The two pieces I would be talking about are “Rapunzel” and “Tiempo”. While writing “ Rapunzel” I was inspired by a different poem, Rapunzel by Christine Hepper .Christine Hepper writes about fairy tales and teenage girl side by side. I thought that by doing something similar to that would make a great poem. So I tried to explore Rapunzel and why she had to be saved by a prince and why she could save herself. During the revision process, you wrote that I should explore what would happen if Rapunzel was a person of color instead of white and if she cut her hair off. It was hard to find something to write about with that. However I tried to write about how important hair is to people of color and what would happen if it was all cut off. Also the …show more content…
I had ideas on what important about hair for a person of color. However it was harder to show that she is of color. I didn't want to tell, I wanted to show but I wasn't sure how to do that. I felt like in the end I just said characteristics of her to say that she was of color. something that I found meaningful was the part where I went more in depth on cutting her hair. I talked about if she how cutting her hair would she lose her sense of identity and will her story be forgotten. I felt that it was meaningful because it shows how important hair is not just for the story but for people. Also it shows how hair is a big part in her life and if you make it general in a lot of lives. If it was to be cut off she would lose a part of her identity. What I am most proud of in this piece is how I incorporated a fairy tale in a poem that could have just been about a girl and her hair. I feel pairing it up with a fairy tale plays a big role because growing up these are the fairy tales you hear and they could play a big role in people's …show more content…
The idea that happiness comes from success. This line “That to be successful you have to/Get a job/Get married and have a happy family” These are things that are told while growing up to a latino. Which I felt told more of how it is to be a latino while growing up. Also I changed the title to be “Tiempo” instead of Time, which I felt would have been more powerful. Making it Tiempo would show more of a latino aspect to the title, since a lot of latinos speak spanish. What I am most proud of in this piece is that it is a spoken word, so while reading it you can see how powerful it becomes as it goes on. The tension builds up while I read it, so from that you understand what I feel and how important it is.
I feel like from the last portfolio to this one I am writing more about identity and about issues that people face growing up. In “Rapunzel” I talked about identity through a story and hair, in “He said” I talked about how a girl with her boyfriend who she loved a lot cheated on her, and in “Tiempo” I talked about growing up Latina and time. I feel like the more risk I take and the more I open up, the better I write. I feel like while writing I am putting more feeling into it, so it comes out more
There are some families that love to win and influence their children to be the very best they can be. Little Miss Sunshine written by Michael Arndt is a warm heartfelt movie about a little girl named Olive Hoover with the dream of competing in the Little Miss Sunshine pageant in California. Olive is part of a very dysfunctional family which includes the supportive mother Sherrill, the determined father Richard, quiet brother Dwayne, crazy grandfather Edwin, and the suicidal uncle Frank. The family members all come together a to bring the young aspiring daughter Olive to her dream pageant. The Hoover family does not live in the best conditions and are forever going through a constant struggle, but they try to make the best of things. The family all piles into an old Volkswagen van to drive from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Redondo Beach, California. The drive is not stress free and the family encounters a few bumps along the way. They eventually make it to the pageant and Olive comes to life on stage with her family’s support. I viewed this film through the developmental perspective using Jean Piaget’s theory of development and Vygotsky’s sociocultural developmental theory. I will portray the developmental theory throughout the rest of the paper within adult/child relationships while using sections of the film and an article by Scarr and McCarthy with elements of the theory’s, capacities of children using examples from the film and an article by Scarr and McCarthy, and
My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult is related to what we have studied in AP Biology because the book explored the issue of genetics. In AP Biology, we discussed the different kinds of genetic diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, down syndrome, and cystic fibrosis. We learned about each disease’s inheritance pattern, either recessive or dominant. In the book, Anna’s older sister, Kate was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia, which she has many immature white blood cells in her body. Inevitably, this led to a deficiency of healthy blood cells to fight off foreign pathogens or diseases. Other than the fact that the book is related to the genetics unit, it is also relevant to the discussion we had in class about a person who underwent a bone marrow transplant to treat his cancer. Similarly, Kate eventually received a bone marrow from her sister.
At first glance the characters Connie from “Where are you going? Where have you been?” and Little Red Riding Hood from the classic fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” may seem to have nothing in common. However, from the start one can compare how much they actually have in common. Though these two characters are very different they are the same in many ways. Their story, from beginning to end, is similar. It is easy to see how alike and different they are with the description of Connie and Little Red Riding Hood’s lives, the relationship with their wolves, and their tragic endings.
Lewis sat quietly, thinking about the events from the day before. Nearly four years ago, his father, the brilliant and fair president, was discovered to be an illegal immigrant that never went through naturalization. When people heard about this, they were both outraged and concerned. Citizens across America were scared that the president wasn’t a trustful person the whole time, so they threatened to throw him out of the White House if he didn't resign peacefully. The President refused to leave and ordered the military to wipe out all the people threatening him, leading to absolute chaos. He hire assassins to get rid of opposing officials and created a totalitarian country for himself. President Norris changed the 1st Amendment out of paranoia and made it nearly impossible to oppose him. There was no way of criticizing the government or himself with press, assembly, and petition. He thought that he had so much control, that no one would speak against him, so he believed that it wasn’t necessary to remove the freedom of speech. As the president announced this, he thought that he was kind enough to give the people this freedom with the freedom of religion. Protesters fought
The concept of gender and gendered objects have always been connected to traditional views of the gender binary, and to this day this stands true even though society has become more open-minded. The story My Princess Boy, by Cheryl Kilodavis, tells about a young boy who has a love for dressing up in all things pink and traditionally girly. This tale rocks the foundations gender norms in today’s society as well. Throughout the book, the mother of this young boy narrates the experiences of their family pertaining to the “abnormal” gender expression of this child. While My Princess Boy sets its eyes on breaking the barriers of the binary, it only does so by focusing on clothing choices.
The Roman military was not successful. Soldiers didn't take orders, wear armor,and they were very lazy.To begin, Roman military used to be great. They had breastplates , helmets, and other armor as well. The armor is a major contribution to be successful in the military.For instance, in the “concerning military matter article” it stated, "because of negligence and laziness, parade ground drills were abandoned," This evidence shows soldiers don't care about their job, Their job was to protect and serve the Roman Empire . The soldiers didn't want to fight. Another job they had was to follow orders and give orders. For example,a chief would tell the soldier to gather the rest of the troops for a meeting.soldiers thought it was to much work.The
Drugs are a serious problem in today’s world; they are becoming more accessible and increasingly affordable to everyone, including teenagers, who seem to be especially vulnerable to falling into this endless pit of doom. In order to reduce drug offense rates, there need to be firm laws that dictate the consequences for major offenses. Mandatory minimum sentences effectively fulfill this, by instilling fear into those who contemplate abusing or selling drugs, and they make sure drug offenders are held accountable for their actions by punishing more reprehensible crimes and decreasing bias in the court setting.
As a group, we picked poems that cover different aspects about which students in elementary school or even in junior high might be dealing with on a daily basis, affecting their lives emotionally, mentally, as well as physically. We open up with a poem that is about each of us being born “in different ways.” People are all born different sizes, shapes, and colors. We each have a few poems that we feel fit both our differences as well as fit the majority of what students in elementary and junior high go through. The poem Freckle Face is about a girl with freckles and her many ways of trying to remove them in order to look like the rest of the girls. Four Eyes is about a child who feels his style is being destroyed and he is becoming a nerd due to the fact that he now has to wear
The main theme of the analysis essay that I wrote surrounding the Brave New World focused on the idea that when a society relies too much on stability, the society could derail it's people’s individuality and freedom. I really enjoyed the book Brave New World and found writing the analytical essay very interesting and challenging. I felt it was important to include this essay in my portfolio because I thought, even after several revisions, it could still use another round of editing which would have made it a better and more complete piece. Ultimately, after all of the edits, I am pleased with the final version and I wanted to display this piece in my portfolio. This essay is much different from the others in my portfolio considering it is not a creative writing piece, but rather an analytical essay.
When I starting working on this portfolio I knew it would show the growth and development of the child over the last few weeks. It would show how far they have come and how much they have learned while in my care. There is nothing more rewarding to see and witness development in a child while in your care. This shows you are teaching the child like you are supposed to and they are learning what you are teaching them on a daily
For this Weekly Writing Portfolio, I have chosen the pieces that is m proud of. The first piece that I have chosen is about a girl who wakes up in a shed with no memory of the days before. I wrote this fictional story for two weeks, August 15-21. When I first started writing, I got so many ideas, that I couldn't stop myself. So, I ended up writing for almost three hours! It was only after I finished that I noticed how long I had been writing. I decided to share my story for two weeks, since it was so long. I have chosen this piece because it was the first weekly writing I completed, and I believe I have improved this semester. The next piece is haiku poems that I wrote for September 19. I actually only ended up writing seven poems in an hour, because it was harder than I thought it would be. I decided to wrote poems this week because it was the time you have said to get out of our comfort zones and try something new. I had to research the rules of haiku poems, because I had totally forgotten . The reason I chose this piece is because it was the first time I tried something new, and I don't think it turned out to be a complete failure. The third piece is a first person narrative story, which I wrote on September 26. This story is about a few friends who are having a sleepover. Even though this story is not based on a real sleepover, the events seem very likely to happen. I have chosen this piece because I really enjoyed writing this narration.
The Princess and the Pea by Lauren Child and Polly Barland, is an artistic retelling about a prince searching for a real princess. This fairy-tale story was originally told by Hans Christian Andersen. The narrator in this fairy tale is speaking the words of the text. However the narrator is not specified physically, but he/she does describe the physical traits of the prince and the princess.
This is the final draft of the essay. It’s come a long way from the first draft. The details are present and the thread is more clear. At least to me, the writer, it is. I’m proud of the elements I’ve chosen and of the way I’ve chosen to connect them. The use of freedom as a thread was difficult, yet the perfect challenge I needed. I love my thread, yet I’m not super confident in my imagery within the piece. I tried to incorporate more sensual imagery, but only accomplished visual imagery, a little bit of touch and smell. I’m proud of this piece merely because I managed to connect two things I absolutely love (nature and equine) with an issue we still face in this world, acceptance of others, ourselves and racism. Racism was displayed in the freedom taking of another man. Never did I think I would be able to connect these 4 completely different ideas in such a simple, yet complex way and absolutely love it. I’ve never been more excited about of a piece of writing and allowing people to read it than I am with this piece. There are so many things I’m proud of with this writing, but there are a few things I feel I’m weak in. I’m not quite sure everyone will agree with my thread being present throughout my entire essay, although I think it is, but maybe that’s because I wrote. I’m not quite sure if the repetition of the words ‘free’ and ‘freedom’ were effective or really necessary. And the imagery as I already said. I’m lacking the sense of taste as how do I represent taste with
Although I found that many of my classmates use experiences that didn’t happen to them and still be able to articulate it, I am very interested in doing that, although I need practice. The only time that I can write from a different perspective is the art assignment, where we had to go find a piece of art and write about it, I actually wrote about 5 different pieces of art and submitted the Frida one. I added animals that weren’t there, and I made up stories about the day it was drawn or what;’s happening beyond the frame that I saw. The order in which this portfolio is organized is my least favorite to my most favorite. Almost chronicling progress. Although everything is
The first item in my portfolio is a journal from when my family took a trip to France. Since my dad was granted a sabbatical, our family travelled to the south of France for a year to learn French and gain cultural experience. We took this trip during the time I was in Grade 6; however, we had to take school in French instead, which was probably more difficult. I chose to add this journal because it is an accurate summary of many of the things my family did in France, and it shows my progress throughout the year learning French.