
Ralph Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis

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When a child begins to walk, they fall down. Through all the mistakes they keep going and will succeed but will also continue to fall. Yet, they don’t give up and keep trying until soon they are running. If people were to use these ambitions in life, we would have an ample supply of leaders. On the island, Ralph shows these aspirations, portraying the leadership skills in him. He is just starting to lead and he encounters trouble and does fall. Yet he will get up because Ralph is a strong leader. In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies novel he uses characterisation to show how Ralph, a natural born leader, will lead the other children even though in the end he was betrayed by them due to the temptations of others. Soon after the boys have congregated, they decide to pick a chief. There are some boys that seem promising yet “there was a stillness about Ralph… that marked him out…” from the rest. He is elected chief thereafter. Piggy, who conveys intelligence, is a very qualified candidate for a leader. Another candidate, Jack, portrays the ambitions of a leader just without the smarts. Nevertheless, Ralph is the perfect choice, he has enough smarts and is helped by piggy, but he also knows …show more content…

Soon more boys are following him because he promises that they can eat meat and don’t have to work. If the boys choose to join his group they shall be savages and don’t have to worry about anything. Most of the boys follow him because they are thinking of themselves and not for the greater good of the group. The remaining children regard Ralph “gravely, not yet troubled by any doubts about his sufficiency.” They still can see the sense that Ralph has and they know they must keep working or else they will never be rescued. So even in the midst of great temptation Ralph is still left with a group, small yet wise. They know that Ralph’s plans are intelligent and is what will get them off the

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