
Rammed Earth Research Paper

Decent Essays

This paper investigates the effects of stabilization on the hygrometric and thermal properties of rammed earth. In terms of moisture buffer value and moisture sorption, four mixes are analyzed and compared.

It would be better to extend the title with a subtitle, which should explain immediately that what the title expresses is based on a (limited) number of laboratory tests. The same aspect should be stressed in the abstract, which is clear on the whole.

The highlights are quite clear.

The structure of the paper is clear.

The "Introduction" quickly depicts the "topic" of rammed earth (such as References, which are a selection, necessarily short, of the current scientific literature) and focuses on the specific topic of the article. In this section of the paper:
1) the data cited in lines 41-43 are reported as general and not as related to certain (climatic) areas; …show more content…

In 2.1 "Materials", it should be widely explained the choice to include mix P in this study.

In 2.2.2 "Moisture sorption isotherms":
1) the oven temperature and the dimensions of the specimen could be added.
2) figure 4 is not clear;
3) it should be pointed out that the test is conducted both at standard conditions and after wet-dry cycles.

2.4 could be named "Moisture sorption isotherms".

In "Discussion":
1) what is stated in line 322 is a confirmation more than a demonstration.

In "Conclusions":
1) the first point appears too much underlined, if compared to its content and to the number of specimens;
2) although a short hint at the end of the fourth point, this section lacks considerations and perspectives about future researches on this

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