
Rappaccini's Daughter By Professor Baglioni

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Because professor Baglioni takes his rivalry with Dr. Rappaccini too seriously it results in Beatrice’s physical destruction. One afternoon professor Baglioni is conversing with Giovanni and smells a strong perfume on his breath. Here, professor Baglioni tells Giovanni, “Don’t worry… it is not too late to save you. And we may succeed in helping Beatrice,too. Do you see this silver bottle? It holds a medicine that will destroy even the most powerful poison. Give it to your Beatrice to drink”(“Rappaccini’s Daughter”). Soon thereafter, when Beatrice takes the antidote and perishes professor Baglioni who watches the whole scene from a window shouts, "Rappaccini! Rappaccini! and is this the upshot of your experiment!"(“Rappaccini’s Daughter”). Because …show more content…

One example of this is when Hawthorne states, “Aylmer opened his eyes upon his wife’s face and recognized the sign of imperfection”(“The Birthmark”).Because it is the couple’s honeymoon, Aylmer should be at his happiest but instead he is fixated upon a birthmark. Another example is when aylmer remembers his dream where he operates on georgiana. Hawthorne states, “But the deeper the knife went, the deeper the small hand sank until it caught hold of Georgiana’s heart”(“The Birthmark”). Here, Hawthorne depicts the dark nature of Aylmer and how sinister he is willing to get to succeed in removing the birthmark. Next, Hawthorne implements profound diction when Georgiana tells Aylmer, “Life is not worth living while this hateful mark makes me the mark of your horror”(“The Birthmark”). At this moment, it becomes utterly clear to the reader that Georgiana is destroyed emotionally due to Aylmer’s charades. Lastly, a great use of diction is when Aylmer is experimenting on Georgiana in the laboratory and he says, “I have already given you chemicals powerful enough to change your entire physical system. Only one thing remains to be tried and if that fails, we are ruined!”(“The Birthmark”). Aylmer makes it clear that when he says “we are ruined” he is referring to his own reputation as an established scientist. In sum, Hawthorne’s tactical use …show more content…

Heidegger's Experiment” Dr. Heidegger is yet another scientist who portrays selfishness by experimenting on human beings knowing that the results will be the experimentees’ emotional and physical destruction. At the beginning of the short story Dr. Heidegger calls four of his “friends” to his laboratory and asks them if they will take part in an experiment that they still know nothing about. Knowing that the three men had all fought over the one woman in the past, Dr. Heidegger secretly invites the four experimentees to the laboratory to watch them fight in an experiment. During the experiment, as expected, Dr. Heidegger eggs on a fight between the three men. When the woman asks the scientist to dance and he says, “My dancing days were over long ago. But these three young men would be happy to have such a lovely partner”(“Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment”). As a result, “The men began to argue violently over who would dance with her. They gathered around the widdow, each grabbing for her”(“Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment”). In the end, the men were grabbing at each other’s throats, all because Dr. Heidegger is seeking personal

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