
Raiders Of The Lost Ark Analysis

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Raiders of the Lost Ark directed by Steven Spielberg, has all original music composed and conducted by John Williams. In the, Golden Idol and Boulder Scene we see Indiana Jones and his helper encounter the golden idol. Here jones stands before the idol and there is dissonant music playing this music makes it seem like something is about to happen. We then hear what sounds like a trombone playing a dissonant chord. Jones’s assistant then makes a move toward the idol but Indy stops him before he can even take a step. Then jones crouches down to check a booby trap and we hear what sounds like a clarinet, making suspicious and not very clear sounds, after this happens we hear a sharp flute and an arrow is shot at a stick Indiana …show more content…

As he gets closer the score music begins to rise in volume and he crouches down to observe the idol at eye level. He stays there for a couple seconds admiring the object, in this moment all we can hear in the film is mainly violin playing in a smooth and almost romantic way. This string music contains a low pulse and the viewer is being coaxed into sharing the same admiration that Indiana Jones is having at that particular …show more content…

Indiana is forced to ask his assistant to throw the whip so he can swing from one side of the pit to the other, music pauses a bit when his assistant tells him to throw the idol to him. Jones thinks twice before doing so but he throws it over because the trap door was closing off, his assistant betrays him and drops his whip. Here the music starts again in the same high paced way it was before; Indiana is force to make the jump and just makes it. When he jumps we here a light, higher pitched sound. Then the camera pans out and we see the trap door closing slowly. As the trap door closes we here low minor sound coming from what sounds like a trombone and maybe some trumpets. Indiana Jones manages to get a hold of a rope and pulls himself out of the pit and through the trap door just in time. The high rate music continues and then we get an exclamation in brass sounds as Jones turns to see his traitor impaled and dead with stakes going down his

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