
Raising Lily 's Biological Father Essay

Decent Essays

In most cases people would assume that a perfect family would include a mother and father. Unfortunately, that’s not always the circumstances and many people grow up having just one parent or at times neither. Leaving you to wonder who has your best interest and it may not always be your parents. Lily’s future is the most important and who’d be a better fit to finish raising her. Although T. Ray is Lily’s biological father, he has shown that he is incapable of raising Lily because he shows no interest in Lily’s everyday life and he’s still mourning his wife. In contrast The Boatwright sisters are more Loving, Knowledgeable, and Gives Lily a better opportunity to grow. The Boatwright sisters should be allowed to raise Lily because they allow her to freely express herself, they teach her good moral values and mold her into an empowered woman.
Since T. Ray is Lily biological father many would feel that T. Ray is the better fit to raise Lily. T. Ray is still at a point in life where he is still grieving the death of his wife. Lily is the only connection of his wife that he has left. Lily being with T. Ray can help them both cope with living the rest of their lives without Deborah but Lily reminds him so much of her mother that he takes out his anger on Lily. He should little concern in Lily’s personal growth. He was wanted Lily to feel the pain that he felt when Deborah left.
In contrast to her life with her father Lily received impeccable love from the Boatwright sisters. The

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