Rape is an issue that needs to be addressed more often as it is becoming a big issue in America. We teach people to avoid getting rape when we should be teaching people to stop raping. Rape isn’t fair and it shouldn’t be happening at all. 98% of rapists will not spend a day in prison and 68% of sexual assaults aren’t ever reported to police out of confusion and fear. We need to change those statistics in order to provide a safer environment for everyone. People should be able to walk outside and not have to worry or think about rape. Although rape is obviously wrong, some people argue that it’s human nature and that victims of raped shouldn’t be noticed. It’s mostly men who say it’s okay because it’s mostly men who have been sexually assaulting …show more content…
We need to change those statistics. Rape isn’t right and people need to understand that. It makes me angry that rape victims are left depressed, wanting to die or suffer from a mental illness such as PTSD while the perpetrator is fine and is able to walk about the world feeling little to no shame. What makes these people think it’s okay to do this to another person without consent? 17,342 pregnancies are caused by rape. Keep in mind these are the pregnancies that actually happen while the other pregnancies result in abortion. The ladies who were pregnant and had to go through abortion or actually going through with the pregnancy have so much strength and they went through things they didn’t deserve to go through. It’s not right and we as a united society need to help one another out. We need to understand the dangers of rape to help end it. Rape reports need to be taken seriously and needs to be thoroughly evaluated to show victims that they are respected and brave for being able to go and do the things they did. Their reports could help put a lot of bad people off the streets, so respect them for their courage instead of pushing them away. Don’t ever tell a person that their rape could have been prevented and it was their fault because unless you’ve been in the same situation as them, you have no right to tell them what they could’ve or should’ve done. Be respectful so they
However, I am privy to the fact that the U.S ranks amongst the highest in the number of female rapes. It seems that the US is at war with itself. Here in the U.S individuals rape others for their own personal gain rather than a war tactic. Rape in the U.S is created by our rape culture instead of being a weapon of war. Rape culture is all around us. There is a sort of "tolerance" for rape that has been normalized in society. This is not acceptable. Our rape culture takes form in many ways. One being victims seem to always get the finger pointed at them when they gather the courage to report it. Personally speaking, I was taught if I do not want to be raped then I should not wear certain outfits, drink alone, leave my drink unattended, I also should not walk alone at night, and the list goes on. And if I were to be raped, I should be prepared to be bombarded with questions that paint me as partially responsible for getting raped, which in turn, takes some of the blame off of the assailant. This is not right, however, it is justified due to our rape
Rapists are rarely imprisoned for an adequate amount of time—if any—which is why once convicted, the sentencing that they receive should remain unchanged until it is fulfilled. Too many judges will allow the convict’s sentence to be shortened or changed to house arrest. Which means that survivors of rape have to deal with the fear of being raped again or even killed when their assailant is released from prison earlier than expected. Rape is a very traumatic experience and can happen to anyone. The effects after a traumatizing experience, such as rape, can last a lifetime and lead to the decay of a victim’s life. These outcomes can cause physical and mental damage for the survivor. To make matters worse, victims are essentially punished by the justice system for their own rapes when a rapist is not sufficiently prosecute and there are not any laws to protect the survivors. They are forced to live in fear of being raped again and sometimes are even ridiculed or shunned by peers and family for being raped, Therefore elucidating the impression that the rape was the fault of the victim. Many people who do not sympathize or empathize with the trauma of rape may claim that the survivor wanted to be raped. This is never true, even despite the circumstances. Nobody asks to be raped, not a woman, not a man, not a
We have seen rape-law reform takes place in the United States over the last decade.The evolution of awareness of rape changed federal legislation which was enacted in 1994 and known as the Violence against Women Act (VAWA). This act was reauthorized in 2000 and 2005. Many attempts have been made by researchers to measure rape, and the findings vary across the board. There are a lot of rape statics that are very unreliable and misleading. Rape is determined and counted by the data source that is used. The FBI’s UCR Program reported 88,097 in 2009, and these were completed or attempted rapes. The best measure of rape is the National Violence against Women (NVAW) Survey. 18% of
It is clear by just a few examples that rape has more misconceptions than it should. If people would be more open to discussing this touchy topic, more could be done to prevent
Rape has been an issue for many centuries. We have laws to prevent and reduce rape, but laws are not perfect. There are always people out there that cannot follow the laws. If a criminal is caught, the will be brought to justice; however not all the criminals or offenders that break those laws are punished. An uncommon rape that is rarely addressed is correction officers raping female inmates.
One in six American women, and one in thirty-three men are murdered by serial killers. The government has announced an even more horrifying fact: One in nine underage girls were killed as well. Society has rushed to arms to imprison the killers and attempt to recover from this horrible tragedy -- wait. I apologize; this is the wrong crime. These are the statistics for rape according to RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network). The public immediately takes on a different outlook. Rape is much less damaging than murder, right? After all, surely the victims deserved it. They were drinking or dressed wrong. If they didn’t want to be raped they shouldn’t have been walking alone at night. It must have been the victim’s fault. There are countless websites and classes which teach women how not to be raped; they shouldn’t drink, shouldn’t take public transportation, and should return to their homes and lock their doors by nightfall. If the victims had only followed these rules, they would have been safe.
In the 2014 online article “CDC: Nearly 1 in 5 women have been raped” by Elahe Izadi gives evidence to show that women are getting raped at an extreme rate. Izadi states that “An estimated 19.3 percent of women have been raped at one point in their lives.[...] Additionally, nearly 2 percent of men have been raped; nearly 44 percent of women and 23 percent of [...] 15 percent of women [...] have been stalked..” This shows proof that women are being raped at a rate that isn't acceptable. Izadi also shows that “Survey estimates show significant proportions of women of all races and ethnicities have reported being raped: 32.3 percent of multiracial women; 27.5 percent of Native American women; 21.2 percent of black women; 20.5 percent of white women; and 13.6 percent of Hispanic women.” This also gives evidence that women of all races are being raped at an alarming rate. With all the evidence shown , It is strongly suggested that women are being raped too often. Unfortunately, some people may not agree with the evidence
There have been rallies and protests about the fact that it isn’t the victim’s fault that they were raped. Men, women, and kids suffer from all sorts of cancer and other diseases, the Law of Attraction says they called it upon themselves, little innocent kids who probably have done nothing bad in their short lives, and now they can die, they called it upon themselves, really? What about the kids and adults who are victims to mass shootings? Did they just think about the worst case scenario for days at a time and they just happened because of negative thoughts? Well clearly, no, they didn’t call themselves to be killed, if nobody thought about dying in there life then nobody would die, um,
“To every survivor of sexual assault… You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We’re with you.” – Hillary Clinton. Every 98 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. The younger someone is they are at the highest risk of sexual assault. They majority of victims are under 30. Women aren’t the only ones who are victims of sexual assault. Males who are in their early 20s and in college are 5 times more likely than non-college students of the same age to be a victim. “2.78 million men in the U.S. have been victims of rape” (RAINN 2016). “Some women take it seriously when they’re not taken seriously.” – John Chancellor. Some things to think about is what is consent, campus sexual assaults, types of sexual assaults, and prevention of sexual assaults.
Rape has become a huge crime in the U.S. Most rapes are not reported; therefore many of the offenders never spend a day in prison. It has become a huge issue for women because now every time they go out they have to think of the things that may happen to them. They have to think about the way that they are dressed; if the clothes they are wearing are a little too revealing and may provoke sex offenders or rapists. But women are not the only ones who need to be aware of sex offenders. Men can be sexually harassed and raped as well. Many may not believe that rape happens, but it does, more often than you think. Somewhere in the United States, someone is getting sexually harassed every
Rape is something that often goes unreported. Many rape victims believe it is their fault because of the claims society give off; therefore, when one rape victim comes out, often many others do too. On average, 321,500 people who live in the United States are victims of rape and sexual assault. One out of six women are at risk of being raped, and one out of ten men are at risk of being raped (Victims of Sexual Violence).. People often believe that men cannot be raped
Sexual intercourse plays the most important role in keeping humankind alive, yet it is violated severely through prostitution, pornography, premarital sex, adultery, masturbation, and the worst offense of all: rape. Despite rape being a grave violation of the human body through force of sexual action without consent, the judicial branch of the United States government seems to have no care in the matter whatsoever. The people of our generation seem only to care about this curse when it directly affects them. Somehow, we allow these monsters little to no jail time for their crimes, usually due to the fact that they attempt to make it about themselves and that, “They were the real victims”. Society’s views regarding rape are so distorted, we end up blaming those who are raped for the action instead of shaming the real culprits. However, any reasonable human can understand the concept of “consequences for their actions”,whereas if they do not want to serve time in prison, then they shouldn’t commit the crime. The fact of the matter is, there is no such thing as a good person that commits rape, anyone who does so is an abomination to society. Therefore, the
Women, girls, men, and boys are vulnerable victims of sexual assaults every day in our country. While females experience much higher rates of sexual assaults than males. The problem that this country faces is the lack of being able to track rapist, in addition to the victims that chose not to report their assault of being raped to the police. Issues of under reporting comes from the victims with multiple reasons that hinders them from reporting these heinous criminal acts. Thus, the sad realization is that the perpetrator is usually some one that you know, that you would of never of thought that they could and would, and do sexually assault you.
It's heartbreaking to know that 1 out of every six women in America has been a victim of a rape related assault in her life time. It's even worse to know that people justify these acts. Saying rape was a womens fault if she was wearing a revealing outfit, that its okay for a man to resort to violence if a women rejects him, and that domestic violence is okay due to religion are all ways those try to justify assault and harassment towards women in American society. We can solve and improve these faults by teaching our citizens that these actions and justifications are inadmissible
Rape is a big topic and sadly a common topic today. There are still rape suspects let off the hook because they use the excuse of what the woman wears as a provoking gesture, the system falls for it and these perpetrators are let go. Women live looking over their shoulder and god forbid we disrespect a man, we shouldn’t have to be scared to dress how we want, we shouldn’t have to be less or told we are to pretty to do a job of a man. No one should live like that no one should just give up because a man asked her “did you wear that pencil skirt for me”. Not only is raising children a better way but also laws and consequences for defiling a woman of her peace of mind of her body, her own skin was robbed off her. Still this is an issue and no one sees it underage women being raped and no one did anything. People need to stand up for women because we are so little that we get laughed at and called cute for going after what a man goes after.