Raneem our child speaks fluent English as a second language for children in her age. Speaking of her personality, she’s very talkative, confident, jumping from topic to another, and she likes showing off so much and talking about herself. For example; in the middle of our conversation, she said that her favorite color is purple; her bed sheets are purple and purple is a love forever. She keeps jumping from a place to another showing us that almost everything she owns is purple. Furthermore, she showed evidence of joint attention, whenever we asked her about something, she interacts very fast with the subject, shows her interest of the subject and take over and talk about it. One thing we noticed, she has a problem with taking turns that when
1. Renaissance - A period between the 14th to 15th century known as the “rebirth” of Europe. Europeans felt the need to explore and become successful. Sig. : 1. Created the printing press, which helped the people become more educated and learn new knowledge.
I have witnessed a child in my preschool class who has almost all the characteristics of Hyperactivity. The child fidgets when seated, she is sitting and starts moving her hands back and forth, moving her waist from side to side. The teacher would tell her to relax and she would stop but 2 minutes later she would begin again. Also, during group time everyone is seated in a circle, the teacher is talking and she would move from one spot to another and all the teachers have to tell her several times to stay in one spot on the circle. The little girl has a hard time completing a task as well, we would ask her to do something simple and she cannot stay seated for a long period of time. For example, all the children are sitting making a picture of their family and Anaya just makes herself and we tell her “make your mom and dad” and she said “ok” and she makes 2 circles and said “I am done”. We ask her “what about the arms” (at this point she is squirming on the chair) and she said “they have arms”.
As our nation shifts towards a more culturally diverse population both educators and families have to find a common ground to ensure that English Language Learners are academically successful. All stakeholders must carefully consider the social cultural impact on an ELL education. The process of raising bilingual learners take more than a language a school and a language learned at home. The transition must have a purpose and a goal.
Impact of Current Political climate on English Language Learners Students and funding in the public school.
I noticed each time that I observed Addie she wanted to do art first, you can tell it is her favorite. She always took her time during these art projects and was very enthusiastic when creating them. Another personality trait I noticed was that she is not a follower but a leader. She always did what she wanted to do and never changed stations when her friends did. Addie was so happy with her painting, filling up the entire canvas that she said to the teacher “we are almost done come see.” Addie spent the most time at the art station and held the longest attention span out of the three children I observed. She never moved back and forth between different activities during short periods of time. I did notice Addie wanted the attention from the
I used to consider writing as tumble words from your mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses.
The all too familiar situation of English language learners (ELLs) struggling in a classroom that is not meeting their needs is the theme of this short film. ELL’s present unique challenges for teachers given how the California educational system calls for only one year of English language development (EDL). After this time, English language development goals rest on the shoulders of the general education teacher with the additional requirement of infusing SADIE strategies into their daily lessons.
As I look back on my English 101 experience, I have come to the conclusion that I have learned many new things that have improved my abilities as a writer. I have learned some new techniques that have improved my ways of approaching an essay. I learned all about the rhetorical appeals and how to apply them in my writing and how to look for them in a essay written by a author. I have also learned how to argue both sides of a argument, and how to look for reliable sources and to properly quote and site the author of the essay. I feel as if I have become a better writer and my improved writing skills are shown within each essay.
The mere reference to the label given to students acquiring the English language potentially sparks debate amongst educators, policy makers and researchers. The federal government refers to these students as Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. This identification references the deficiencies the student may have rather than to identify the diversity and gifts that the student may possess. Such labels set premature limitations of the student and predisposes the student to limited rigor in instruction. Educators and researchers reference the same subgroup of students as ELLs, establishing the understanding that with sufficient support, increased rigor and cultural understanding, students will succeed.
Growth, I believe, is inevitable when one is compelled to learn and apply that knowledge which has been presented to them. This semester has proved to be a time of development, change, and substantial growth. During my time in English 101 I have had the chance to really explore new genres of writing such as memoirs, rhetorical analyses, and persuasive essays. In this class I have been able to build upon old writing skills and cultivate new ones; and I have also come to recognize what I like and dislike writing about through the completion of the assignments we were charged with. Through this semester in English 101 I feel as though I have had the opportunity to enhance my ability to apply the rules of rhetoric to my work, convey my thoughts and ideas with greater clarity, and recognize the places where I can improve my work through the revising process.
There are nearly 7000 languages spoken in the world. Among them is the English language. Richard Lederer, a retired high school teacher chose this language to be the subject of his essay “English is a Crazy Language.” In the essay, Lederer describes English with respects to who uses it, when it is used and how it is used. They justify his claim that English is the most widely spoken language in the world.
The things learned during the class, English 203, has not only helped the ability to write better, but also the ability to expand the research on each paper I have written. From the very beginning of this semester, I was taught to write an abstract, which I have never done before, but the basis of an abstract is to look at the big picture and take all the important points of a paper. Also, the papers that was written throughout the semester was not all based around one topic. The topics varied from sciences to engineering feats, while also coming up with our own business proposal where we learned how to format and make it a clean presentation of the idea, and finally we had to research Spartacus, and how it relates to history whether it is historically accurate or not. Taking English 203 has furthered my ability to write papers learning different techniques and ideas making myself a better writer.
ESL students are students that speak English as a second language. Presently, there is many different system to characterize this type of students (qtd in Shi, Steen 63). For example, they can be seen as “English Language Learners (ELL), English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), English Language Development (ELD), English Language Service (ELS), and
For me, learning a language is a complicated process. It is different from learning other subjects. It involves a lot of practices and follow up. When I talk about my personal experience, I would say that I have a rich experience in learning English as a second language. English was taught to me for ten years starting from grade seven till graduation from university. After graduation, I felt that I should improve my language skills. Therefore, I did a lot of efforts personally to increase my fluency. Until now I still learn the language. Indeed, learning a language takes a lifetime.
Social interaction is a key concept and necessity each individual experiences. Throughout the lifespan there are different engagements he or she will interact with. There are many different aspects on how one’s social life can be affected, positively or negatively. Social interaction is one of the most important determinants in foreseeing how one is going to develop physically, emotionally, and mentally. This can include milestones that are passed successfully and others that were thwarted in the process.