
Ray Charles Thesis Statement

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Ray Charles once said, “I can't retire from music any more than I can retire from my liver. You'd have to remove the music from me surgically-like you were taking out my appendix ” Even though Charles was blind and no one knows what caused it, that still didn't stop him from being one of the best artists of all time. Ray Charles Robinson was born on September 23, 1930, in Albany, Georgia. His dad was Baiely Robinson. He worked as a railroad mechanic. His mother was Aretha Robinson. She worked in a sawmill and washed other people’s clothes for extra money. Charles had two brothers. Brother Ray was really never around. Brother George was the youngest and he drowned in a tub when he was a child. Ray witnessed his little brother drown. Charles …show more content…

Charles mother had died when he was 15, and on the road he picked up the love for heroin. Unlucky for Charles in 1965, Charles was arrested for possession of heroin. After Charles was released from jail he had groundbreaking hits such as, “Unchain my Heart,” “Hit the road Jack,” and “Georgia on my mind”. Charles said “There are many spokes on the wheel of life.” First, we're here to explore new possibilities.” That was true. Charles had went to jail, had to break the habit of heroin, and he still ended up making some of the catchiest songs we still know today. Charles was often called the “Father of Soul”. He combined Blues, Gospel, and Jazz. According to the Record charts Charles best hit single was “Hit the road Jack.” Charles said that “I never really wanted to be famous, I just wanted to be great.” Thats exactly what he did to. After all of Ray’s hit singles Charles started suffering liver disease. So in 2003, Charles had to cancel his tour for the first time in 53 years. He was undergoing hip replacement surgery. On June 10, 2004, Charles died in his home in Los Angeles, California, surrounded by family and friends. He had died from acute liver disease. He was 73 years old. His funeral took place on June 18, 2004, at the First AME Church in Los Angeles, with musical peers such as Little Richard in attendance. Ray Charles Robinson was considered one of the best artists of all

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