Ranch Land Restoration In order to asses the condition of land I would begin by estimating the population of domestic herds and examining levels of grazing by looking for evidence of invasive plant species encroaching to an unhealthy extent (Prior, 2014). I would also assess the condition of native grasses, streams, ponds and lakes in order to get to get a better idea of the land’s current potential (Prior, 2014). Healthy soil is essential to sustainable agriculture. 2 In order to examine the land’s soil I would estimate the percentage of the ground that is bare so that I could determine the potential for soil erosion (Prior, 2014). After noticing shrubs encroaching on grassland areas, significant soil erosion and the overgrowth of invasive
This presentation is on the article titled, “Recovery Ranch”, by Tim Smith. This recovery facility caters to those with a number of ailments, including PTSD. This facility located in Nunnelly, TN offers a continuum of addiction treatment services. This outdoor facility allows the clients to participate in an array of recreational and leisure activities. Some treatments of PTSD are cognitive behavioral therapy and cognitive processing therapy. The ranch can be quite costly. Recovery ranch uses the social behaviors of the clients in order for their healing process to begin. This topic was chosen because the clients are able to partake in many nature activities and the participants are able to cope better with people that they can relate to. It
This conservation plan has been put together to identify any soil, salinity, fertility, water, grazing and manure management issues that Cattleland Feed yards might have and to make recommendations on how to improve them. The goal is to make the land owner more informed and knowledgeable of the beneficial management practice and get them to commit to improving them. This will need to be done in a realistic and financially manageable way.
How did the interaction between people and the environment shape the physical landscapes of the West in particular?
If you’re in need of a professional tree company in Antelope Valley and surrounding areas to provide you with expert tree and shrub service, call us for quick response, excellent customer service and extensive expertise in the field. Whether you need emergency tree service or help diagnosing a problem with your plantings, you’ll find that we truly care about your trees, shrubs and property.
One threat to the Mojave Desert today is off-road vehicles. These vehicles end up causing damage to wildlife and cultural resources. Unfortunately when these vehicles are driven throughout areas such as Johnson Valley, they cause damage the wildlife on the protected land. These off-road vehicles are driven recklessly and for the most part the driver will not stop. Consequently, the plant or animal that was in the way of the drivers course is crushed and dies. When this happens in areas like this, the while entire environment can be affected. One single plant or animal killed by an off-road vehicle starts begins a chain reaction of resource loss. These off-road vehicles are actually churning up the soil and this causes damage to the plant roots
In efforts to restore the land back to normal, the federal government along with other agencies, created new rules and regulations to help improve the rehabilitation of the land. Some adjustments included: imposing that farmers plant trees and grass to anchor the soil, to plow and terrace in contour patterns to hold rainwater, and also was the emergence of allowing certain parts of the farmland to lie fallow each year so the soil there can regenerate. The government also purchased 11.3 million acres of land to so that the land would not be used for farming and other agriculture processes.
“A few years after the war ceased, railroads extended west, and markets were established within driving distance of Texas” (Haynes, 278). The railroads were a huge impact on Texas because around that time transportation was very poor. The railroads allowed for goods and other resources to be traded and sold for profits. Texas was known for having a background in farming and ranching because of its Mexican ancestry. Farming and ranching became very important to Texas’ life and economy. Texas’ economy, population, and environment was flourishing, as more and more settlers came along. The ranchers and framers were soon starting to settle in all parts of Texas. “Thes frontier counties we traveld in are nearly all Settle up from the old States mostly
1 The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has stepped in to provide restorative practices upon 500,000 acres of heavily degraded public grasslands. This land is suffering from severe soil erosion as well as degradation due to overgrazing. The suppression of natural fires has caused shrubs and invasive weeds to encroach upon the grasslands. A full scale assessment will take place on this land before restoration efforts begin. The first thing that would need to be assessed is the soil, for it is eroding and holding little nutrient value. Samples would be taken of this soil from various parts of the grasslands including the eroded gullies. Each soil sample would be taken from at least 1 foot below the surface, to test for carbon richness below the topsoil. These would then be tested for texture, density, water retention, and chemical composition. Typically, powerful, healthy soil will contain amounts of both Nitrogen and Phosphorous, which are essential nutrients in sustainable plant growth. These samples would also be tested for any build-up of salts, something known as soil salinization. Unhealthy, salinized soil is created over years of over-hydrating and deep plowing. Excess water will suffocate root systems of once-healthy crops, and salinized soils will reduce crop output up to 20% (Withgott &Brennan, 2011). The next assessment would be in the shrubs and invasive weed species on the land. Knowing the volume and location of these plants gives way to a better understanding of
Congress declares soil erosion “a natural menace”. Under Hugh B. Bennett, the SCS will develop programs to save the topsoil and irreparable damage to the land. New farming techniques are put in place and farmers are paid to practice soil-conserving techniques as
As lack of water and a particularly dry climate out competes shrubs, trees, and grasslands across Colorado, erosion rates increase reducing the infiltration of moisture into the soil. Causation is believed to have come from heavy livestock grazing, fire suppression, and the introduction of exotic annual plants. Habitat problems for animals and communities that rely on ranching and hunting have been directly affected by these desertification effects. Desertification has had large ecological impacts on the state of Colorado. Vegetation and ecosystems are among the most crucially impacted by the effects of desertification. While Colorado continues its dry drought like climate, restoration of soil becomes one of the major solutions to fight off desertification. Because of the overuse of our land in past generations, we are continuing to see the harmful effects due to desertification. The overall impact on humans produced by desertification is best noticed by a diminishing food production as well as a wealth of water sources becoming dry. People in affected areas are likely to experience poor water quality, dust storms, and pollution. More importantly, as soil loses its nutrients, it no longer becomes farmable; thus, impacting local businesses, livestock, and the many people in that community. If desertification continues in Colorado, an increase of lost farmlands and livestock will pose an economic decease within agriculture markets, farmers will be forced to move to find better
Canyon Ranch’s strategy should include the full integration of the CLS and Guestware systems to give the managers on duty access to consolidated information so they can take any required actions immediately. POS software should be installed in the restaurants and salons. They should also consider online options for customer bookings and completion of health questionnaires. Customers should be able to book an entire stay online, chat with a customer representative online, as well as complete then submit their health questionnaires online if they opt to.
Railroads were being built all over the state. The roads were transferring humans and supplies to farther destinations in quicker speed. The cities were expanding in population and size.
Every year the Wildlife Bureau of the DNR purchases land for public use and wildlife habitats. The restoration of Iowa’s prairie land is considered important because it can restore the natural ecosystem, benefit water quality, and reduces soil erosion caused by runoff. Other farming practices such as having buffer strips near streams and cover crops have helped manage the soil erosion in Iowa, but since 1850 we have lost nearly 14 inches in topsoil depth and growing.
“Erosion occurs when the soil lacks protective vegetative cover”. (Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) “Soil erosion reduces the productivity of the land by loss of water, soil, organic matter, nutrients, biota, and depth of soil.” (Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) With no conservation methods in place in certain places like: no contour farming, no cover crop, no terraces, no water ways, and tillage on steep hills is asking for a loss of productivity from the land. The effects on the land that non-conservation methods have is horrible. “Its effects are pervasive, and its damages are long lasting. (Pimentel and others 1995a)” (Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) Soil loss is a bigger factor then most people think. For an example an comparison of how much soil is actually lost in certain environments: “On sloping agricultural land under tropical rainfall, as much as 400t/ha/yr of soil is lost (Pimentel unpublished report,1990).”(Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) “Under arid conditions with relatively strong winds, as much as 5600t/ha/yr of soil has been reported lost (Gupta and Raina 1996).” (Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) Soil loss is a huge factor when conservation practices are not put into place. “According to some investigators, approximately 75 billion tons a fertile soil are lost annually from the world’s agricultural systems (Myers 1993).” (Pimentel, Kounang, 1998) Soil loss is a huge factor and many different things can be done to help slow it,
Plaintiff, Kaycee Land and Livestock, opened a case to hold Defendant, Roger Flahive, personally liable for (contamination) damages after an agreement made by Flahive’s LLC, Flahive Oil & Gas. The District Court of Johnson County presented the case to the Supreme Court of Wyoming to determine if Flahive could be held personally liable. Kaycee Land and Livestock contracted with Flahive Oil & Gas in order to use the surface of the land to raise the Plaintiff’s livestock. Kaycee Land and Livestock claims that Flahive Oil & Gas contaminated the surface area, leaving it useless for Kaycee Land and Livestock’s needs. Flahive Oil & Gas does not have any assets. Therefore, Kaycee Land and Livestock wants to use general corporate veil-piercing principles