
Rap Music Video

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Anaconda can be identified as a pop music video and has characteristics of rap, and hip hop. This can be ascertained by analysing the music video in detail.
Mise- en- scene of the music video looks at the props, costumes, hair and makeup, location, colour and lighting. These elements will determine the type of music video.
Lighting and colour
The lighting in a music video can create different emotions and views and allows the audience to be able to identify the type of genre, for expel, rock music videos lighting tend to be dark and gloomy, while pop music videos are usually well light, bright and vibrant. Lighting is important as it sets the mood of the music video, it also enhances the artist. Bright lighting draws the audience …show more content…

This is seen when Nicki Minaj is dancing with her backup dancers, the setting is brightly lit but the lights are studio lights and the scene where Nicki Minaj is rapping and dancing with drake, computerised strobe lights and flashing lights are used to the beat of the song . These lights flash and form different shapes and sizes, creating different effects. They also create a silhouette of the artist. The scene stand out profoundly because the rest of the scene is low key, this type of lighting is commonly seen in hip hop music …show more content…

The costume is also important because it has an influence on what is popular and mainstream as well as what the audiences will dress like. Pop music videos, the artists are clothed in mainstream, fashionable clothes or clothing labels. The artists in pop music videos usually wear what is popular at the time and the target audience are usually able to relate. Costumes also depend on the artist and their image, for example when you hear about lady gaga, you think about extravagant clothing, on the other hand, Nicki Minaj is known for being a bit over the top in how she appears but she generally wears mainstream popular clothing. In Anaconda this is clearly seen when Nicki Minaj is seen clothed in Balmain and Alexandra Mcqueen which is reflective of the lyrics and the narrative of the music video these names appeal to the viewers as they are designer names. Ncki Minaj is also seen as a Barbie doll with long lashes, known for wearing bright colours, especially when it come to her hair, this makes her identifiable, cause as soon as you see the artist your able to know who the music video is which is common of pop music

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