In relation to any sacrifice it must be offered with good intent to be in right relationship with God however that sacrifice must also be accepted.The resurrection shows God’s acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice. The resurrection was Jesus making himself visible and God making himself known. “Raised” is use of a metaphorical language to make sense of the event that has occurred and to articulate what happened. “On the third day” God is vindicating God’s purpose and cause. The empty tomb implies Jesus is no longer in the physical world. Nobody claimed to find Jesus’ body if they did it would be hard to sustain he was resurrected.Angels tell women "He is risen" and command them to inform disciples [Mt 28:5-8; Mk 16:5-8; Lk 24:3-8]. This forms part
He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb. Then he went away” (NIV, Matthew 27:60).
In the passage from the novel Under the Feet of Jesus by Helena Viramontes, the story of a girl named Estrella is described. Throughout the text Estrella learns a lesson from a box of tools that she will never forget. The author uses literary elements such as selection of detail, figurative language, and tone to show how Estrella’s character develops. Selection of detail within the text is vital because it allows for the reader to better understand who Estrella is, especially when describing Estrellas school experiences. For example in line 40 it describes the unbearable pain inflicted on Estrella, giving the reader a look into the struggles she faced on a regular basis.
Jesus and the Disinherited begins the first chapter with the interpretation of Jesus. Dr. Thurman explained that Jesus was a poor Jew and was a minority in the midst of a dominate society. Dr. Thurman gives his analysis on the worldviews Jesus. People around the world have their own interpretation of Jesus; yet, people have an orthodox view of him being fully God and fully man. In chapter one, the author references the nonviolent resistance approach, which is a tactic Dr. Martin Luther King Jr used in the civil rights movements. He interprets Jesus as a black man who lived his life as an outsider in the world. Jesus was the disinherited and oppressed like African Americans.
This paper is a review of the book The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach by Michael Licona. This book is comprised of pages that “investigate the question of the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection while providing unprecedented interaction with the literature of professional historians outside of the community of biblical scholars on both hermeneutical and methodological considerations.” The book is separated into five long chapters: “Chapter 1: Important Consideration pertaining to Historical Truth” , “Chapter 2: The Historians and Miracles”, “Chapter 3: Historical Sources Pertaining to the Resurrection of Christ”, “Chapter 4: The Historical Bedrock Pertaining to the Fate of Jesus”, and “Chapter 5: Weighing Hypothesis”.
I think a main one would be that God does exist. If the Resurrection did not happen how could God even exist. God was the one who raised Jesus from the dead. So, this gives evidence of God existing in Heaven. Habermas and Lincona said, “The writers of the New Testament asserted that it was God who raised Jesus from the dead” (136).
It is true that raising his actual body signifies that he has the power and authority over death. Moreover, it shows that he also have the power and authority over life. "The Lord brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up" (1 Samuel 2:6). His resurrection was crucial not only since he had spoken about it to his disciple, likewise, the scripture had to be fulfill. It is also true that his resurrection give a new meaning to faith. Since, some still did not believe or have faith in him, it gives them the evidence they needed to seal their faith.
Peter and Simon were crucified, Peter was crucified upside down, and James was beheaded. All three of them died horrible deaths because they believed in Jesus so strongly. If Jesus did not resurrect why would so many people give their life up for
H.S. Horton-Parker states that “scholars, Christians, and non-Christians have different opinions concerning the meaning of the gospel accounts of the resurrection of Jesus”. (1) After reading “The Transforming Reality of the Bodily Resurrection” by N.T. Wright I am able to appreciate the significance of the meaning behind the word “resurrection”. Jesus’ resurrection plays a pivotal part in our Christian faith. The Bible states in John 3:17, “For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (New International Version). Jesus’ death and resurrection create a larger picture of “salvation history” for us. Through this action we can now be saved from our sins and receive eternal life. N.T.
Jesus provided the final exclamation mark for His physical resurrection by telling the disciples that His resurrected body was comprised of "flesh and bones." "Touch me and see;" He says, "a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have" (Luke 24:39).
The disciples did not go to some other city to begin preaching about the resurrection where no one has even heard of Jesus, but they preached in Jerusalem. The disciples would not have been able to preach if Jesus was still in the tomb, no one would believe them. I do not think that anyone would believe that Jesus had rose from the dead if his body was still in the tomb where everyone could see. In conclusion to this theory, the belief of Jesus’ resurrection would not have been maintained for even one second if the empty tomb was not established as a true fact. Thus meaning, no one would have preached the resurrection of Jesus unless they knew without a doubt that his body was no longer visible in the
Jesus, the second part to the Trinity was sent down to Earth to save all of humanity. He is God, yet He is man. Jesus saved humanity through the incarnation, atonement, and resurrection. Incarnation refers to God becoming man and dwelling with us (Krise 2015). John 3:16, states “For God so love the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life” (Zondervan Study Bible NIV, John 3:16). God had a plan to save humanity, using Jesus to redeem people for their sins. The atonement refers to Jesus accepting what He must do to save humanity. A bible verse that explains the atonement is Isaiah 53:4-5, “Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Zondervan Study Bible NIV, Isaiah 53:4-5) Three days after Jesus died on the cross, He resurrected. This was a promise He made to His followers and this was a promise He did not break. The resurrection shows just how powerful the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit really are. “God asserts His ultimate power in the Resurrection. Human beings can bring God into the grave, but they cannot keep Him there” (Sarot). Jesus’ life and the events that occurred are very significant to
When Jesus arrived to Golgotha, He was nailed to the cross and soon after dies. The symbol of Jesus’ crucifixion is what Christians live by. It represents Jesus sacrificing his life to save humanity from their evil sins. When He died, He was taken down from the cross and was buried in a tomb, where He resurrected into Heaven and was seated at the right Hand of God. Jesus’ resurrection symbolizes two things. First, it proves to Christians that Jesus is the Son of God (Curtis). In the Bible, Paul affirmed that Christ is declared to be the Son of God by the resurrection from the dead (Rom. 1:4). Second, Jesus’ resurrection represented an assurance that all of humanity is saved and forgiven for their sins (Curtis).
There is no standard system of measurement adopted by all communications professionals but comprehending the return on investment (ROI) is necessary for companies to gauge which platforms equal effective outreach to media and the public (Drell, 2014). “Digital campaigns, in particular, now come with a variety of measurement tools, including Klout for measuring levels of online influence on Twitter and Facebook, and Google Analytics” (Argenti, 2016, p. 160). For law enforcement the ROI is viewed more likely as a return on objective (ROO) concept since they are a non-profit entity (Drell, 2014). Krajicek (2015) noted in his article that teams working various forms of social media, internal communications, media relations, etc., display
Everyone wants to be famous, be in charge, be powerful. It is human to reach for more power or authority and that ambition tends to clouds people’s judgement and block who they truly are inside so that they can get what they want. Throughout the play Macbeth, it is evident that ambition will take over a person of power and make them commit evil without considering the consequences because it corrupts the mind of those it consumes. The destructive actions of a person in power with too much ambition are noted in the first two acts of Macbeth.
Juno and the Paycock is a tragicomic play written by Sean O’Casey. It is set in the 1920s in Dublin, right after the outbreak of the Irish Civil War.