
Raoul Wallenberg Research Paper

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Raoul Wallenberg is credited with saving the thousands of lives of Jews who were taken into Hitler’s concentration camps during World War II. His devotion and honored Swedish heroism earned him his recognition we acknowledge today.
He was born on August 4, 1912, three months after the death of his father, Raoul Oscar Wallenberg. His mother, Maj Wising Wallenberg remarried Fredrick von Darriel in 1918. Wallenberg’s grandfather, Gustav Wallenberg, took care of his education while he was growing up, having in his mind that he would carry on the tradition of his family as highly respected bankers, diplomats, and politicians. But Wallenberg had his own interest. He loved architecture, and in 1930 he graduated with top grades in Russian language …show more content…

It was Per Anger, a young diplomat at the legation in Budapest, who initiated the first of these Swedish protective passes. In a short period of time the Swedish legation issued 700 passes, a drop in the ocean compared to the enormous amount of Jews being threatened by nazis. The legation requested staff reinforcements from the foreign department in Stockholm. In that same year the United States of America established the War Refugee Board ( pich organized a way of saving Jews from Nazi persecution. The WRB needed leaders from Sweden to represent it amongst a committee. Koloman Lauer was chosen to be apart of the committee, as one who had an expertise in …show more content…

In a letter to the Swedish ambassador in Moscow, the Russian vice foreign minister Dekanosov declared that “the Russian military authorities had taken measures and steps to protect Wallenberg and his belongings.” (“Happened”). When no word came to the Swedes, Wallenberg’s mother, Maj von Dardel, contacted the Russian ambassador in Stockholm, Aleksandra Kollontaj, who explained that she could be calm, since her son was well kept in Russia. To the Swedish foreign minister wife, Aleksandra Kollontaj, said the same time that it would be best for Wallenberg if the Swedish government wouldn’t stir things up. Kollontaj was called back Russia, meanwhile, and the issue took a new turn. On his way out of the capital on January 17–with Russian escort–Wallenberg and his driver stopped at the “Swedish houses” to say good-bye to his friends. To one of his colleagues, Dr. Erno Peto, Wallenberg said that he wasn’t sure if he was going to be the Russian guest or their prisoner. Raoul Wallenberg thought he’d be back within eight days-but he has been missing since

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