
Ralph's Journey In Lord Of The Flies

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In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Golding describes the individual journey of Ralph, one of the main characters, throughout the book. Stranded on an island, Ralph and the other kids try to do whatever it takes to try to get out of there. However as days go by and the days are decreasing , so is everyone else’s mental stability, especially Ralph’s. Ralph’s power starts at an increase but then drastically decreases as time goes by. In the beginning of the book, Ralph is described as “fair”(Golding 7) and seems to be really happy as he says, “No grownups!” (8). As he gets ahold of the conch, he becomes chief of everyone and gets started right away to try to create shelters and a fire. Ralph sets up rules for each person and this symbolizes that Ralph is somewhat in a powerful position. …show more content…

It is said that “he found himself understanding the wearisomeness of this life” (76). This shows that Ralph is very skeptic of the thought of being rescued. In addition to that, Jack has split from the group and has formed his own and has been luring for more and more littluns to join his group and to leave Ralph’s, leaving Piggy to be one of the only people supporting Ralph. He does not even have the motive to fight Jack back when he comes and attacks Ralph and Piggy’s shelter late at night. Though however, at the end of the arc, Ralph is back with full power as a naval officer asks who has been in charge and Ralph says, “I am” loudly

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