Rationing was a controlled distribution of scarce goods and services. Each item/good was only allowed to be distributed at a certain portion or on a particular day. It was often done to keep the prices below the market price. Gasoline was one of the examples of rationing during the 1973 energy crisis. Many things were rationed because, everything was at a low balance. Each defense factories back then, were many people volunteering and government- managed rationing and price controls. Each Pennsylvanian that had a job, moved from low to high jobs in industrial centers. Many women and men had different types of jobs at the factories. Many peoples work hours increased as the activities declined.
good example of this control is in the railroad industry. Before the war, the railroad
Men were drafted out to fight in the war in large numbers which contributed to unemployment figures creating jobs for others. Those that previously were skilled, high paid labourers and worked in industries such as welding etc. were forced to sign up to the military.
An equivalent simplification process was used for the seventy distinct types of industries listed by Pittsburgh’s fifteenth census. Entertainment, water services, retail and general stores, food services, industrial work, transportation, general and state services, and self-business signified the eight main industries. Differentiating from the theories specified, water services commanded the data pool by comprising 27.1 percent of the census population’s employment. Unexpectedly, industrial work only comprised 17.5 percent of the population making it the third largest behind general and state services, which housed around 21.7 percent.
Deindustrialization is a major factor that has affected the United States after the second world war. Impacts of this can particularly be seen in Ohio. During World War II, Ohio experienced significant industrial development and population growth. The state’s diversified industrial base and geographical proximity to transportation routes and other population centers which made it well suited for wartime production needs. The industrial development and consequential economic prosperity generated during World War II shaped Ohio’s economic, cultural, and social history for decades thereafter.
Rationing is something that happened in World War 2. Rationing is a fixed allowance of provisions or food back in World War 2. American people made different sacrifices so that the soldier, sailors, or civilians can have something during the shortage. Rationing happened in America in January 30, 1942 till July 4, 1954.
When the men have left to go fight in the war overseas, they left their jobs. Because of all the holes in factories, they needed to be taken or the factories and businesses couldn’t keep up and everything would crumble. But since all the men were away, the women had to take over and fill in all the spots. On the home front, women worked in factories and in the government. Before the war, the women were supposed to be in the home
However, the time and reason why rationing began depended on the item. Take for example, rubber. After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the war with Japan began. Then “the Japanese seized plantations in the Dutch East Indies which produced 90% of America’s raw rubber.” Thus rubber became the first non food item rationed in 1942. “The war with Japan also cut off U.S. imports from the Philippines,” leading to the start of the first food ration, sugar, in the spring of 1942. Sugar was the last item to be rationed as well until 1947 when the supply finally returned back to
From the Gilded Age to the Progressive era industrialization modernized in every aspect. For example, constructing the transcontinental Railroads not only changed the economy, but also shifted the physical landscape. They required some towns to shift and some to move entirely to a different area. The railroads also helped America’s economy immensely. It helped with the industrial economy by requiring metal and steel to keep the railroads efficient and working. With the railroads there people also found jobs which helped with the increasing people’s social networks. According to Richard White just “the Pennsylvania railroad employed 110,000 men.”
Rationing is defined as a fixed allowance of provisions of food, especially for soldiers or sailors or for civilians during a shortage (dictionary.com). In 1942 a rationing system began to guarantee minimum amounts of things people needed. During World War II, people couldn’t just walk into a store and buy whatever they wanted. Ration books are books that contained coupons where shopkeepers could cut out the coupon for the person to use. War ration books and tokens were issued to each American family, controlling how much gas, tires, sugar, meat, silk, shoes, nylon and other items any person could buy (Rationing on the US Homefront). The Office of Price
The discovery of anthracite coal in Pennsylvania in the late 1700s led to the development of a robust coal industry in the eastern part of Pennsylvania that grew rapidly and contributed greatly to the history and the economy of Pennsylvania. The book The Face of Decline written by Thomas Dublin, Walter Licht, provides a well written historical and personal account of the discovery, growth, and finally the collapse of the anthracite coal industry in Pennsylvania in a chronological format. Half way through the book one starts to notice some changes in the authors format to cause and effect. The change occurs in order to discuss the cause and resulting effect of events in the region and the solutions. The story is one of great growth and opportunity in the early years which are highlighted by the documented economic growth experienced and supported through testimony within the eastern Pennsylvania coal region. After a period of economic prosperity and community growth from 1900 through 1940 challenges began to erode and occur that created problems for the community and the economy that the coal industry provided. Finally the region’s economy suffered horrendous losses as described by interviews of local residents and families who lived and experienced the rise of the region’s economy. Many of the scars are still evident by the blight and decaying scenes one would experience by traveling through the region’s communities that once fueled the American economy with the energy
The economic impact of WWI meant that there were shortages of all produce, most importantly food. Consequently, rationing of bread, tea, sugar and meat was introduced in 1918. This was widely welcomed by the British public, as a voluntary rationing system had been introduced a year before, and people were eager to see their neighbours taking part as they were.
Shortly after the revolutionary war, the small town of Pittsborough, then renamed Pittsburgh began to develop into a very important center, specializing in trading and industry. The convenience of natural resources and technological advancement has ranked Pittsburgh as one of the leading industrial cities in the United States in the past. Historically, the city of Pittsburgh has created numerous manufacturing plants responsible for producing steel, iron, and other products for the U.S. economy that still exist today. The Encyclopedia Britannica explains Pittsburgh's economic might during this period:
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither were the accounts of history that glorify Roman Empire. Virgil crafts a very carefully worded and cautiously selected version of Roman history, that glorifies Rome and its deeds, atrocities and achievements alike. The catalogue of events, functions as a version of history or propaganda that supports and reveres the Roman Empire. The retelling starts with humble beginnings, “... licked her wolf pups into shape with a mother’s tongue” (Virgil 1062). It then follows with the beginnings of Rome as a city, then as a republic and finally as a fierce empire. Virgil traces an idyllic history of Rome, that glosses over any details that do not bring glory to the empire, and in doing so creates a propagandic version of events.
"Oh! You smoke weed?",well you must be a Drug Addict." I think people who smoke weed for pain management typically do it as an excues to get high". These are just some of the things you may hear people say about marijuana. But did you know marijuana has been used for years to treat many different types of illness such as AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, even back pain. If you had a child going through chemo, or a grandarent with alzheimers, or a child with sezures, wouldnt you want them to feel the best they can while goign through this difficult time? Today I am going to inform you of the many bendifts of its use. YES! the benefits marijuana, mary jane, gonja, whatever name you know it by.
Like many less-informed Saudis, after high school I adopted an already existing paranoia of studying. In 2007, studying in America was kind of a no-no (since) after the events of 9/11. I was exposed to the American culture because of many factors. Therefore, I was unusual in that I had an immediate goal, as many young people around my age (without any) had no such constructive aim. Saudis in 2007, did not want to go abroad, so I was one of few people. It’s only become a (recent) trend recently to study abroad. I had no plan nor a back-up plan as to what I should do on my return (“what after return”,). Perhaps we Saudis never thought about tomorrow (religiously thinking), for a Muslim is never advised to bother to think about tomorrow (like) as (it) is written also in the Bible (the book of Christians). My