In many parts of the world, rats have invaded in and out of people’s homes. Rat infestation has been a problem for generation after generation. Rat overpopulation is a result of various causes and they can cause a multitude of problems for humans. When searching for a solution to the overpopulation of rats, one must first consider the origins of the problem, the dangers it is causing, and how to eradicate them.
To begin, one major subject you should evaluate is the origin of the problem, how the rodent infestation started. Natural disasters, lack and excess amounts of food, and inclement weather are all reasons the rats have invaded cities everywhere. In source #1, it states, “Recent cold weather and flooding is believed to have led the disease-carrying rodents to shelter indoors.” This explains how the weather conditions have brought the rats seeking indoor shelters, which means they’ve been running straight into people’s homes. Also, it states in source #3, “And with the regrowth of vegetation, the rats and mice have had an ample food source and are reproducing quickly.” This exemplifies how the rodents have had easy food sources from the vegetation growing back, which then results in them repopulating at an increased rate. All in all, the weather conditions and vegetations have brought the rats out into the cities.
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For instance, the text states in source #3, “Rats and mice eat and contaminate human, pet and livestock foods.” This shows how the rodents would adulterate food for not just people, but also animals. Another example in source #3 expresses how the creatures would also chew wires, pipes, hoses, and ruin several other things in individuals’ homes. Overall, the rat’s actions have ruined people’s properties and could result in humans and animals to be infected by the illnesses that the rodents
This quote in article 3 describes the most common ways “A program using rodenticides and traps, removal of shelter, removal of food and water, and rat-proofing is most effective,” he said.” This quote describes the common ways to end a infestation in your house rodenticides, traps and taking away possible shelter. These ways will work because all of them cost little and are easier to take care of. This quote in article 3 however gives a more harder approach to getting rid of rats “...she has suggested that, based on their situation, some people consider getting a cat or dog that has been bred or trained to be a “mouser...” This quote gives a more harder to take care of way unless you're good with dogs or cats. It is also a more cost efficient way to get rid of a rat infestation. In conclusion, ways people are trying to get rid of rats are more efficient than calling a pest control man to spray your house and have to pay a lot of money. It also gives good insight to ways that people are trying to do to get rid of the
What is it like to be a barn rat? A barn rat is probably a term that you have never
Rat infestations have swarmed throughout the world, looking for food, and spreading diseases, so of course people attempt to get rid of them. First off, they spread disease. It states in Source 1, “Around 60% of the rodents carry Weil's disease...” This quote states that the majority of all rodents, have Weil’s disease. That means that if you see a rat, it is probably infected with disease. This is incredibly dangerous for people walking the street, or someone without a home. That person who does not have a home, could get a disease very easily. The rats can carry disease and they can spread that disease, it even states in Source 4, “It was this rat which ushered in the Black Plague.” In this piece, they are speaking of Black Rats. These rats were probably one of the unlucky 60%, or it was a carrier something that was on them.
The most effective treatment was used by Pope Clement VI. The Pope would sit near bonfires and breathe the pure air. This treatment only worked because the rats did not like the
The rodent problem has grown in New York City vastly in the last decade; according to Jonathan Auerbach a Columbia doctoral student in his statistical analysis on 2014 called “Does New York City Really Have as Many Rats as People”; there are approximately 2.02 million rodents in New York City and according to the Planning Department, New York’s population raised as 8,405,837 in 2013. If these reports are accurate, there is one rat for four humans in New York City. So, the problem is why New York City has so many rats and how can it decrease/eliminate the population.
rat couldn't compete with the animals. Feral cats started coming into the area and later colonized
In non-densely-populated urban areas, the critter you’re most likely going to have a problem with is mice and, despite their size, mice are almost as destructive as rats - and they carry the same diseases. And also like rats, mice know that the best place to be for food, water and warmth is where humans are. Right now, you may have some furry, little house guests hunkering down in your attic, basement (if you have one), garage and wall voids, waiting till you go to sleep to forage through
An outbreak has not occurred in a long time and hopefully it will remain that way with the addition of new technology and medicine in the health department, much research and observing previous cases and more knowledge spread to those who are susceptible to the disease. It dates back many years, and is still present today. This means the number of rats, in every city, needs to be maintained and carefully watched. We need to be more cautious of cleanliness within our homes and public areas as to not attract
In the article about the rats it talked about how construction and the mild winter caused reasons for the rat surge. I would expand on this section of the article and go into more detail as to why. Also, I would get in contact with a construction worker who has experienced rats and their views.
Since rats are considered a hazard, the government has invested in programs that deal with the extermination of rats. In the article, "New York City Declares War on Rats," it emphasizes that, " Ryders Alley Trencher-fed Society or R.A.T.S- regularly prowls some of the city's rattiest areas, using their dogs to chase down and kill the rodents," With the assistance of dogs, it easier to detect rats due to ability that dogs have by sniffing. These specific programs have two purposes,to alleviates the lives of homeowners and clean New York City. However, due to these type of programs that governement supplements give rise to those who defend rats. As a result it exists two types of perspective those who kill and those who protect. Nevertheless, the only things that matters is that animals enjoy life by having a peaceful relationship with
The rats were able to travel around quickly at an alarming rate and infected many thing in their path because of the fleas that lived on
-effective insecticides should be used to control the flea population that transmits plague to humans and rodents
Mice are like rats but different in ways. Rats vs.
Rodents can be found everywhere on earth. Among the several different types of rodents, the ones that mostly prefer to live near humans, being the most numerous, are the mice and rats. They live in colonies which comprise of complex hierarchies, wherein they form deep bonds, often putting their own lives at risk to save family and friends. Their best habitats are cavities, holes inside walls, in sewer pipes, in stores where foodstuffs are kept, in the fields and in garbage dumps. As a matter of fact, they love to live anywhere food is available and is convenient for them to put up a nest. In addition, they can easily adjust to any kind of climate and even wipe out original mammals occupying the same niche.
Rats are various medium sized rodents. "True rats" are members of the genus Rattus, the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, R. norvegicus. Many members of other rodent genera and families are also called rats and share many characteristics with true rats. A rat has an average life span of 2-3 years[1].