Ray Charles is a famous musician and was sometimes called “the father of soul”. He did something fascinating in order to be called “the father of soul” which is combining different genres in order to make soul. Ray Charles was born on september 23, 1930. Ray Charles also, played many instruments including piano, saxophone, and clarinet. He was a great musician in the 1950’s. So let’s see what we can learn about Ray Charles. By combining gospel, the lyrics of blues and narratives of blues, country and, some jazz, Ray Charles invented soul. This is one of the reasons why is is called “the father of soul”. Ray Charles chose to play the piano. Ray Charles traveled with country, western, and jazz bands singing and playing the piano with them.
Ray Charles was suffering from substance abuse disorder. Substance disorder is defined as a complex behavioral disorder characterized by preoccupation with obtaining alcohol or other drugs (AOD) and a narrowing of the behavioral repertoire towards excessive consumption and loss of control over consumption. It is usually also accompanied by the development of tolerance and withdrawal and impairment in social and occupational functioning. Ray Charles continued substance abuse caused fights at home, problems with the law, and also problems with music performances, and holding record labels. Ray Charles Would keep his drug habit away from home as much as he could but he would constantly fight with his wife about his drug use increasing and
Yes, I do believe it would have been strong enough to win at trail, because for one James Earl Ray stated that he was guilty of killing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Most if not all the evidence points to James Earl Ray. Yes, I do believe he did not act alone in this. I do believe this was some sort of conspiracy.
Many look at Jazz Musician Ray Chaeles as being the ‘Father of Soul’, as he virtually created Soul music. By bring together the genera’s of gospel, blues, country, and jazz, Charles was able to create a groundbreaking style of music that had not yet been heard of in the music industry.
From making $35,000,000 as a professional NFL player for the Baltimore Ravens, to making less than $35,000 as an assistant football coach at his former high school, Ray Rice has had a tough life filled with many ups and downs. Ray Rice is a former NFL running back and was the face for the Baltimore Ravens. He played a total of 6 seasons for the Ravens, before being released by the Ravens when he was involved in a fight that became too physical with his then-fiancee. A tragic hero is a person who makes a judgment error, which leads to his/her own ruination. Ray Rice is a tragic hero because he had a successful career but lost everything when his arrogance got the best of him.
In 1756, Daniel Morgan was carrying supplies to Fort Chiswell. While doing this a British lieutenant hit him with his sword. This angered and made young Daniel Morgan furious. In response Daniel Morgan punched and knocked the lieutenant out. The British army gave him five-hundred lashes. These events developed Daniel Morgan's hatred for the British. He would eventually join the American army and have tremendous success becoming an American Hero. Daniel Morgan took a stand against British to win the freedom we have today with his strategies and tactics on the battlefield.
Jackie Robinson, by Aronold Rampersad. The author intent is to show the extraordinary life of jackie robinson. Jackie's was a great man to some he was a hero. He made history ,he never gave up, he fought for the cause he belived in.
Music is a simple part within everyone’s lives; whether you’re young or old, black or white, music has a place within your heart. Music is a diverse world within itself, including many different genres like jazz, pop, rock, classical, etc. Jazz is the only music genre that Americans themselves invented. African American culture is where this music started, though. A very influential African American character in our history is Buddy Bolden.
The Civil War took place from 1861 to 1865. Perhaps the most influential war in American history, the Civil War was fought between the northern states and the southern states of America over slavery. Shortly after Abraham Lincoln was elected as the president on March 4, 1861, South Carolina Seceded from the Union. Other states followed in suit, forming the Confederate States of America with its capital at Montgomery, Alabama, its president Jefferson Davis. As controversy flared higher as a result of this event, the Confederates took Fort Sumter. Soon, the Union joined the war. The northern states were referred to as the Union army, with leaders including Ulysses S. Grant. The Southern states were referred to as the Confederate
In 1947, Jackie Robinson was signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers. The non-colored people did not like this. So fans threw their concessions at him and teammates sent Jackie hate mail. Jackie’s teammates did not want to play with Jackie either. And even worse the players from the other team threw balls at Jackie’s head and spiked him with their cleats. But nothing could stop Jackie Robinson. I have chosen to divide my paper into four categories starting with who they are and ending with what their impact on history is.
Jackie Robinson was born January 31, 1919, in Cairo, Georgia, Jackie Robinson became the first black player in the major league in 1947, signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Throughout his decade-long career with the Dodgers, Robinson made advancements in the cause of civil rights for black athletes. In 1955, he helped the Dodgers win the World Series. He retired in 1957 with a career batting average of 311. Robinson died in Connecticut in 1972.
Ray Charles was born on Sept. 23, 1930, in Albany, Georgia, and grew up in Greenville, Florida. At the young age of five, he began losing his sight, and became completely blind by the time he was seven. However, this did not hinder Ray Charles at all, as he continued to persevere in developing his musical talents. One of the most unique aspects of Ray Charles was his unparalleled ability to crossover different genres of music. He mixed together genres such as blues, jazz, gospel, R&B, pop, and even country. With this integration, he created smash hits such as “I Got a Woman,” “Hit the Road Jack,” and “I Can’t Stop Loving You.” When a listener listens close enough to one of Charles’ songs, aspects of the various styles he incorporated can be heard not only through the way the lyrics are
Today in the world there are several men and women who once thought they had everything going for them. They had the money, the fame, and the fortune. Of course being caught up in the moment means no worry, no stress, and no problems. However, that doesn’t work out for everyone. One of those people are Alphonse Gabriel Capone or as you may know Al Capone.
“I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being, “ quoted by Jackie Robinson. This quote explains how Jackie Robinson was trying to just play because it was his interest and wanted to make a change. The audience thought he was not supposed to be on the ground playing because of his color. He was overall the first African-American baseball player to play in the major leagues and represented the society as well. Many people honor Jackie Robinson and try to demonstrate how he lived as an African player in the baseball leagues. In the movie 42 and the text in the newsela article, “Sports Stars: Jackie Robinson” have similarities and differences because of the author’s and director’s purpose.
The main artist to capitalize on combining country with blues and jazz was the king of rock and roll, better known as Elvis Presley. He had the country twang along with the bluesy deep message and jazz type feel, which started the music we all know today as rock and roll.
The blues is home to many world famous artists such as Riley B. King, also known as B.B King, and McKinley Morganfield, also known as Muddy Waters. These artists were two very good examples of what the blues is meant to incorporate and their legacy has and will live long passed their deaths. B.B King is an American blue musician, singer, songwriter and guitarist, born on September 16th, 1925 in Beclair, Mississippi. He is considered to be one of the most influential blues musicians of all times, giving him the nicknames “The King of the Blues” as