Although choosing the right class and professor may be your biggest priority in your college experience, other than maintaining a good GPA and mental health, it can be difficult and stressful. There is nothing worse than signing up for a class and a week later dreading going to class. Are they a tough grader? Are they easy to work with? Do they give lots of homework? These are just a few questions you may ask yourself during the distressful time of signing up for next terms classes. Here are a few ways to decide which classes and professors are right for you. First, how to choose good professors? One way to do this is by researching your potential professors on websites such as Rate My Professor. Rate My Professor is the best website to figure …show more content…
Choosing a good time for you to attend your class may be the most important aspects of choosing classes. Though some people prefer morning classes, most the time it is not smart to take an early morning class. A good time for your first class is around ten am. This gives you plenty of time in the morning to eat and get ready for the school day and still can get enough sleep. Next, make sure you have a sufficient lunch break. This intermission between classes should be one to three hours, no more than that. Half an hour will be adequate if you bring a pre-prepared lunch, but if you must go buy lunch, you need more time. Any longer than an hour allows you time to do homework and study, but if you desperately want to get your classes done and over with for the day, go with an hour. Additionally, do not take classes past five pm. After being at school all day you become tired, and classes that go into the late evening or night may collide with dinner time. A hungry student is a distracted student. Lastly, never take a class longer than two hours. Two hour classes are hard enough to sit through, even with the ten-minute breaks some teachers supply half way through. Longer that two hours saps your energy, making it easy to fall asleep and to lose focus during the
The book Between the World and Me was written by Ta-Nehisi Coates in 2015. The book takes the format of a letter addressed to the writer’s teenage son, where he continually addresses the subject of African Americans in the society (4). Looking at the work from a more critical perspective, Coates work seems to have been inspired by the work of Baldwin of 1963 The Fire Next Time, where he spoke of white supremacy, and how possible it was to overcome. For Coates, white supremacy is a vice that his son, rather the reader, should accustom to, as it is an indestructible force. Walking through the periods of slavery, the author informs his son of
Some schools might start school earlier and get out earlier than other schools, and some maybe start later and end later than others. Some might not even last seven hours like most schools do. Whatever the schedule is you’re gonna learn something from that day no matter what you think, such as Math, Social studies, Language Arts, Science, or Writing. Some schools might not even have 7 periods and some might have more than 7 periods. Some schools might not even have periods and just have
There is a misconception about the professors (sometimes called instructors). Questions arise such as; will they make time for me when I need the extra help? How large will the class be? Will they understand that this may not be as easy for me as it is for others? These questions enter our minds and may seem discouraging at times. Through my personal experiences I have found that classroom atmospheres may not always be for everyone. However, that does not mean college life is not for everyone. You can take many alternative routes. You can take advantage of telecourses, online courses, accelerated courses and many other options that may be more suitable. My professors have been great. They come in earlier to help and return e-mails and/or phone calls promptly.
I currently attend a class at Northwest Vista College, which is two days of the week and is and seventy-five minutes long. This class is more difficult than any other class I have, yet I have higher success in this class than my others. I am more successful because I have more time to study for such class, and because I am exposed to more interaction with my teacher. Not only is there more study time, my teacher equally has time to prepare more effective lessons, and activities. As opposed to my normal high school schedule consisting of seven classes, around forty-five minutes each, five days a week. In which I struggle more with those classes as each day there is a new lesson taught,
To stay out of getting tardies come to class on time you only get five minutes in between classes.
Tough college professors help us to improve and understand clearly what we learn. It's not all about passing the class instead it's about learning the material and knowing how to implement it in our daily lives. For instance, students tend to say that they're not going to use any of what they do in math in the outside world, having not realize that they use math everyday. I had a math teacher that was so crazy about
Going into a community college or even stepping into a new university for the first time is terrifying. I would know because I’ve had this experience. I just finished my first quarter of fall 2015 at CSUB, my first quarter was not so good at CSUB. I took 3 classes, I got a B in one and a CP in the other which means pass, but in my third class I got an F, and these classes I did not pick. I had a councilor pick my classes because I had no idea of what classes to pick. I would recommend that a freshmen research the class thoroughly before taking the class, it’s better to know what you’re getting yourself into than just depending on others to direct you that even goes for a counselor. You know yourself better than anyone else to know what classes you can handle. I would like to share some great advice I have for incoming CSUB freshmen.
Starting school at later times makes students more likely to pay attention in class. The California Academy of Sciences says, ¨Studies have shown that middle and high school students with adequate amounts of sleep, 8-10 hours, have better test scores. ¨ Since students do not get enough sleep, it would be very beneficial to start school at later times, since they would fall asleep with the correct amount of sleep. To add on to this reason, Diana Zuckerman Ph.D. says, ¨In order to compensate for the later start time, the school cut 5-10 minutes of every class and activity. The change meant students had slightly less time in the classroom, but the tradeoff was improved attention during the school day.¨ Although starting classes at later times
First, why early commencement hours are disadvantageous to learning. As you (a teacher) know, middle and high schoolers spend a large percentage of time in school. However, this time is not being taken full advantage of. To quote the National Sleep Foundation, “Teens spend a great portion of each day in school; however, they are unable to maximize the learning opportunities afforded by the education system, since sleep deprivation impairs their ability to be alert, pay attention, solve problems, cope with stress and retain information.” This is because teens have a sleep
When talking about a more formal schedule, the morning will begin with a gym class because exercise in the morning is the healthiest way and the best way for someone to wake up and be ready for the day ahead. The gym class will be run and programmed by a health and wellness coach because it is important for students to learn about his or her own individual health while being young so in the future, the students understand how to stay healthy. Subjects, as complex as math and science, should be taught right after lunch. Physically, a student’s brain is not able to comprehend something in the realm of math that early in the morning. In The Knewest of the New, math will be taught right after lunch when students are awake and just had carbohydrates and brain food. Throughout scheduling
Now that I can see the difference in good and bad teaching I have two teachers in mind that fit each description. The first being my favorite teacher. She was both my third and sixth grade teacher. She showed me that I could be what ever I wanted to be. She made me feel that even though I was not the best student in the class I still could be the best if I gave a little more. She motivated me to do all my work and gave me the extra boost I need to learn. When the students in my class did something right she always praised us. She also played game with us to learn. According to the book it says. ?If the teacher keeps the students involved they will be more likely to like school and learn in school.?
Most people see teachers and professors in the same light. They perform similar tasks. They teach. However, they are separated by a fine line of distinction. High school teachers help a student build a foundation of knowledge, and train the student to focus on learning. College professors help to shape and define a student’s foundation of knowledge, and challenge the student to cultivate the mind. High school teachers and college professors have similar goals and guidelines, but they take a differing approach to achieving the end result. The way the class is conducted, academic expectations, and view of student responsibility are a few of the contrasts between high school teachers and college professors.
Choosing a favorite teacher is fairly difficult when one puts into account all the types of teachers they have known, all of them are important. Teachers are the second most important people in our lives, right after our parents. Teachers are persuasive and have the power to build a child up from an immature student to become a responsible adult; or they can completely and utterly crush a students hopes and dreams.
The first day of class for a college student is like drawing cards in a poker game. Just as the cards that one receives determines their outcome in poker, the types of professors a student gets on the first day will determine the success of their year. The difference between a helpful and a harmful professor can easily result in a much lower grade. College professors have a wide range of personalities and backgrounds. However, professors fall into one of 3 categories: helpful, malicious, or uncaring.
Many freshman students encounter the so called “devil of classes,” early classes. early classes are dreaded for many reasons but the number one reason is the earliness of the class. These classes are usually foreign languages, it may be hard to focus but it is the best time to take a class of such academic rigor. Imagine walking into a classroom with twenty-five students at eight A.M. You often see many people doodling on their notes, dozing off and an instructor fighting for their attention. The thing is early classes are good for you, especially if you are awake. early classes are good for you because they enhance productivity, the brain focuses better at an early time, and keeps the test scores peaking.