
Raiders Of The Lost Ark Research Paper

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Archaeologist vs. Nazis: Race for the Lost Ark E.T. the Extra Terrestrial, Jurassic Park, Gremlins, and Raiders of the Lost Ark. These classic action/adventure/sci-fi movies all have one thing in common: the well-known director that is Steven Spielberg. With 189 awards won and another 194 nominations, there is no wonder why Spielberg is Hollywood’s best known director. Credited for the most intriguing, captivating, and classic films since the 1970s, Spielberg continues creating films to this day, with many recent announcements for upcoming films such as Gremlins 3, West Side Story (remake), and Jurassic World 3. Perhaps my favorite Spielberg film at the moment, however, is Raiders of the Lost Ark. Released in 1981, this film combines action, adventure, and history into a single film that constantly had me on the edge of my seat. With Harrison Ford taking up the lead role of Indiana Jones and Karen Allen as Marion, Raiders of the Lost Ark secured 34 awards and another 23 nominations for its outstanding cast and crew, cinematography, …show more content…

For one, when the picture of the map of Asia was superimposed over the scene of Jones sleeping, the map showed Thailand; however, Thailand was not a nation until 1939 and the film was set three years prior to that. Additionally, when Jones is riding on a white horse to catch up to the Nazi truck transporting the Ark, he jumps off the horse and kicks the passenger out of the car and the horse keeps running along with the car; however, after a quick cut the horse is nowhere to be found. Lastly, a large amount of technology and machinery, such as a butane lighter, were used within the film yet were not created by 1936. Thus, there were multiple editing and prop mistakes made. Other than these mistakes, however, I believe the movie remained true to the time period it was set in as Nazis actually did search for many treasures in favor of Hitler’s

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