“Raising minimum wage doesn’t just benefit the workers behind me, it creates a proven ripple effect that increases wages all the way up the scale. Let’s get the facts straight, only twenty percent of people making the minimum wage are teenagers. The rest are hard-working adults, many of them have families, and I mean hard-working” (Biden). Studies have shown that increases in minimum wage prove that the public is overall safer and healthier. Many reports show that seven dollars and twenty five cents, the current minimum wage is a “startvation wage” and is not enough to keep families out of poverty (washington). Minimum wage in Illinois should be raised to benefit the people.
Improved public health is a benefit that comes increasing
First, we are huge fans of yours and we can't wait until you become President of the United States! We are emailing you because we would like you to hear our views on the minimum wage issue. We have learned that the purpose of minimum wage is used to stabilize the economy and to protect the workers in the labor force. We know that you are in favor of raising the minimum wage to about ten dollars which seems fair and reasonable. We also know that you want to create more jobs which would be more attainable with your minimum wage plan. We are all in agreement with your plan for minimum wage and know that it would make life much easier for those Americans whose only source of income is a minimum wage job.
Minimum wage is the minimum hourly wage an employee can be paid from their employer. The federal minimum wage is set at seven dollars and twenty-five cents an hour in the state of Mississippi. Some states have chosen to raise their minimum wage higher than federal requires. San Francisco, CA, has the highest minimum wage fixed at ten dollars and fifty-five cents. Even though, some states have a higher minimum wage than others. The Fair Labor Standards Act entails every employee to be paid the same amount. If minimum wage was to be raised, it would have advantages and disadvantages.
America is a place where the people strive to create equal opportunities in every avenue of life. Every American should have unrestricted access to the options presented before them, allowing them to pursue their life goals and die happy deaths. However, this principle only stands for access to options, it has nothing to do with the advantages and disadvantages of said choices. The American dream is the idea that if you work hard enough, persevere, and really believe in yourself, good things will come. Drastically raising the minimum wage goes against all of those principles, rewarding lethargic actions and poor life choices. Raising the minimum wage to $15 will do more harm than good for middle class americans by decreasing the value of the money in their pockets, driving out big companies, and generally increasing unemployment.
There is a lot of controversy over whether the minimum wage should be increased to 15$ an hour in all states. Proponents say that current wages in America are not livable because inflation is way higher than the current minimum wage; Minimum wage was 1.60 in 1968, which is equal to 11.60 today. Opponents say that many cannot afford this, will have to close down, make cuts, raise prices and lay off people because they will need to pay them more. Most economists believe that that high of an increase would hurt job growth. I believe that Increasing the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour nationwide will do more harm than good. Raising the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour nationwide is too big of a jump and would just cause businesses to cut off workers, force small businesses to close and increase inflation.
With the minimum wage set at $7.25 dollars per hour many people are struggling to make do. The average cost of living in America is too much for people, who make minimum wage, to make ends meet. It’s thought that raising the minimum wage will have a negative effect on the unemployment rate but there has been no evidence of that. The value of the minimum wage has dropped immensely since 1960. Raising the minimum wage will be beneficial to America and its citizens. In 1968 the minimum wage was equal to $10.74 today. That means in 50 years the purchasing power of the minimum wage has diminished. From the end of WWII upto 1968 minimum wage was on pace with the average worker productivity rate. If this trend was true from 1968 to today and worker
Others studies also report that women are impacted more than men. Two thirds of all workers being paid at or below the federal minimum wage are women. This has been continued in a lot of companies, where there still give more rights to men than women for the same position. This means that 67% more women work minimum wage jobs than men. So, this will really affect women because they will be still doing the same amount of work or more work than before and getting paid less than men.
The debate over raising the minimum wage has been a hot topic ever since President Obama introduced the bill at the 2014 State of The Union Address. He intends to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10, an increase of over 40%. While the President claims this idea to be beneficial to the economy, studies show otherwise.
Who knew that minimum wage could save the world and the people in it? The last time minimum wage was raised on July 24, 2009, and that when it rose from $6.55 to $7.25 per hour, How have we been living on $7.25 this long? We haven't been living on it we were trying to survive and a lot of people can’t survive on a minimum wage that low. Raising minimum wage to an amount that could actually let people live comfortably would help the economy and a lot of people who struggle in this economy. This is not all that can help but raising the minimum wage can be the start of a lot of problems that deal with job growth, reducing child neglect, and poverty.
I don’t think the minimum wage should be raised. While low, raising the minimum wage would not necessarily have just positive effects, it would have negative effects as well. If it is raised jobs would decrease. There is a set amount of money and raising the minimum wage would not help the workers at all. The topic of minimum wage should be left between the employees and the employers, the people it really affects. It should be up to the employee to work as hard as they can and up to the employer to pay them for the job they have done. Some say that the minimum wage should be lowered, they tend to argue that with the amount the employees earn being so low they have to work extra jobs just to make a living. What they don’t see is that with a
The minimum wage has always been a crucial part of American economics, being a hot topic for debate. Recently, the idea of increasing the minimum wage to $10 an hour has sparked a great deal of controversy. These debates have jumbled American politicians and citizens around, trying to decide what they believe is the best way to approach the topic. Most Americans believe that the minimum wage should be increased, according to Pew Research Center, 33% favor and 40% strongly favor this raise. This can cause problems for many people without them realizing the consequences. The increase in minimum wage to $10 an hour would be detrimental to the United States economy, if passed it would result in increase of costs for businesses, unbalance of the
The minimum wage was created in 1938 in order to give the people some sort of fair labor standards.the minimum wage should not be increase because it will hurt individuals and businesses and hurt the socio economic of equity by increasing the minimum wage some workers are gonna gain some but other are just going to be laid off because the businesses need more money for their employees.
In my opinion, the minimum wage is absolutely necessary. Whenever there are talks of raising it, however, many are appalled by the notion, but, people rarely argue that their employer should pay them less. The minimum wage today is too small and should be raised to a more reasonable amount.
I think a better alternative to minimum wage for low to moderate income families is to expand the earned income tax credit (EITC). I believe this would be more beneficial because eligibility is based on total income of the family and factors in their number of children rather than being based off an individuals income. I think that if EITC increased and wage subsidies increased it would promote business, create jobs, and encourage employers to raise wages. Another solution would be to give small businesses tax reductions giving the owners incentive to higher more employees and counteract job loss that raising minimum wage brings. An alternative to rent control is subsidized housing for low-income families. It is available to those making
well-being is not treated as an integral part of the whole. Instead, the forgotten wage a daily
Although there is a great deal of disagreement about how to regulate the minimum wage in America, statistics indicate that the minimum wage has not been keeping pace with inflation. “The federal minimum wage is just $7.25 an hour and hasn’t been raised in three years. But a raise is much more overdue than that. If we look at the minimum wage 44 years ago, and simply adjust it for inflation, it would be more than $10 today.” However, there is tremendous resistance to raising the minimum wage, because of the belief that to improve the economic recovery, workers must be ‘cheap’ to encourage businesses to buy more labor. According to classical economic theory, as supply increases in the form of unemployed labor, labor prices should be allowed