radar. These are phased-array surveillance radars, used to detect and track the ballistic missiles. By upgrading the software of existing early warning radars, they would meet the missile defense requirements.
Project Abstract: The following is a discussion of the application of Army Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) capabilities which are employed in order to enhance the targeting and effects of the Ar-my’s Cyber Electromagnetic Activities (CEMA) Sections. The aim is to address how the assimila-tion of assets, programs, and capabilities currently available to the Army SIGINT Community by the Army CEMA Sections could significantly enhance their ability to conduct and execute the war-time mission, thereby enhancing the commanders’ understanding of the enemy’s tactical use of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). This, in effect, would also reduce the time invested in acquiring EMS specific information and increase the precision and execution of Electronic Attack (EA), Elec-tronic Protect (EP), and Electronic Warfare Support (ES) by strengthening and