Based on the graph derived from the experiment conducted, at concentration of 4%, 0.62 cm3 of oxygen was being produced per second; at 8%, 1.6 cm3 was being produced per second; at 12%, 2.15 cm3 was being produced per second; at 16%, 3.02 cm3 was being produced per second; at 20%, 3.31 cm3 was being produced per second. The standard deviation for the amount of oxygen produced per second is approximately 1.31 cm3.
As the Hydrogen Peroxide concentration increases, the reaction rate rises directly proportionally until it reaches about 16%. If the Hydrogen Peroxide concentration is doubled, so does the reaction rate. When the concentration is doubled from 8% to 16%, the rate increases from 1.6 cm3 to 3.02 cm3, which is an increase of 1.9 times.
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The data reveals how as the concentration increases, so does the amount of oxygen produced per second. Based on the experiment conducted, at concentration of 4%, 0.62 cm3 of oxygen was being produced per second; at 8%, 1.6 cm3 was being produced per second; at 12%, 2.15 cm3 was being produced per second; at 16%, 3.02 cm3 was being produced per second; at 20%, 3.31 cm3 was being produced per second. The research question has not been fully fulfilled because although it proved how the substrate hydrogen peroxide (substrate) affects the rate of reaction of the enzyme catalase, there were still inaccuracies when conducting the experiment and the graph did not reach the maximum possible rate of reaction. The hypothesis mentioned is still accepted considering that the graph and the chart managed to successfully show how as the substrate concentration increases, the reaction will go up at a directly proportional rate until the solution becomes saturated with the hydrogen peroxide …show more content…
A more accurate overall result could have been attained by simply repeating more times to get rid of the anomalies. This is because any errors in one experiment can be compensated by the others. In addition, utilizing more concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide would have produced a better and more informative graph. More trials naturally bring forth more accurate and detailed results. With the use of concentrations that are higher than 20%, the graph could have been extended to the maximum possible rate of reaction. Thus, with these improvements, the lab could have completely fulfilled its purpose in proving the substrate concentration’s effect on enzymatic
The amount of catalase that reacts with the substrate (Hydrogen Peroxide) increases when we increase the mass of liver inside. As a result, more oxygen will be produced when the mass of liver is increased in the same amount of time. Variable Factor Description Independent (IV) Mass of liver Will be measured by grams, 1, 2 and 3 Dependent (DV) Amount of oxygen produced
Figure one depicts the reaction rate of peroxidase enzyme over time. The y-axis shows the absorbance of the assay solutions, and the x-axis depicts time it took for the reaction to occur in seconds.
We started the experiment with only water in the graduated cylinder and no oxygen gas at all. Within the first thirty seconds, it was clear that the trial with 2 ml of yeast used was producing oxygen the fastest – it had 44 mL of oxygen produced, which was 14 mL above the control group at this time. From here, the control trial and the trial with increased concentration slowed down, but the trial with the lower amount of concentration sped up. This was about from thirty seconds to a minute. At about 90 seconds, the trial with the greatest concentration (2 mL yeast) already started showing signs of leveling off, as 90 mL of oxygen had been produced while the control only had 67 mL produced, and the lower one had 47 mL produced. From about 120 seconds to 300 seconds (the end), the third trial, which had the increased concentration of enzyme, slowly started to level off, with a final value of 99 mL of oxygen gas produced at the five minute mark. However, during this time the control trial (1 mL yeast) continued to increase in the amount of oxygen produced from about 120 seconds to 210 seconds. At this point, the control trial also started to level off in the high 90 mL of oxygen produced. The control trial ended with a value of 95 mL of oxygen gas produced. The trial with the least concentration of enzyme continued to increase quite slowly (relatively) and did not reach the 90 mL of oxygen produced until about 240 seconds. From here, it leveled off at 95 mL at the five minute mark. Even though it reached the same point as the control, the time it took to reach that point was substantially longer. An interesting trend to note is that all three trials kept a pretty linear growth rate under it started leveling off. All three trials leveled off
The more acidic a substance is the less oxygen it will produce when going through a chemical reaction. During the Lab “How Do Changes in pH Levels Affect Enzymes Activity”, the researcher conducted an experiment to test the effects that an acidic, neutral, and a base substance will have when combine it with hydrogen peroxide. The data table shows that HCL (acidic substance) barley produced any oxygen at all when it was combining with Hydrogen Peroxide. The pH level for HCL was 2.5; this level indicates that the substance was very acidic. When the H2O and NaOH were tested they produced more bubbles than HCL. NaoH produced a little more bubbles than HCL. The pH that NaoH produced was a 9, which is a base. H2O produced more bubbles than both substances;
There were a couple of problems that our group encountered while conducting this experiment. Since this was our first experiment dealing with enzyme activity, the probability of human error increased. We found it difficult to go through the procedures with undefined roles for our team. The other problem that our team encountered was the getting the cuvettes into the spectrophotometer quickly once the enzyme was introduced to the cuvette.
In the first part of the enzyme lab, we mixed a substrate and an indicator with an enzyme. There was also a neutral buffer in each of the chemical mixtures. The neutral buffer regulated the pH to around 7. We got a color palette and once we mixed each together, we observed and saw a change in the color of the substance. The darker and more brown the substance got, the more oxygen produced by the reaction. Our results showed that amount of oxygen produced increased about 10% a minute until it sort of equilibrated at 4 minutes and didn’t change to the fifth minute mark. If we were to change anything we did in the experiment, we would make our comparisons to the chart more precise. Overall we thought it
Changes in temperature and pH along with Substrate Concentration and Enzyme Concentration were the conditions tested in the experiment.
Higher levels of solution should produce higher levels of product. The independent variable for the control group data and the experiment data is the yeast concentration. The dependent variable for the control group data and the experiment data is how much oxygen is produced. The Constant for the control group data and the experiment data is time and amount of hydrogen peroxide. The products of the experiment will increase if the levels of reactants increase. Denatured yeast may cause change in the reaction of the experiment. For all trials of the control group, the concentration of yeast is 6ml. For the experiment data, the yeast concentration varies from 8mL, 10 mL, 12 mL, 14 mL, and 16 mL. The temperature may cause change in the reaction of the combination of yeast and hydrogen peroxide
Results: The results of the experiment were there that the catalase affected the rate of hydrogen peroxide breakdown. Without the presence of the enzyme no reaction would have occurred. Our control for this experiment was the amount of buffer added each time (4.0 ml) and the amount of water added during each run with a different pH level. The purpose of the controlled substances was to determine whether or not the catalase really influenced the rate of oxygen production.
This experiment looked at how substrate concentration can affect enzyme activity. In this case the substrate was hydrogen peroxide and the enzyme was catalase. Pieces of meat providing the catalase were added to increasing concentrations of hydrogen peroxide in order to measure the effect of hydrogen peroxide concentrations on the enzyme’s activity. The variable measured was oxygen produced, as water would be too difficult to measure with basic equipment.
The purpose of this laboratory experiment is to explore the effects of pH has on a reaction rate. The reaction studied was the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by enzyme peroxidase. Peroxidase is a large protein containing heme co factors in its active site. Four trials were ran at pH levels of 3, 5, 7, and 9. I hypothesized that the reaction would run very quickly at a pH 7, since that is the normal condition of cells where peroxidase is found.
The topic of this lab is on biochemistry.This experiment was conducted to show how cells prevent the build of hydrogen peroxide in tissues. My group consisted of Lekha, Ruth, and Jason. There were used two different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide through this experiment , 1.5% and 3%. By testing two different types it is easier to understand how the H2O2 and catalase react with one another. To do this both the yeast, which was our catalase, and H2O2 were mixed together in a beaker. Each concentration was tested out twice for more accurate results . 1.5% concentrated H2O2 had an average reaction rate of 10.5 seconds while 3% concentrated H2O2 had an average reaction rate of 7.5 seconds. From this experiment we learned that by increasing the concentration of H2O2 and chemically combining it with a catalase it will speed up the reaction. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions . The independent variable in this experiment was the concentration of the H2O2. Some key vocabulary words are Catalase, enzyme, hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2), and concentration.
The purpose of this lab was to explore how certain quantities of hydrogen peroxide would affect the amount of oxygen gas produced in the following lab. The hypothesis of the lab in question was that, if the amount of Hydrogen peroxide added to the catalase (liver) solution increased, then the amount of oxygen gas produced would be much greater. This is because the greater amount of hydrogen peroxide in a catalase solution will result in there being more solution to deform into oxygen. Evidently after this experiment the hypothesis stated has been proven correct, as the quantity of hydrogen peroxide increased the amount of oxygen gas produced also increased. This can proven as at 10 ml there was 45.2cm^3 and at
How does changing the substrate concentration affect the rate of a catalase reaction in an enzyme? Hydrogen peroxide was used as the substrate and the rate was measured by oxygen production.
Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic byproduct of cellular functions. To maintain hydrogen peroxide levels the catalase enzyme deconstructs hydrogen peroxide and reconstructs the reactants into oxygen gas and water. The catalase enzyme is found inside cells of most plants and animals. Regulating the levels of hydrogen peroxide is crucial in homeostasis and analyzing it’s optimal conditions for performance is just as important. To understand the optimal environment for this enzyme, they are put into different environments based off protein activity (enzymes are proteins). Catalase samples will be put into different hydrogen peroxide environments based off pH and temperature. The more active the enzyme, the more oxygen and water it will produce. Enzyme activity can be seen through the release of oxygen in the hydrogen peroxide. Since oxygen cannot be accurately measured, the data will consist of the longevity of the reaction in different environments. If the pH is higher than 7, then the reaction rate will increase due to the ample amount of hydrogen ions in the hydrogen peroxide. However the pH level cannot be higher than 10 or else there will be too many hydrogen atoms in the peroxide for the enzyme to be able to deconstruct them. If the temperature is increased, then the reaction rate will increase due to the ample amount of energy and movement in the hydrogen peroxide and enzyme.