
Raskolnikov Theme Essay

Decent Essays

• Raskolnikov one-day witnesses a young girl very intoxicated in the streets. He also notices a man following her and presumes that the man will force himself upon her if he gets the chance. Once again showing that some men are using women as sex objects. 13. Explain the function of the side story of Marmeladov. (How does his story contribute to a theme?) • This story contributes to the theme of injustice and also the theme of greed. Marmeladov left his struggling family just because he wanted some money that his daughter had to sell her body for. This really displays the cutthroat and completely poverty that most people are living in and that somebody will betray their own family just for a few drinks. 14.Look back at the side story of Svidrigailov, …show more content…

Discuss the presentation of God and religion throughout the novel, and explain how the epilogue contributes to this presentation. ALSO, explain how the Biblical story of Lazarus relates to Raskolnikov. • Its unclear throughout the novel whether Raskolnikov is truly religios even though he says he is o Dunia thinks he has left his faith • Sonia is his saving grace o Helps him confess o Reads him the story of Lazarus • Through thick and thin Raskolnikov must always keep his faith and never abandon God 17.Sonia does not meet Raskolnikov until after he has committed his crime. Explain why she never leaves his side, and what she represents to Raskolnikov. • Sonia’s religion o Sonia’s faith is a huge part of why she does not leave Raskolnikov o She knows that it is not her job to judge him for what he has done • Prostitution o Being a sex worker, Sonia knows that people do what they need to do for money no matter what the costs • Saving grace o Without Sonia Raskolnikov would have ended up dead or fallen down a hole of crime o She is his light at the end of the tunnel 18.What ultimately do you think is Raskolnikov's crime? What about his punishment? • Crime o One of Raskolnikov’s crimes is the double murder that he committed as he broke into the pawn

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