
Radon Essay

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Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive element that can be found in soil, underground water, and outdoor air. Some of the properties of this gas include being odorless, tasteless, and colorless. The concentrations vary throughout the country depending on the types of rocks that are found in the soil. Exposure over prolonged periods of time to radon decay products has been associated with an increased risk of lung cancer.(3) The EPA describes an elevated concentration as being at or above their suggested guidelines of 4pCi/l
(pico Curies per liter, used as a radiation unit of measure for radon).
Exposures below this level may create a risk of lung cancer, farther reductions to lower levels may be too difficult …show more content…

Uranium and its by products of decay, namely radon are abundant and are constantly being generated.(13) Radon is capable of easily traveling through rocks and soil.(14) The gas is also found dissolved in water, due to decay in the soil or rock below.(15)

Radon in Water

The risk from radon in water is much lower than the risk from radon in air. This is because the water must be heated or agitated to release the gas.
This can happen in a shower, boiling water on a stove, or by using a washing machine. Most public water supplies don't present a radon risk, this is because the water is aerated at the treatment site and the gas escapes into the atmosphere. Most water that contains hazardous amounts of radon comes from wells. Wells should be tested for radon if the building that they are supplying contains hazardous amounts in the air. The testing procedures for water are different from those used on air.(16)

Water containing radon can usually be treated. The most effective treatment is to remove radon from the water before it enters the home, this is called point of entry treatment. Water can also be treated at the tap, this is known as point of use treatment. However this treatment is much less effective at removing the risk.(17)

Radon Entry

Radon travels through the ground and into the air, allowing the gas to easily enter buildings and homes.

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