
Raskolnikov Quotes Crime And Punishment

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o This is highly improbable due to the fact that Raskolnikov has acted very strange on multiple occasions when the crime was brought up in conversation o Shows that he doesn’t want to bust Raskolnikov but let him come to terms with it himself 5. List contradicting behaviors apparent in Raskolnikov. • It is apparent from the first chapters of the novel that Raskolnikov is having an internal struggle. • In the first part the readers sees him contemplating whether to commit the murders as he states, “Oh, God, how loathsome it all is! and can I, can I possibly . . . No, it’s nonsense, it’s absurd!” he added resolutely. “And how could such an atrocious thing come into my head? What filthy things my heart is capable of” (47). • The final chapter also emphasizes his contradicting behaviors as he goes to confess his crimes he almost turns back multiple times. • …show more content…

6. Discuss how Dostoevsky creates suspense. • Dostoevsky creates suspense in many scenes of the book o When the murders are committed, Raskolnikov is pinned and it seems as if there is no way out and this is one of the most suspenseful scenes of the novel o Another suspenseful scene was when Luzhin was attempting to frame Sonia (one of my favorite charcters) because the reader does not want any more injustice done to a young lady who already has enough on her plate. o Even at the mention of the crimes, Raskolnikov’s spirals into a world of paranoia even if he does not need to be paranoid which adds to the suspense that he could breakdown any minute 7. Discuss class distinction throughout the novel. • Dostoevsky mainly expresses the lower class as being very suppressed and discriminated against while the upper/middle class cause turmoil for those who make less money than

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