
Radioisotope Studies

Decent Essays

Radioisotope studies are also called nuclear medicine. Radioisotope studies use radiation to provide diagnostic information about the functioning of a person's specific organs, or to treat them. Most nuclear medicine procedures are performed by injecting a radioisotope into a vein and based on the type of study, different radioisotopes can be used. After injected, the radioisotopes travel through the blood vessels and they become concentrated in the organ being tested. When concentration occurs, a scan of the organ follows. For example, a renal scan is one in which evaluated renal function. Radioisotope procedures are useful in evaluating function of certain organs. IVP procedures, or intravenous urograms, are radiological tests that uses a contrast to outline the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. They are useful to evaluate the …show more content…

The main difference between these two types of studies is that in radioisotope studies, radioisotopes are used, and in IVP procedures, a contrast is used. Also, IVP procedures use an x-ray to see from the outside in and radioisotope studies use radioisotope tracers that show the radioisotopes from the inside out. Radioisotope studies are considered safe because it does not carry the risk of toxicity or an allergic reaction found with intravenous dyes. Contrast agents can be dangerous because someone can have an allergic reaction to it and it can cause harm, but the risk has been lowered by using contrasts that are nonionic. An IVP procedure can be very time intensive and it also requires bowel preparation before the procedure. Also, in those with renal failure, an IVP procedure can aggravate the renal failure. Compared to an IVP procedure that uses x-rays, radioisotope studies have a lower amount of radiation exposure. Ultimately, both types of procedures use an outside substance to see inside of the body to determine structure and function of internal

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