
Rape Of Rape

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Imagine it is dark outside. The street lamps are not lighting up the walkways like they should be, and instead, the sidewalks are covered in shadows. Imagine walking down those same sidewalks alone. While that may not seem scary, there are still some rules that should be followed. Number one, always keep keys or paper spray in hand. Do not drop them for any reason; it is best to be prepared. Number two, be aware of everything around; don’t be fooled by people walking by. Everyone is a potential threat. Number three, never let a person figure out where home is; take a long way home if it does not feel right. Number four, do not ever walk alone. Even if it may seem safe, it is not, and it is better to be within a group of people. Now imagine that it is bright outside. That the place is crowded, and maybe this time it is indoors. Do these rules change? No, no matter if it is dark outside, sunny outside, in a crowded place, or totally alone; there is no escape from the rules that are meant to be followed. In this day and age, people may have evolved as a race, but they still cannot break free from the rape culture that society blindly follows. How many times has anyone made an off-hand comment about unwanted sexual advances? How many times has someone joked around about being raped? The answer is too many times. If anyone was to walk into a high school cafeteria or even a college dining area, there would be more than a few people making a joke about being raped. This just

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