
Radiology Essay

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In Radiology, they use different imaging modalities to see within the human body. These modalities are used to diagnose abnormalities and diseases. Some of these techniques include Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasound, X-Ray, Mammography, Nuclear Medicine, Interventional, and Radiation Therapy. Each of these uses a different purpose and technology to achieve its goals.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) An MRI is a medical imaging technology that uses radio waves and a magnetic field to create detailed images of organs and tissues. MRI is often used to evaluate blood vessels, abnormal tissue, and organs in the pelvis, chest, and abdomen. It also sees use for bones, joints, and spinal injuries.
Ultrasound, also called sonography or ultrasonography. Ultrasound machines send high frequency sound waves into the body and measures the returning sound echoes. It then converts the received pattern into an image, …show more content…

This information is sent to the display console, which is the processing and display program that controls the digital image production processes. This includes the series of mathematical formulas that compile the image and the display parameters, such as window level and width, reconstruction and enhancement. Richard R. Carlton. Arlene M. Adler. Principles radiograph imaging. Fifth edition
CT scans are not only accurate, they are very quick. The imaging provided by the exams may eliminate the need for surgery, saving money and resources. The flexibility of the CT exam allows it to evaluate symptoms and diagnose issues in both adults and children. ‘’Decreased amount of contrast medium, improved image quality, improves spatial resolution. It also makes possible procedures that require shorter exposure times.’’ Quinn B. Carroll, M. ED., R.T. Radiography in the Digital Age. Second

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