
Radiodensity Research Paper

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Radiodensity refers to the relative ability of X-rays to pass through a particular material.
Radiodensity of the object plays a major role in the diagnostic process since the image appearance on X-ray sheets is related to the increased or decreased levels of radio density..
Absorption of X-rays by different objects vary depends upon their physical qualities of their composition and thickness. The atomic number and the volume density determine the level of composition. In addition to the atomic number and volume density, radio density also rely on thickness of the objects. Thick objects can absorb more x-rays and will show in lighter images
Greater the atomic number, greater will be the density of an object. More density and thickness …show more content…

Obese patients with large deposits of fat over their muscles will project a thick greyish black layer.
Week 2 Assignment 3
c. Water Water is more radiodense than fat but less than bone. Images are grey in color. All soft tissue structures fall in this category and the best examples are blood, cartilage, tendons, nerves and ligaments.
d. Bone Bone has the highest density and images are generally white. Thickness and …show more content…

For example, bones with less minerals and osteoporosis can give darker shades compared to the healthy bone areas. X-rays are widely used as the immediate diagnostic tool in many clinical settings. However, there are certain limitations associated with radiography. Most of the time conventional radiography techniques will not yield desired results in identifying the soft tissue issues. For cartilages and disks images are obtained in grey color due to its lower radiodensity and this can be a challenge for assessing clinicians to reach an accurate judgement. Contrast medium can be a great tool in order to visualize soft tissues with infections and effusions (Mckinnis,2014). Taking x-rays from different angles can negate some of this disadvantage to certain level. Antero posterior, lateral and oblique views are commonly used to get a 3 dimensional idea about the structure. For any standardized x-ray investigation, a minimum of two images must be taken from different angles. If only one angle is taken then the investigation will be of no use. The angle of projection of x-rays plays a major role in how the image is going to look like. X-rays with

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