Unfortunately today rape is a relevant topic when talking about a college campus. It has become more prominent in the news every day and although it may seem as though actions are being taken to prevent such a tragedy many colleges almost seem to cover up or mask the fact that such a thing is happening. Jessica Valenti the author of The Guardian: The Web Edition Articles is a female feminist who wrote on the topic of college campus rape and how the victims are not being helped as well as the fact that the rapists are not being punished by the college to the full extent. Rape is a touchy subject for most especially for men, because in this situation the women more often times than not is the victim and therefore has full control, and as Valenti
When it comes to choosing a college, there are many factors in this major life decision: price, location, type of education, and finally, safety. Young women in college campuses across the country, although no campus is immune from these heinous acts, safety is still a main concern. “If you knew your son had a 20% chance of being held up at gunpoint, you’d think twice before dropping your kid off,” says Vice President Joe Biden. “Well, my God, you drop a daughter off, it’s 1 in 5 she could be raped or physically abused? It is just outrageous.” (TIME magazine). Twenty percent of young woman will be sexually assaulted during their college career. Why is sexual assault prevalent on college campuses now more than ever?
On November 19, 2014, Rolling Stone Magazine published an article that attracted over 2.7 million views, “more than any other feature not about a celebrity that the magazine had ever published.” The article, “A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA” catapulted the issue of rape culture on college campuses into a national discussion. Encouraging this discussion and urging universities across the country to increase their efforts to combat this was the goal of Sabrina Rubin Erdely when she set out to find a story that encompassed just that. However, the article was ultimately retracted and removed from the website by Rolling Stone due to fabrications and ethical issues in the story.
Rolling Stone is a magazine that was first known for its coverage of music and politics now mainly focuses on pop culture and entertainment. In the November 2014 issue, “A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA” story was published about an alleged rape on the University of Virginia campus. Rolling Stone released information about the alleged rape of a freshman and how the school mishandled the situation. The Rolling Stone wrote and published a story that was only told from the student’s point of view; the magazine never interviewed anyone else related to the case. “A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA” story caused much controversy and many ethical issues came from the release of the
Way too often are sexual assaults happening on colleges campuses. Because of these sexual assaults, females students have a hard time being safe on campus, or even staying on campuses. Statistics state, “1 in 4 college women will be the victim of sexual assault during her academic career… Every 21 hours there is a rape on an American college campus… College women are most vulnerable to rape during the first few weeks of their freshman and sophomore years”(Sexual Violence on College Campuses). Everyone says that your college days are the best days. Well they are, until a sexual assault or a murder has occurred on your campus. Now students are afraid to walk on their campus and feel safe and secure. They are afraid to enjoy their college experiences, thus not making their college experience the best years of their life. Do you think that Campus Security is doing enough to help prevent these crimes from happening? Do you think that the college crimes are only happening to certain students? Is college really as safe for students as it is made out to be? To understand the dangers of college campuses, it is important to analyze the statistics of college crimes, the people committing these crimes, the data from high profile cases, and the steps to make campuses safer. I feel like if the students on campus know that they have a safe environment then they will enjoy life more, maybe even become more
Free-and-easy sex prides itself on being commitment free, no emotional ties attached. Today, this idea of leaving all emotions at the door is the supposedly, sophisticated choice on campus. It is now well understood that traditional dating in college has mostly gone the way of the landline, replaced by “hooking up”- an ambiguous term that can signify anything from making out to oral sex to intercourse - all complete without the emotional entanglement of a real relationship. As times have changed, students begin to view a relationship as “too time consuming” and something that no longer takes priority amongst their busy, high achieving schedules. However, hooking up threatens the sexual, physical, and psychological health of college-age youth. Today’s youth may want to think twice before engaging in the prevalent hook-up culture. Despite the popularity of positive feelings, hookups can include negative outcomes including emotional and psychological injury, and even more concerning consequences such as unintended rape. In order to protect our generation, and more specifically our women, society must acknowledge the detrimental effects of a hook up culture to create a greater understanding surrounding this risky sexual behavior and ensure a more powerful, positive presence for women in our society. The combination of a society seeped in rape culture and an alcohol infused hookup culture creates a compromising sexual environment where women have limited control, opening the
Campuses are putting up a visage to distract parents and students at a vulnerable time of college hunting just so they can get more money. Our money is more important to colleges than children’s safety, just so they are more marketable they ignore the true troubles students are facing. Rather then administration narrowing down on students mental health they focus on the students grade point averages and the final exams administered. Statistics show that “a 2014 report by the U.S. Department of Justice estimated that 80% of student victims don’t report their rape or sexual assault to police, based on data from 1995–2013. Just because a school had no rape reports doesn’t mean no rapes happened.”(Reddit) Colleges are too naive to report them so they can have a better
Sexual assault is defined as any vaginal, oral, or anal penetration that is forced upon another, regardless of sex and sexual orientation, using any object or body part. The issue of sexual assault in America is primarily encouraged by rape culture. Women Against Violence Against Women is an organization that defines rape culture as a complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. The acceptance of rape culture, rape myths, and the disregard for sexual consent also allow for the perpetuation of sexual assault against women on college campuses. Recent examples of sexual assault on college campuses show how prominent this issue has become and how hostile campuses have become for female students. Some examples include the University of Southern California’s “Gullet Report,” Miami University of Ohio’s “Top Ten Ways to Get Away with Rape,” and a sexual assault on the campus of Kansas University. Sexual assault is perpetuated by the acceptance of rape myths and rape culture, lack of effective sexual education, and the disregard for consent. The solution to this issue lies with defeating rape culture, increasing awareness and funding for campus sexual assault crisis centers, and enacting more prevention programs on campus.
Sexual assault and rape are serious social and public health issues in the United States and throughout the rest of the world. In particular sexual assault on college campus are prevalent at an alarming rate and leaves serious effects on the victims. This essay will focus on statistics and the prevalence and effects amongst college students, through examining a number of reasons why women fail to report sexual assault and rape. This essay will also cover sexual assault prevention and things that can be done to mitigate the risk of becoming a victim to such matter.
Sexual assault has been a huge issue for many years on college campuses and universities nation wide. As society has evolved, thoughts on sexual assault have also evolved, becoming more focused on the details of victim treatment than ever before. The topic of sexual assault is debatable and sparks many opinions on weather sexual assault on college campuses is becoming more frequent, or if there is just heightened awareness. Sexual assault can happen to anybody no matter the gender, race, religion, or age. Recently there have been many studies conducted on sexual violence on college campuses and universities producing ample amounts of statistics. One may argue that sexual assault rates are the same, but there are simply more studies and attention on sexual assault in the past 20 years. Gender roles have played a huge part in sexual assault on college campuses. Women and men have different expectations when it comes to roles in the relationship, men are often expected to make the first move. One may ask what causes a perpetrator to sexually harass somebody and think it is acceptable. There are various reasons as to why perpetrators do what they do, and may vary from person to person. Although sexual violence is a large problem for many colleges and universities, there is a surprising shortage of federal laws/rules and regulations regarding sexual assault. Colleges are able to develop their own personal policies and procedures for how they will prevent and deal with sexual
College campus sexual assault has become a growing epidemic. Victims are assaulted by strangers, friends, or acquaintances, and receive no support when reported to the school staff. The importance of making this epidemic more aware to students or school faculty is to show the impact sexual assault has on a victim and their family, but also make it easier for victims to report and discuss their assault. Rape culture is becoming increasingly normalized within college campuses, and poses dangers to all students. The normalization of rape on college campuses promotes a mindset that suppresses victims and does not hold the attacker responsible for his or her actions.
In this article, Kansas State University looks at if many students--mainly male and fraternity members—are getting away with the raping of other students, with no consequence. Two KSU students, Sara Weckhorst and Tessa Farmer, discovered this problem when they reported two rapes in 2014 and 2015 and nothing was investigated about the issue. This and other cases were expressed with the failure of the university to investigate and solve the problem of raping’s dealing with college students. “The Education Department has advised universities that they are required under Title IX to investigate accusations of
In recent news a topic that has been gaining a lot of national attention is that of sexual assault on college campuses. Most understand sexual assault as an extremely vulgar act and it can universally be seen as taboo. But what exactly constitutes as sexual assault? The term sexual assault takes many forms including the attacking of an individual, rape, attempted rape, as well as any unwanted form of sexual contact and threats. A common form of sexual assault committed is when an individual touches any body part of another without the consent of the other person. According to legal standards sexual assault is classified as a statutory offense. This means that it is a crime to knowingly make another engage in an unwanted sexual act whether it be forced or threatened. We live in a digital era where the internet can be a blessing and a curse all at the same time. With the foundation of what sexual assault entails laid out there can be many connections made to things possibly broadcast on the news, and even posted on social media. The succeeding paper will draw connections to recent cases in headline news involving sexual assault and discuss available precautions on college campuses specifically at Bowling Green State University towards sexual assault.
Certain things are a given about college life. New opportunities, new friends, new living situations, but also, new dangers. No matter what college, what area, whether it is a notorious party school or not, there is always a danger that comes with placing hormonal youths in close contact with drugs, alcohol, and each other. Yet, few parents are afraid for the safety their young sons. Many parents fear for the safety of their daughters, in an environment where drugs and alcohol are the norm. The college party culture has been renowned for placing shame and blame on young girls who are the victims of rape and sexual assault. So, I created a model for a poster which protests this campus, and also nationwide rape culture.
Being young and watching movies about college and waiting for the day that we get to leave our parents’ house and head to the exciting world of college the partying, drinking and handsome boys are all there. But little do we know that college can be cold and cruel, with rape and violence.
Rape culture is a social issue that has always been a controversial topic. There has been more coverage lately because of the recent cases that have been shown in the news. The recent cases, and cases in the past, have mostly been on college campuses and also have involved the female being the victim and the male not getting a proper sentenced (or getting let out early). The research study that I looked at pertained to rape on college campuses and the communication students had about rape.