
Ranyiundo's Perception Of Women

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Another example of this could be seen when Ranyiundo’s boyfriend Don tried to make a pass at Ifemelu, “he was not interested in her, not particularly; he was simply a big man in Lagos, she attractive and alone, and by the laws of their universe, he had to make a pass, even if a half-hearted pass…” (Adichie 509). It was a Nigerian perception that men should be more dominant over women. When Adichie said “by the laws of their universe,” she really meant the perceptions and expectations that a big man like Don was supposed to fulfill being who he was. If he had not tried to make a pass at her, Don may have been seen as not worthy or weak by others in that society. It was the expectations and perceptions that drove his actions. Later on, Ranyiundo complained that “He (Don) said I am not the sweet girl I used to be” (Adichie 512.) However, upon reflecting on this, Ifemelu realized that Don’s version of ‘sweet’ was really submissiveness. Don had tried to mold Ranyiundo in the way he wanted, and when she did not perform up to his expectations, he was disappointed in her. It was important that Ifemelu recognized …show more content…

Throughout the entire novel she analyzes things like ‘the American dream’ and what it means to be black in America. The story of Ifemelu is not a hard story to imagine, and Adichie was able to use a relatable character to really examine the perceptions and expectations that so many immigrants face, and how it can change people in the long run- like Aunty Uju. Due to this novel popularity and success, the controversial topics within have been discussed and debated by university scholars, students, and book lovers alike. Progress can be made by those who take a step out of their own perceptions, and what they were raised to believe. Once this is done, real conversations can take place which includes all life views despite race, gender, sexual preferences,

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