Anaconda can be identified as a pop music video and has characteristics of rap, and hip hop. This can be ascertained by analysing the music video in detail.
Mise- en- scene of the music video looks at the props, costumes, hair and makeup, location, colour and lighting. These elements will determine the type of music video.
Lighting and colour
The lighting in a music video can create different emotions and views and allows the audience to be able to identify the type of genre, for expel, rock music videos lighting tend to be dark and gloomy, while pop music videos are usually well light, bright and vibrant. Lighting is important as it sets the mood of the music video, it also enhances the artist. Bright lighting draws the audience
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This is seen when Nicki Minaj is dancing with her backup dancers, the setting is brightly lit but the lights are studio lights and the scene where Nicki Minaj is rapping and dancing with drake, computerised strobe lights and flashing lights are used to the beat of the song . These lights flash and form different shapes and sizes, creating different effects. They also create a silhouette of the artist. The scene stand out profoundly because the rest of the scene is low key, this type of lighting is commonly seen in hip hop music …show more content…
The costume is also important because it has an influence on what is popular and mainstream as well as what the audiences will dress like. Pop music videos, the artists are clothed in mainstream, fashionable clothes or clothing labels. The artists in pop music videos usually wear what is popular at the time and the target audience are usually able to relate. Costumes also depend on the artist and their image, for example when you hear about lady gaga, you think about extravagant clothing, on the other hand, Nicki Minaj is known for being a bit over the top in how she appears but she generally wears mainstream popular clothing. In Anaconda this is clearly seen when Nicki Minaj is seen clothed in Balmain and Alexandra Mcqueen which is reflective of the lyrics and the narrative of the music video these names appeal to the viewers as they are designer names. Ncki Minaj is also seen as a Barbie doll with long lashes, known for wearing bright colours, especially when it come to her hair, this makes her identifiable, cause as soon as you see the artist your able to know who the music video is which is common of pop music
In ES he uses low key lighting Edward in the Big dark castle when the lady first encounters him. This shows how isolated and lonely he was. And him coming away from that darkness signified him trying to really come out. In CACF he uses low key lighting to a similar effect. He uses this on Willy Wonka. When he puts the low key lighting on Willy’s face this shows how in his factory he was very alone and had a troubled past. Which caused him to be more distant when the time came to actually socialize with the kids that came to the factory. In the Corpse Bride he uses this as well. When Victor sits down and plays this piano we get a shot of him and the piano surrounded by low key lighting. This shows how isolated and lonely Victor was. That when he plays his music or paint his painting that he actually comes out of his shell. This shows that lighting that he uses really has a effect on his
The term “mise en scene” carries the original meaning of “putting into scene” and was a term that signifies the director’s control of visuals and events in the frame. There are several aspects in mise en scene. Aspect such as setting, lighting, costume and behavior of figures were controlled to allow the director to stage the event and create the overall effect within the frame.
Most of the actors are wearing darker clothing as well which makes their faces stand out even more. This lighting style also adds to the tension and the mystery of the scene. It makes the audience on edge. The contrast filled lighting of film noir is also effective at bringing out the extremes of emotions and thought. The darkness of the genre makes anything that goes wrong seem less taboo, because the lighting of the genre sets up the norms for the world that the film lives in—and in that world, bad things happen. The lighting of the film helps the audience understand the world that the characters are in.
The elements used in this concert were videos of a timeline of African-American dances. This was very helpful because it allowed the audience to know what time period they were looking at for a certain dance. There were different varies of costumes. There were costumes from the tribes danes, spiritual dances, 1902' dances as dancers, and etc. The dancers did an excellent job with combine the costumes to the era and it actually looked like pieces from that era. The lighting was very good and it allowed for the mood to be seen in the dances as well. When a dance needed to evoke a spiritual mood, the lighting would evoke that mood by only allowing light on the dancer and no one else. If it needed a joyful feeling, all the lights were on showing
What is mise-en-scene? Mise-en-scene is the arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a movie is enacted. It is most commonly used to show the setting of the movie. But if used correctly can be used to portray the feelings of the characters and to help tell the story. Orson Welles made sure to use the props, actors, and even the camera to use mise-en-scene to tell the story of Charles Foster Kane to its fullest. Character positions, camera angles and music, and framing used to tell the story in Citizen Kane. It’s use of mise-en-scene made it not only ahead of its time, but it made it a masterpiece.
Mise-en-scene is the principle by which a piece of film will derive its meaning wholly from what happens in the single shot and not from the relationship between two shots. For example the director might include shots with various composition, angle, depth, movement, and lighting.
A main aspect of mise-en-scène that plays an influential role in defining the difference between characters that have been designated as good and evil is the use of fabric choices and the costumes they wear.
The objective of the creative project is to familiarize with the aspects of mise-en-scene by means of implementing them in a practical form. The creative project two will showcase how certain degree of changes made with respect to features of mise-en-scene can bring about a differentiation in genre and scenic atmosphere without any alterations brought about in the script. Following aspects such as settings, props, décor, actors, lighting, costume, makeup, space, time, and focusing on the rules that bind these commandments together, effort will be made to bring across authenticity in describing the genres as well as in the creation of scenic atmospheres.
Suspense is a crucial ingredient in the making of horror and thriller films. The significance of suspense in horror films is to bring out the “twist or unexpected moment of realization that makes someone scream and one's heart race. In the film industry, there are various types of genre, but as different as films may seem, they all have one element that links them all together. That element is known as Mise-en-scene. Mise-en-scene is a French phrase that means “putting into the scene.” Mise-en-scene includes elements such as setting, lighting, costume, and figure movement and expression (acting).
In the world of Hip-hop, artists have the ability to shape the image and status of women in our society. Over time, these music videos have misrepresented women and portray them as sex symbols or material objects. In these music videos, women wear provocative clothing to pacify the desires of males further
Mise en Scene mean all the elements of a shot which helps to convey a message to the viewer. The elements are setting, costume, location, lighting/colour and film techniques.
The music video I’ve chosen for my music video analysis essay is “The Suburbs”. “The Suburbs” was released 1 June 2010 by the Canadian indie-rock band known as Arcade Fire and was a single from the album The Suburbs. What’s cool about this music video is that the video footage used for the song is just scenes taken from a short film called “Scenes from the Suburbs.” “The Suburbs” revolves around a group of teens. At first these teens are riding their bikes and playing in what seems to be some suburbs. As the video progresses the suburbs seem to get more and more dangerous as men with guns appear and people are dragged from their homes.
The first category of mise-en-scene is setting and props. The first component of this category is setting, which is the location or time of a film’s action. The creation of a film’s setting, is done very deliberately by the filmmaker; everything that is in the frame is
Mise-en-scene is the arrangement of everything that appears on screen, such as the actors, props and costumes. In the movie Scream, the characters wear outfits to make their roles obvious. The girl’s boyfriend is wearing a highschool jersey which shows who he is quite easily and the killer is
Mise en Scene are used in every aspects of filmmaking. The term refers to the overall look and feel of