
Ralph Waldo Emerson's View Of Transcendentalism

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Transcendentalism began in New England. America was a new world and new ideas and ways of thinking were being discovered. Ralph Waldo Emerson is viewed as the center of the transcendental movement. American Romanticism can be defined through transcendentalism, nature, social reform, individualism/non-conformity, self-reliance, and intuition.
The literary movement known as American Romanticism can be traced back to when Ralph Waldo Emerson addressed the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Harvard in his work known as The American Scholar. During this time, Romanticism in America was becoming one of the most desired forms of literature. The most important influence, as Emerson stated in The American Scholar, on the mind is nature. The concept of nature is vital when defining transcendentalism. Nature was not used as primarily a setting in the works written by Emerson. Nature is used as a way of describing human identity in the natural world or the struggle against the natural world. Emerson stated in Nature, “Nothing divine dies. All good is eventually reproductive. The …show more content…

Self-reliance is the defined as depending on oneself to meet their own needs. Self-reliance is closely related to individualism and non-conformity. Emerson’s view of transcendentalism was based on the idea that the individual was not only created in the image of God, but was created equally in a unique way. Individuals are the manifestations of God’s will on Earth and they are to rely on their own values and beliefs. Emerson believed that truth was found within and he stressed the importance of intuition. Emerson urged in Self-Reliance that intuition is the, “essence of genius, of virtue, of life.” According to Emerson, intuition is the only direct knowledge and all other knowledge is secondhand. Emerson believed that society needed to gain insight from self-reliant, intuitive

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